Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

I had to kill one because it was in my shower. Sorry dude... if you’re in a corner or somewhere else, I’ll let you live.

Last one I found in the shower I caught and intended to relocate but I forgot about him and he either suffocated or died from the drug residue since it was a large rx bottle with a lot of residue lol.
They’ll also eff with you. I know bats are our friends and they’re dying (being killed) off big time, but can’t have them in my house man.

I live in the bat cave, so I have lots of them in my home. They’re my best buds.

They like tren too. These are some big bats, man!

Our favorite pastime is going out mosquito hunting together.
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Quick update. Day three of tren a at 420mg/wk and Winny at 75mg/day. Down 5lbs in water this morning.
I went back and researched and I read about dandelion root. Anyone with experience with that?

Dandelion is very good for water retention. You can also pair this with celery seed extract for a potent water retention combo.

Both are natural diuretics and both get results very well.