Triple B Solutions

No one gives a shit about your political baiting we're here to talk needles and steroids. Head back to facebook if you need to sound off to your neighbors about the bullshit news.
Not talking politics dipshit. I don’t care who you think you are on here. Like I said, I'll say whatever I choose. If you're here to talk steroids why are you commenting about my post? Fuck off Cocktrain
He provided proof, the testing.

What do you propose? Order and hope it works? Going off the reviews of other guys?

Good luck with that. I won’t argue with you, just like there’s no way you’ll ever convince me that UGL testing and customer testing isn’t the best way to go.

I haven’t changed my tune. I just respect that he’s testing his products.
All good and for what its worth you guys are doing a great job over here. The strength of meso is strong and i am very happy it is what it is. Godforbid we steroid users get stuck with eroids and crap sites like that ugh.
Not talking politics dipshit. I don’t care who you think you are on here. Like I said, I'll say whatever I choose. If you're here to talk steroids why are you commenting about my post? Fuck off Cocktrain
Please we worked so hard to make Trips thread actually functional, it took 4 months lets not poison the well again with idiocy. I'm commenting on your posts because no one wants to read your retarded political party takes and assumptions.
Please we worked so hard to make Trips thread actually functional, it took 4 months lets not poison the well again with idiocy. I'm commenting on your posts because no one wants to read your retarded political party takes and assumptions.
Keep clogging up the thread then fuckhead. I didn't talk any politics.
No one that is respected here would ever say “he’s good”. We just don’t do that on this forum. He could sell the best of the best and nobody would say “this guy is fyah!”

Do you know me? Do you know anyone here? Why would positive feedback from reputable people mean anything? How do you know who’s reputable and who’s leaving a positive review in exchange for free vials? It unfortunately happens.
Yeah i remember back in the day sources would send me free gear to refer people to them. This was when you needed acsource the only way to find one was to pm a mod at a forum. I dont know if you go back that far or not. I did what seemed to be correct until kjack turned and i had just wired 10k of my friends money to him. That was the end of me online i left the scene and vowed never to return. Truth is nobody really knows anyone else you could also be opti for all i know. So yeah i get the big picture now regarding tezting and vetting now.

Shit thinking back i remember a new source wanted me to vouch so he sent me like 50 or 100 amps of zambons so one day my stepdad is like "hey you got a new bible huh? From a missionary in romania?" Rofl those were the days.
You asked if anyone is using his stuff and I answered. I said I got pip from his test and then stated how I fixed this issue. Let me grab the bottle and take a picture with it sticking up my ass for you. That better?

Let’s do this then. You gotta realize you can’t just throw an offer like that out and then welch on it. You got 24 hours.
All good and for what its worth you guys are doing a great job over here. The strength of meso is strong and i am very happy it is what it is. Godforbid we steroid users get stuck with eroids and crap sites like that ugh.
Oh shit, so eroids is bunk shit? Was doing my research and came across this site, glad I didn’t go with the links I found over there!
I remember back in the day when I used to use the source check for a long time. Haha. I went back like a year later and the site was gone.
I use to pay for that shit!!!
Oh shit, so eroids is bunk shit? Was doing my research and came across this site, glad I didn’t go with the links I found over there!
There’s some decent guys on eroids. You just need to avoid the top 10 and go for the newer guys. Any negative reviews for top 10 guys get deleted by mods. They pay rent to be a source there.
Oh shit, so eroids is bunk shit? Was doing my research and came across this site, glad I didn’t go with the links I found over there!
Eroids is fundamentally flawed and you can not really trust the info you get there. If a source is scamming people you might not hear about it so long as the source is paying eroids for their spot. Likewise the members at eroids from what i have heard are reimbursed by sources for positive reviews. In other words if you play ball with a source you might not get ripped off but you sell your soul in the process. Meaning shills get fed at the expense of everyone else. If you have dignity and self respect and you value your money stay away from that site
There’s some decent guys on eroids. You just need to avoid the top 10 and go for the newer guys. Any negative reviews for top 10 guys get deleted by mods. They pay rent to be a source there.

"Decent guys on eroids just avoid the top 10 and shoot for the moon with some new dudes". Naw I think I like the Meso way better. Trial by fire so you know anyone who's still selling isn't selling bath tub juice.
Since this thread has what seems to be several "experienced" gear heads....anyone mix tren ace and tren e? If so how often do you pin? I know certain sources sell a tren mix. Theres not alot of literature on this topic....ive searched. TIA
Since this thread has what seems to be several "experienced" gear heads....anyone mix tren ace and tren e? If so how often do you pin? I know certain sources sell a tren mix. Theres not alot of literature on this topic....ive searched. TIA
I can't see the benefit of doing this at all, Tren A all the way if you're going down the tren train. If you like pissing money away you could get yourself some Tren Hex which you might as well just run Tren E. You're gonna be pinning frequently anyways due to the Tren A just stick with that.

Over the years anyone I knew that tried Tren E was not a fan and's always nice to get the fuck off the tren train ASAP if you have to.
Since this thread has what seems to be several "experienced" gear heads....anyone mix tren ace and tren e? If so how often do you pin? I know certain sources sell a tren mix. Theres not alot of literature on this topic....ive searched. TIA

Is there a specific reason you are looking to do that?

I’ve done it with TrenA/TrenE and Deca/NPP and TestE/Prop when peaking for powerlifting. I want to bump the doses up so I use the shorter ester for that and run the longer ester in the “background” at a set dose to reduce oil volume.

Pin the same way you would if you were running it independently. Long esters 2x-3x a week and shorter esters ED or EOD.

It’s ok to combine them in the same pin too. Just go slow and be real careful not to shake the syringe too much - if they commingle you run a real risk of catching the gay.
Is there a specific reason you are looking to do that?

I’ve done it with TrenA/TrenE and Deca/NPP and TestE/Prop when peaking for powerlifting. I want to bump the doses up so I use the shorter ester for that and run the longer ester in the “background” at a set dose to reduce oil volume.

Pin the same way you would if you were running it independently. Long esters 2x-3x a week and shorter esters ED or EOD.

It’s ok to combine them in the same pin too. Just go slow and be real careful not to shake the syringe too much - if they commingle you run a real risk of catching the gay.
Thanks big guy. Ive just always liked sust over testc or e. So i was curious if a tren mix would be as likeable in the same sense. To get fast and long in same dose