Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Random confession: The on cycle temptation to cheat on my lady is strong. Rubbed one out and blocked some chick I was flirting with. I’m feeling weak bros. I’d feel like a piece of shit if I went through with it though.
Haven’t you ever heard the sayin’...

Suckin’ ain’t fuckin’ :oops: and
Eatin’ ain’t cheatin’ :oops: ???

69 her bro! o_O :p
Random confession: The on cycle temptation to cheat on my lady is strong. Rubbed one out and blocked some chick I was flirting with. I’m feeling weak bros. I’d feel like a piece of shit if I went through with it though.

Everyone always thinks the grass is greener on the other side. Then they cross and find out it’s because it’s a sewage dump.
Quick take a lot of Tren and you’ll swear she’s cheating on you. Boom. Two wrongs make a right.
Bigbaldbeardguy I feel a story coming on to tell...
it’s a debate about between last night -and the beautiful girl I had to throw out which took 20 min as all heck, but then things took a turn,
she grew to have eyes for me ....
as she says “your a beautiful person;can I have you”
how many girls I block just so I can hold my head high always ; even so upgrade is a powerful word that was said earlier
“Upgrade” ...not just looks but their are women who are utterly so incredible u might want to bring it to the table for open discussion..
is that true line at marriage or while dating?.!.....
I’ve never cared if they had a boyfriend as long as they were not married..
every fine woman has them and upgrade for them is merely wise because a lot of wamen endure way more then they should...
That’s why I prep my bitches before tren

Sloot 1 - Monday and Thur
Sloot 2 - tues and Friday
Sloot 3 - wen and Saturday

Sunday is for whoever has recovered from previous time. Then she gets a by for the next week. It’s like a bracketing system.
I know this has been asked multiple times before but what’s some of your opinions of test p doses with tren/mast. Got the blend and plan on running 75mg per day 525mg per week. Seen some run test lower, same and higher. I’ve always ran same test doses as rest.
I know this has been asked multiple times before but what’s some of your opinions of test p doses with tren/mast. Got the blend and plan on running 75mg per day 525mg per week. Seen some run test lower, same and higher. I’ve always ran same test doses as rest.

Test high = bulk
Test low = cut

The difference would be estrogen. Estrogen is a anabolic hormone and you need it to grow. Guys worry so much about it getting too high, but it’s the ratio with the androgenics that makes a difference. You have high test and Tren and DHT levels but then everyone wants estrogen in the “normal” range. There’s nothing normal about our other hormone levels though. This is why it’s impossible to bulk on a Tren cycle with low Test.

A Tren cycle with low test is ideal for a cut though because Tren prevents catabolism so even in a calorie deficit your body maintains muscle mass.
Test high = bulk
Test low = cut

The difference would be estrogen. Estrogen is a anabolic hormone and you need it to grow. Guys worry so much about it getting too high, but it’s the ratio with the androgenics that makes a difference. You have high test and Tren and DHT levels but then everyone wants estrogen in the “normal” range. There’s nothing normal about our other hormone levels though. This is why it’s impossible to bulk on a Tren cycle with low Test.

A Tren cycle with low test is ideal for a cut though because Tren prevents catabolism so even in a calorie deficit your body maintains muscle mass.
Low as in 25mg per day?
Test high = bulk
Test low = cut

The difference would be estrogen. Estrogen is a anabolic hormone and you need it to grow. Guys worry so much about it getting too high, but it’s the ratio with the androgenics that makes a difference. You have high test and Tren and DHT levels but then everyone wants estrogen in the “normal” range. There’s nothing normal about our other hormone levels though. This is why it’s impossible to bulk on a Tren cycle with low Test.

A Tren cycle with low test is ideal for a cut though because Tren prevents catabolism so even in a calorie deficit your body maintains muscle mass.

I’m honestly becoming a fan of using raloxifene during a high test blast and using arimidex very sparingly just to maintain my libido. Raloxifene is way easier on your body than any AI as well.
I'm not being cryptic. Talking about the resurrection of 2019 and almost warm welcome. I feel like i don't know meso any more.

Got some desperate mother fuckers here that don't want to put in the leg work to find another domestic source.

At this point, with all the shady excuses, if they still want to order and they get burned, they have no one to blame but themselves.

