Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

MESO is going thru a dark time right now for US domestic. It’s the devil you knew vs the delusional psycho drug dealer that’s trying to push steroids for the first time.

You left quite the void.
TGI is wise to do what he did and go private then he can pick out those he chooses to help..I know I feel a lot better about him being private then to let anytime Tom ,Dick ,or Harry come lurking around causing trouble ..they have to make it threw us first ...carry on gentlemen...deuces T-bagger
I originally didn’t want him to go private, but I am glad he did. He was getting to much attention, was not good for anyone.

This is way safer for all the meso members and himself. Thanks tits for always thinking of us first , and a big fuck you to @balco . For good ol times sakes
Kinda off the subject but I want to cook a duck ...store bought ...
what’s the best way to cook them fuckers ?? throw it in the oven for whatever??? Time?.... like at what temperature ? What would you put on them ;any advice out there.??? It’s a greasy thing is what I remember... . just changing it up just trying to make some taste changes ...I’m tired of eating eggs eggs eggs eggs and protein powder yuck ... yeah and I’m eating soy beans , Pinto beans and stuff like that but aren’t those incomplete protein?? is it still worth it to eat a lot of that ???
No. Pitchforks and buttholes. There seems to be no wrong done by some. Deceit, absenteeism, improper product...maybe i take shit too seriously?
Even if he didn't disappear why is the 50 dollar minimum even attractive...if u work u can easily put 50 a week aside and in 5 weeks have a full or way more than a full cycle tested and same price per vial...i really just can't understand it and even if I could i would refuse to understand something that dumb
Kinda off the subject but I want to cook a duck ...store bought ...
what’s the best way to cook them fuckers ?? throw it in the oven for whatever??? Time?.... like at what temperature ? What would you put on them ;any advice out there.??? It’s a greasy thing is what I remember... . just changing it up just trying to make some taste changes ...I’m tired of eating eggs eggs eggs eggs and protein powder yuck ... yeah and I’m eating soy beans , Pinto beans and stuff like that but aren’t those incomplete protein?? is it still worth it to eat a lot of that ???
I think @rubisean is the dude to talk to about cooking a duck. Legend has it @ickyrica saw him kill a deer with a hammer. :D:p
Even if he didn't disappear why is the 50 dollar minimum even attractive...if u work u can easily put 50 a week aside and in 5 weeks have a full or way more than a full cycle tested and same price per vial...i really just can't understand it and even if I could i would refuse to understand something that dumb
Look...the explanations of decagate...why is the same pump shared between compounds? Shared between esters, ok, if you're broke and poor, but same pump unflushed between coumpounds? Been here longer than me should have more equipment than i do and i have many, many pumps.
Where's his clave? Where's the integrity? Where is the outrage?
Look...the explanations of decagate...why is the same pump shared between compounds? Shared between esters, ok, if you're broke and poor, but same pump unflushed between coumpounds? Been here longer than me should have more equipment than i do and i have many, many pumps.
Where's his clave? Where's the integrity? Where is the outrage?
This got me fired up I'm ready to sack a fuckin quartback
Look...the explanations of decagate...why is the same pump shared between compounds? Shared between esters, ok, if you're broke and poor, but same pump unflushed between coumpounds? Been here longer than me should have more equipment than i do and i have many, many pumps.
Where's his clave? Where's the integrity? Where is the outrage?

Don’t you have a retarded neighbor at your mom’s trailer park that you can talk into sourcing here so the other guys have a source? With only minimal guidance that toothless meth head could do a lot better than Prissy or Venom.

I think Trailer Gear Industry has a good ring to it.
Don’t you have a retarded neighbor at your mom’s trailer park that you can talk into sourcing here so the other guys have a source? With only minimal guidance that toothless meth head could do a lot better than Prissy or Venom.
weren't u just hoping for prissy to come back bigger and better after he shitted on this whole community...u obviously would also let ur girlfriend back in ur house after she cheated on you
Don’t you have a retarded neighbor at your mom’s trailer park that you can talk into sourcing here so the other guys have a source? With only minimal guidance that toothless meth head could do a lot better than Prissy or Venom.

I think Trailer Gear Industry has a good ring to it.
They need the same level of scrutiny i face.
Honest question: is the demand that high for domestic sources?? I’m new but with as easy as home brew is and the limited equipment required I can’t imagine sources being able to make a go of it to risk the penalty. Maybe I’m way off base?
Don’t you have a retarded neighbor at your mom’s trailer park that you can talk into sourcing here so the other guys have a source? With only minimal guidance that toothless meth head could do a lot better than Prissy or Venom.

I think Trailer Gear Industry has a good ring to it.
That crackhead @MisterSuperGod is a chill for MSG labs. He is killing it to.
weren't u just hoping for prissy to come back bigger and better after he shitted on this whole community...u obviously would also let ur girlfriend back in ur house after she cheated on you

I just explained it over there. That was a shitty use of words. I fucked up bad with that.

Edit: cut and paste from what I posted at Prissy thread. I’m going to go flog myself the rest of the nite. I suck.

Yea I fucked up with the wording of that. I’m really sorry and I regret it. I’ve been trying to figure out how to retract that comment all afternoon. Thank you for calling it out. It’s like a 2x4 across my face and I deserve it.

What I intended was that he had better step it up to an entirely different level. That his typical bullshit wasn’t going to be status quo. His mistakes fucked a lot of people and the only way to redeem himself was to run it correctly (ie great customer service, tested raws and product). He’s basically got a one in a million shot at pulling this out of the toilet.

I can see where “bigger and better” was a real bad choice of words due to what it implies. I should have phrased it “don’t suck hairy Bigfoot ass anymore”.

