Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Add another 50$. I said fuck it and donated. Waiting on a response from whoever. I’m actually surprised at myself right now. I think this is the most effort I’ve ever put into something that wasn’t family, work, or fitness lol. So fuck you and your tail tiggy tits I’m here for the long haul.
Awesome man. I appreciate the support. This is just awesome.
Cruising sucks so far, was 2 seconds away from shitting myself today and groceries are way too expensive. That’s all back to counting the days till summer cycle.
Cruising sucks so far, was 2 seconds away from shitting myself today and groceries are way too expensive. That’s all back to counting the days till summer cycle.

Cruising as in blasting and cruising? What do you mean it sucks?
I just finished my test and staring my PCT in 2 and a half weeks I think it’s going to be my last time doing PCT and really start looking into TRT i knee it was going to come eventually I was trying to hold out till I was older but it seems more tempting and just easier and less worrisome
I just finished my test and staring my PCT in 2 and a half weeks I think it’s going to be my last time doing PCT and really start looking into TRT i knee it was going to come eventually I was trying to hold out till I was older but it seems more tempting and just easier and less worrisome
Other than having kids what's the drawback of trt?
I would worry about killing my receptors as well. Is that a thing?
Wouldn’t switching compounds help combat this ?
Has any doctor ever said TRT is less effective the longer you are on and I need to up your weekly ? Wouldn’t they eventually bump you to a gram if receptor burn out was a thing ?
Wouldn’t switching compounds help combat this ?
Has any doctor ever said TRT is less effective the longer you are on and I need to up your weekly ? Wouldn’t they eventually bump you to a gram if receptor burn out was a thing ?
Excellent fucking point. Jeez.. common sense thinking...I'm preoccupied....apologies.
Kinda like stacking all of your G.I. Joes and accessories as a kid... only to rearrange them 15 minutes later.

Funny store my dad used to make bootleg Jeffrey’s dollars as a kid and would buy us a shit ton of gi joe toys I still have the X-rays of the bootlegs