Tren's effect on future fertility when B&C "anyways"


New Member
So I asked myself the following: Is tren a future obstacle of getting fertile when using while B&C.

So lets say Person X is on TRT and/or Blast for 5+ years. The "testes" are shut down anyways right, most probably. Let's say that Person now chooses to use a moderate dose of tren for a few weeks pre contest or the such. But 1 year after that cut, the person wants to become fertile again to get a happy&healthy kido.

The Tren metabolites are gone by now - will there be a significant dowside for the persons fertility plan opposed to if the person would haved use anavar/mast instead?

I tried to rationalize my way into an satisfying conclusion but with my limited knowledge on the matter, I'm not happy with what I came up with. Any deeper knowledge or toughts?
So I asked myself the following: Is tren a future obstacle of getting fertile when using while B&C.

So lets say Person X is on TRT and/or Blast for 5+ years. The "testes" are shut down anyways right, most probably. Let's say that Person now chooses to use a moderate dose of tren for a few weeks pre contest or the such. But 1 year after that cut, the person wants to become fertile again to get a happy&healthy kido.

The Tren metabolites are gone by now - will there be a significant dowside for the persons fertility plan opposed to if the person would haved use anavar/mast instead?

I tried to rationalize my way into an satisfying conclusion but with my limited knowledge on the matter, I'm not happy with what I came up with. Any deeper knowledge or toughts?
This is anecdotal, I know someone personally who had kids while on a heavy blast, he was running tren, eq and test plus some orals. When I say kids, maybe 3 we’re conceived while on blast.

But there are guys who lose fertility even if they never touched tren.

This just indicates response differs among users and you have to try it yourself to determine how you react. The most common way for people to ensure they have a backup plan is to freeze some sperm before they touch any PED.
This is anecdotal, I know someone personally who had kids while on a heavy blast, he was running tren, eq and test plus some orals. When I say kids, maybe 3 we’re conceived while on blast.

But there are guys who lose fertility even if they never touched tren.

This just indicates response differs among users and you have to try it yourself to determine how you react. The most common way for people to ensure they have a backup plan is to freeze some sperm before they touch any PED.
Yes, I did read a lot of these anecdotal reports. Afaik nearly all users who were fertile before going on exogenus hormones did become fertile again after ~6 moths, often even without PCT...

It's an very important topic I think. Thanks for the input @DECLAN !
Posting a paper. I'm shocked. You must be a doctor?

Also "you did not give information on tren" you posted an articel of absolute surface knowledge broscience level basics.

If I'm the kid, where are your manners?
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@Grey Spartan Nevertheless, your right I should read & understand how the HPT axis acts/works.

(If you did so, I would highly appreciate a quick sum-up that answers my question instead of just posting an article that is not connected to the question without any further context. Being old is not equicalent with being knowledgeable *take that with a grain of salt, or sriracha sauce*)

Much love!
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This is anecdotal, I know someone personally who had kids while on a heavy blast, he was running tren, eq and test plus some orals. When I say kids, maybe 3 we’re conceived while on blast.

got my fiancée pregnant while on tren

My kid I had on my first test deca tren blast
I'll add "me too" x 2

There are several variables involved in suppression/fertility with AAS. From the data on testosterone as contraception, it simply wasn't effective for a significant portion of the subjects.

I think 8x Mr Olympia Ronnie Coleman has at least 8 children. He had most of them AFTER he won his first Mr. O and during his Olympia reign.
I think 8x Mr Olympia Ronnie Coleman has at least 8 children. He had most of them AFTER he won his first Mr. O and during his Olympia reign.
Ronnie also donated his sperms to a woman he used to bang in early 90s who gave birth to twins. It was a premature birth and one of them passed away. Wonder why were they born with defects?

She later sued Ronnie for child support.

I'll add "me too" x 2
I am going a bit of off-topic here and you don't have to answer this, but those two are boys and/or girls? Someone made a post on reddit (sign) about how Tren demon made him cum inside his wife while taking HCG and he had a son.

There was another post by a female bodybuilder who said she got pregnant during prep while her Tren or it was her husband and her first child was a son.
I would highly appreciate a quick sum-up that answers my question
@Grey Spartan summed it up well with his answer.
Any deeper knowledge or toughts?
As far as random thoughts, I have a few.

-- Most people don't understand how AAS suppression works.

-- Many think it is all or none. This is why you see people repeatedly saying all AAS will cause "shut down".

-- There are many variables - compound, dosage, duration, half-life pattern of use, etc.

-- The life cycle of sperm is anywhere from 6-8 weeks. It is not that easily disrupted.

-- Some AAS are more suppressive than other. But I don't think any are 100% suppressive for most people even over a period of several weeks.

-- Trenbolone may be much more suppressive than testosterone. But what about trenbolone acetate (short half-life) vs testosterone cypionate (longer half life)? Testosterone could be used in a manner that actually makes it more suppressive.

-- Oral AAS are generally less suppressive. But depending on how they are used, they can be as suppressive as injectables. Once-per-day dosing is less suppressive than 3-times per day dosing.

-- Patterns of usage have changed over the past 20 years. Believe it or not, there was once a time where practically everyone (exempting some top competitors) cycled off everything for extended periods of time. Half the year on and half the year off was considered aggressive. This meant suppressive compounds were not used during the off period. So loss of fertility and suppression were overstated side effects.

-- Times have changed, and given that blast and cruise seems to be the new norm. The year-round suppressive signaling could have more consequential side effects.

I've previously discussed a suppression article with @Type-IIx . Maybe he would consider doing this in the future?
I am going a bit of off-topic here and you don't have to answer this, but those two are boys and/or girls? Someone made a post on reddit (sign) about how Tren demon made him cum inside his wife while taking HCG and he had a son.

There was another post by a female bodybuilder who said she got pregnant during prep while her Tren or it was her husband and her first child was a son.
My anecdote doesn't support the belief that AAS users are more likely to have girls.
Ronnie also donated his sperms to a woman he used to bang in early 90s who gave birth to twins. It was a premature birth and one of them passed away. Wonder why were they born with defects?
Too many confounding variables. I think there tend to more issues in multiple pregnancies to begin. Further, perhaps those self-selecting for IVF have other risk factors too.

I don't know that there is any evidence at all to suggest AAS use in males has an effect regarding birth defects.

Certainly, there are examples of pro bodybuilders, etc whose families have problematic pregnancies and births, and diagnoses like autism.

Any time something like this happens to a bodybuilder, everyone immediately wants to blame it on AAS.

But I don't think it differs significantly from baseline rates in non-AAS users. The data isn't there.
@Millard - highly appreciate your thoughts.

Of course there is no one size fits all, and outcomes will be highly variant being dependent on genetic, length of usage, compounds, dosages etc.

I think my question is so highly specific it is hard to find a satisfying answer that is more then pleasing logical deduction.

But as far as I can interpret you statements, I think you would say a low dose of ace for a few weeks will not have a significant additional impact when long ester test/eq is blasted "anyways" for months before & after.

I would really like to test low dose tren at the end of my diet like 10mg/day. It's an interesting drug with a lot of benefits; but that high dosing stuff is very much nonsense I believe. In most cases at least.
@Slowww @buzzingonaas +Millard; yeah that's kind of "crazy/interesting"? How long have you been on for when that happened? If you mind me asking.

nice sloww, but be careful, after the golden barbell maybe your little one is going for the golden trenbologna. Lock your closet!
@Slowww @buzzingonaas +Millard; yeah that's kind of "crazy/interesting"? How long have you been on for when that happened? If you mind me asking.

nice sloww, but be careful, after the golden barbell maybe your little one is going for the golden trenbologna. Lock your closet!
3 years blasting+cruising, 3.5 weeks on tren ace at the time but 14 weeks into a blast