Tren Question: Planning Macros to Avoid Side Effects


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I am planning my Tren cycle which will be starting soon and I'm trying to figure out what I should put my macros and training volume at.

It's gonna be an easy one:
- 200 mg Test E (should put me at around 1800 ng/dL total T and ~400 pg/mL free T)
- 140 mg Tren A ED
- AI as needed

That's it. Just some test, some tren A, and a solid diet/training regimen. This is the first time I'll be doing tren. I'm wondering:

Tren sweats?? I already get hot as fuck just from testosterone. Like when I eat food my body just burns it up. I'm concerned about being too hot on tren. I see a lot of people saying they cut carbs to be under 160 grams per day on Tren and try to consume most of them around their workout, but then I see other people saying they UP the carbs for the energy.

From a cutting perspective, it seems like upping the carbs would make sense. You want the food you eat to get used up so you can continue to lose weight. However, this isn't good if you're burning up and dying all day from being so hot and sweaty?

Also, I have a friend who says that he doesn't get sweaty/hot immediately, but that the effect builds up throughout the day, so by the evening/night time he is hot as fuck and uncomfortable. To the point where he just has to sit in front of a fan and it will even prevent him from doing things like having sex because he gets too hot and sweaty to be able to actually finish! Has anyone else experienced this?

So, my questions on this are:
- how much carbs do you consume while on tren (please state the ester and dose you were using too)?
- when do the tren sweats kick in for you?
- do you get the tren sweats immediately after your carb heavy meal, or does it build up throughout the day?
- is the tren sweats your whole body, or do specific parts of your body get hotter/sweatier? Like your feet and armpits, or your head and ears feel super hot?

As far as training goes, I am going to switch from PPLPPL rest repeat 7 day schedule (training 6 days per week), to PPL rest repeat (training ~5 days per week). Just to make sure I am not struggling to recover due to the less calories. I think the tren should really help recovery and prevent muscle breakdown even at this low dose. Plus I'm not doing a super extreme cut. Aiming to lose .5-1 lbs per week. I'll also be biking a lot more now that it's nice out, so I'll have to factor that in especially to leg days.
First and foremost, the 140 mg/day tren ace HAS to be a typo?

1) tren ace, 30 mg/day, ~ 280 carbs/day, but I am about to cut that back since I need to cut a little weight. I'll probably cut it down to 180 carbs/day but increase my protein from 240 to 280 to prevent muscle breakdown, which from what I understand doesn't really happen on tren, but better safe than sorry
2) I have yet to have tren sweats but I am only on day 9. I also have a heated/cooled mattress so I don't sweat at night
3) No tren sweats yet
4) In the past just running test made me run hotter, but it was my entire body just being hot, it wasn't local areas of hotness.

EDIT: FWIW, this is my first ever tren cycle, so take what I say with a grain of salt
Tren side effects suck. You’ll wake up literally drenched in sweat, I put a towel down under me. The insomnia was worse for me. I was running 200mg a week of Tren E and had to stop. I would sleep for maybe 3 hours a night combined. There’s also the loss of cardio. If you thinking wearing a mask at the gym sucks, it’s worse on tren. I never had bad side effects from Tren A tho. I’m running straight test and anavar now and love it.
I am planning my Tren cycle which will be starting soon and I'm trying to figure out what I should put my macros and training volume at.

It's gonna be an easy one:
- 200 mg Test E (should put me at around 1800 ng/dL total T and ~400 pg/mL free T)
- 140 mg Tren A ED
- AI as needed

That's it. Just some test, some tren A, and a solid diet/training regimen. This is the first time I'll be doing tren. I'm wondering:

Tren sweats?? I already get hot as fuck just from testosterone. Like when I eat food my body just burns it up. I'm concerned about being too hot on tren. I see a lot of people saying they cut carbs to be under 160 grams per day on Tren and try to consume most of them around their workout, but then I see other people saying they UP the carbs for the energy.

From a cutting perspective, it seems like upping the carbs would make sense. You want the food you eat to get used up so you can continue to lose weight. However, this isn't good if you're burning up and dying all day from being so hot and sweaty?

Also, I have a friend who says that he doesn't get sweaty/hot immediately, but that the effect builds up throughout the day, so by the evening/night time he is hot as fuck and uncomfortable. To the point where he just has to sit in front of a fan and it will even prevent him from doing things like having sex because he gets too hot and sweaty to be able to actually finish! Has anyone else experienced this?

So, my questions on this are:
- how much carbs do you consume while on tren (please state the ester and dose you were using too)?
- when do the tren sweats kick in for you?
- do you get the tren sweats immediately after your carb heavy meal, or does it build up throughout the day?
- is the tren sweats your whole body, or do specific parts of your body get hotter/sweatier? Like your feet and armpits, or your head and ears feel super hot?

As far as training goes, I am going to switch from PPLPPL rest repeat 7 day schedule (training 6 days per week), to PPL rest repeat (training ~5 days per week). Just to make sure I am not struggling to recover due to the less calories. I think the tren should really help recovery and prevent muscle breakdown even at this low dose. Plus I'm not doing a super extreme cut. Aiming to lose .5-1 lbs per week. I'll also be biking a lot more now that it's nice out, so I'll have to factor that in especially to leg days.

Tren Ace 350mg
Night sweats kicked in hard around week 3ish

I was low on carbs for the first few weeks... started pushing for PRs after that and eating fuck tonnes
Didnt get insomnia until near the end of the blast since I was running Epitalon... it only hit me 3 days after my Epitalon ran out
Tren side effects suck. You’ll wake up literally drenched in sweat, I put a towel down under me. The insomnia was worse for me. I was running 200mg a week of Tren E and had to stop. I would sleep for maybe 3 hours a night combined. There’s also the loss of cardio. If you thinking wearing a mask at the gym sucks, it’s worse on tren. I never had bad side effects from Tren A tho. I’m running straight test and anavar now and love it.
Thankfully I'm in the home gym game so I get to workout without a mask lol

The only things that I'm concerned with are the hotness/sweating and a little bit the insomnia. I have a collection of various sedatives though so I'm sure I'll manage that.

Did your sweats get worse throughout the day or did it happen right after each carb heavy meal?
Tren Ace 350mg
Night sweats kicked in hard around week 3ish

I was low on carbs for the first few weeks... started pushing for PRs after that and eating fuck tonnes
Didnt get insomnia until near the end of the blast since I was running Epitalon... it only hit me 3 days after my Epitalon ran out
So you didn't get sweating during the day then right? Just at night?
Thankfully I'm in the home gym game so I get to workout without a mask lol

The only things that I'm concerned with are the hotness/sweating and a little bit the insomnia. I have a collection of various sedatives though so I'm sure I'll manage that.

Did your sweats get worse throughout the day or did it happen right after each carb heavy meal?
Sedation is not the same thing as sleep. Magnesium glycinate seems to be good for sleep. I take 250mg about 2 hours before bed and it helps me get better quality sleep. Also I have to avoid sugary foods because that'll keep me up as well.
So you didn't get sweating during the day then right? Just at night?

I would sweat more during workouts.
But no random DNP day sweating while I eat lol.

Sedation is not the same thing as sleep. Magnesium glycinate seems to be good for sleep. I take 250mg about 2 hours before bed and it helps me get better quality sleep. Also I have to avoid sugary foods because that'll keep me up as well.

Preach it
I take 250mg ED, year round

Great supplement
There are apparently multiple reasons for running it with Tren
Like helping the CONSTANT fucking acid reflux lol
Yeah I'm aware, I take magnesium glycinate 400 mg as well as l-theanine 400 mg and have tried various other things. I do have legit insomnia though so I don't really have a choice I have to take meds for it. Shit sucks but it is what it is.

Edit: I also don't eat 2-3 hours before bed and wear blue light blockers, have dim lights, and read/don't use screens at night. So all the hygeine is there. I fall asleep fine I just wake up way too early and can't fall back asleep.
Yeah I'm aware, I take magnesium glycinate 400 mg as well as l-theanine 400 mg and have tried various other things. I do have legit insomnia though so I don't really have a choice I have to take meds for it. Shit sucks but it is what it is.
That's fair. I thought you were speaking specifically to AAS induced insomnia, but having an actual medical condition... well I cannot speak about something I know nothing about.
That's fair. I thought you were speaking specifically to AAS induced insomnia, but having an actual medical condition... well I cannot speak about something I know nothing about.
Np man, yeah it's shitty. I definitely notice AAS like 500 test makes it a little worse, but not much thankfully!
Did you just say that you are going to use 980mg of tren acetate per week?
140mg per day,right?

Out of scientific interest,let me ask you something..
How did you take that decision?
Why not a nice 150mg instead of 140? Why not 130?
You weirdo.
Just one cc and a half at 100mg/ml,for 150mg.

Talk about lunacy!
Did you just say that you are going to use 980mg of tren acetate per week?
140mg per day,right?

Out of scientific interest,let me ask you something..
How did you take that decision?
Why not a nice 150mg instead of 140? Why not 130?
You weirdo.
Just one cc and a half at 100mg/ml,for 150mg.

Talk about lunacy!
Yeah bro I'm starting with 1G of tren ace per week. Scientifically it seems like a nice round number...also I have 140 bitcoins in my wallet so I will do 140 mg tren a per day.

I mistyped there idk why it has ED after it xD
It was supposed to be 140 mg per week. Might have bumped it to 175 depending on how things go.

However that's all moot now...I can't edit the OP so it's written in the law. I guess 140 mg tren a per day it shall be.
Thankfully I'm in the home gym game so I get to workout without a mask lol

The only things that I'm concerned with are the hotness/sweating and a little bit the insomnia. I have a collection of various sedatives though so I'm sure I'll manage that.

Did your sweats get worse throughout the day or did it happen right after each carb heavy meal?
I only got the sweats bad at night. During the day it felt like I was on clen. Doesn’t matter what my macros were, I’d sweat. I also tried everything for the insomnia. It’s weird because I wouldn’t be tired during the day, even tho I had only 3 hours of sleep. Best of luck bro.
Also, I have a friend who says that he doesn't get sweaty/hot immediately, but that the effect builds up throughout the day, so by the evening/night time he is hot as fuck and uncomfortable. To the point where he just has to sit in front of a fan and it will even prevent him from doing things like having sex because he gets too hot and sweaty to be able to actually finish! Has anyone else experienced this?
I sweat like a whore during nickel night no matter what I do while on Tren for about 6 weeks. Generally at that point the sweats and my trensomnia go away simultaneously.

My clothes and sheets get drenched in Tren sweat to the point where girls can still smell the Tren on them after being washed (on the upside, most girls I have dated find Tren to be very pleasant smelling).

So, my questions on this are:
- how much carbs do you consume while on tren (please state the ester and dose you were using too)?
- when do the tren sweats kick in for you?
- do you get the tren sweats immediately after your carb heavy meal, or does it build up throughout the day?
- is the tren sweats your whole body, or do specific parts of your body get hotter/sweatier? Like your feet and armpits, or your head and ears feel super hot?
For me the carbs don't have any effect. Have tried low/no carb and high carb before bed. Both did dick.

I sweat night and day but the night sweats are far worse.

I sweat from odd places like my chest and lower back when on Tren. Never had hot sensations though, just the opposite. I feel cold as fuck when I have the tren sweats. Will literally shiver while sweat pours off me.
you don't change your whole diet because you shot some tren, what is your diet now>? it it working>. Are you gaining or losing weight like you want? are you lean>. You don't just shoot AAS and jack up food its not a miracle drug that will shift all the new food your eating into muscle, you can still get fat. Hopefully your diet is on point now and you can adjust it as needed just as you were doing before. if your not tracking calories, start. Maybe BWx12, then add or subtract each week as needed.
I sweat like a whore during nickel night no matter what I do while on Tren for about 6 weeks. Generally at that point the sweats and my trensomnia go away simultaneously.

My clothes and sheets get drenched in Tren sweat to the point where girls can still smell the Tren on them after being washed (on the upside, most girls I have dated find Tren to be very pleasant smelling).

For me the carbs don't have any effect. Have tried low/no carb and high carb before bed. Both did dick.

I sweat night and day but the night sweats are far worse.

I sweat from odd places like my chest and lower back when on Tren. Never had hot sensations though, just the opposite. I feel cold as fuck when I have the tren sweats. Will literally shiver while sweat pours off me.
Thanks for sharing bro. In curious what dose and ester were you on?