Triple B Solutions

unless you and the source are literally pasting PGP messaged by hand into the email I have no idea why people use them either.

But then again these end to end email services can be security theatre too just go look at the old Hushmail hosted in Canada, just gladly handed CDs and CDs of peoples emails that were just plaintext in the end.

I'd go for Protonmail out of everyone they post audits of their VPN code etc and afaik it was founded by some group at CERN in Switzerland that has insane privacy laws. I mean sure if you're some fucking psycho evil motherfucker you're gonna get got and they'd probably gladly help the 3 letter agency but if you are ordering some roids I don't think you have issues.
Their entire codebase is open source and verifiably running that code. It's been audited several times.

Protonmail to protonmail is secure. They cannot read your emails even if they want to.
Their entire codebase is open source and verifiably running that code. It's been audited several times.

Protonmail to protonmail is secure. They cannot read your emails even if they want
How do you figure? Would not is not cannot - it’s a system where people log in and retrieve data that is stored - if someone had to - there are ways of obtaining that data.
Lol I love the old fucks that come in here with the I walked uphill both ways to get my gear from the back of a shitty magazine.

Keep in mind trips is at the level he is at now from the vets who rode his ass so much he shoulda offered to buy them dinner.

Then you got the guy who contributed nothing who shows up 2 months laters to say fuckin ignore the haters trips ur g2g.

Dumbass he's good now cause of all the advice and corrections he had to make from valued members....every week there's a new one of you idiots.

The more things change... the more they stay the same.
You must be a liberal Democrat. I can tell, I have a gift.

Comparing how hard it was to get gear 20-30 years ago to a crybaby dip shit that can't wait 12 hours for a response from a source shows what bitches this generation of "men" have become. That was the point. Crying over every single thing. Sure a source needs to be vetted. But this shit isn't vetting.
Close your mouth until you have something useful to say.

And stop projecting political labels of any kind onto people. It’s lazy and soft. This board is filled with fellow human beings. Don’t act like a bitch in the media and try to label fellow members here.
How do you figure? Would not is not cannot - it’s a system where people log in and retrieve data that is stored - if someone had to - there are ways of obtaining that data.
Because the cryptography in place makes it impossible to do so. Again, the code is open source and has been independently audited and verified several times. This is not "would not" read your emails. They in a very literal and absolute sense "can not" do so.

Two caveats, the subject lines of emails are never encrypted, this was a deliberate decision to allow for a search feature within your email. Second, due to the inherent nature of email any email originating from a non-protonmail source, or sent to a non-protonmail source (to include other secure email services such as tutanota) are necessarily clear text, so anyone who bothers to look can read them. This is why Trip refuses to even respond to people sending him messages from gmail accounts.

Here still, Protonmail does not release user data or copies of any incoming or outgoing emails unless so ordered specifically by a Swiss court. This too has been independently audited and verified.
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Placing my first order with triple B tomorrow, haven’t used in 20 years, what’s everyone suggest?
Because the cryptography in place makes it impossible to do so. Again, the code is open source and has been independently audited and verified several times. This is not "would not" read your emails. They in a very literal and absolute sense "can not" do so.

Two caveats, the subject lines of emails are never encrypted, this was a deliberate decision to allow for a search feature within your email. Second, due to the inherent nature of email any email originating from a non-protonmail source, or sent to a non-protonmail source (to include other secure email services such as tutanota) are necessarily clear text, so anyone who bothers to look can read them. This is why Trip refuses to even respond to people sending him messages from gmail accounts.

Here still, Protonmail does not release user data or copies of any incoming or outgoing emails unless so ordered specifically by a Swiss court. This too has been independently audited and verified.
Edit of my post - the methods they are using to accomplish this are legit. The salt and hash of a password using unique keys distributed to the browser provide a mechanism where the passwords aren’t readable. The problem with this still lays at the hands of the provider where they are issuing the public and private key pairs involved in the transactions. Either way I apologize as I hadn’t read up on all the ways they implement the technology and know a ton about PKI and the difficulty of trying to do something like what they’re doing.
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What are you taking about. Emails are sent in plain text - your login and sending email does not use PKI technology. Cryptography is nothing if you - yourself - do not own the keys involved in the encryption. They own the keys - they can decrypt. End of story. Your post is simply not factual.

You do own the keys with protonmail. Its your password. Back in the early days of protonmail you had two separate passwords, your encryption key and your bog-standard login password. Emails are not sent in plain text, they are encrypted client side, with the aforementioned key, and is automatically decrypted on the other end.

My post was entirely factual. You simply don't know what you're talking about.

Edit for your edit. Glad you looked into it. I really like what they're doing. You actually can use your own encryption if you want I think. I haven't bothered or looked into it much.
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Edit for your edit. Glad you looked into it. I really like what they're doing. You actually can use your own encryption if you want I think. I haven't bothered or looked into it much.
The major problem I see with their technology is they maintain the key pairs encrypted with the password in some db or storage doesn’t matter. All it takes is running john the ripper at the private key they have access to and wallah they can open your emails. Any technology that stores private key information isn’t fail safe - which is why unless you are encrypting and signing entire messages with your own private key that is held locally on your system only - if someone really wanted to, they could break it.

Proton mail private key storage
Um a lot more info lol...goals, what worked for you in the past etc.

1gr of tren/wk with dbol as the test base.
The major problem I see with their technology is they maintain the key pairs encrypted with the password in some db or storage doesn’t matter. All it takes is running john the ripper at the private key they have access to and wallah they can open your emails. Any technology that stores private key information isn’t fail safe - which is why unless you are encrypting and signing entire messages with your own private key that is held locally on your system only - if someone really wanted to, they could break it.

Proton mail private key storage
I'm good though cause my password is Hunter2. Basically uncrackable.
Edit of my post - the methods they are using to accomplish this are legit. The salt and hash of a password using unique keys distributed to the browser provide a mechanism where the passwords aren’t readable. The problem with this still lays at the hands of the provider where they are issuing the public and private key pairs involved in the transactions. Either way I apologize as I hadn’t read up on all the ways they implement the technology and know a ton about PKI and the difficulty of trying to do something like what they’re doing.

Because the cryptography in place makes it impossible to do so. Again, the code is open source and has been independently audited and verified several times. This is not "would not" read your emails. They in a very literal and absolute sense "can not" do so.

Two caveats, the subject lines of emails are never encrypted, this was a deliberate decision to allow for a search feature within your email. Second, due to the inherent nature of email any email originating from a non-protonmail source, or sent to a non-protonmail source (to include other secure email services such as tutanota) are necessarily clear text, so anyone who bothers to look can read them. This is why Trip refuses to even respond to people sending him messages from gmail accounts.

Here still, Protonmail does not release user data or copies of any incoming or outgoing emails unless so ordered specifically by a Swiss court. This too has been independently audited and verified.

When you guys speak nerd for more than a couple sentences, try to work in the use of the words “boner” or “titties”. It would help keep your posts entertaining and those words command respect.
Close your mouth until you have something useful to say.

And stop projecting political labels of any kind onto people. It’s lazy and soft. This board is filled with fellow human beings. Don’t act like a bitch in the media and try to label fellow members You must also be a demorcat.

Close your mouth until you have something useful to say.

And stop projecting political labels of any kind onto people. It’s lazy and soft. This board is filled with fellow human beings. Don’t act like a bitch in the media and try to label fellow members here.
You must also be a liberal. I'll say whatever I chose here. And if I get banned I'll simply make another handle. So fuck off.