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To update you folks, my e2 was on top of the range. Nothing that arimidex couldn't handle. I feel pretty good now and it's getting better. ED issue is pretty much gone.

What's interesting I have never felt so mentally good but I have no idea what is my E2 now. I don't even care. If I need it low to feel this good then I'l keep it that way.

As for Aburaihan, so far I can say it's damn good. Thank you TP.
Funny thing is had you stuck with your doctors protocol your Libido would still be working and you wouldn’t need an AI. Why not just go back to injecting 62.5 mg every week and keep the extra money?
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Funny thing is had you stuck with your doctors protocol your Libido would still be working and you wouldn’t need an AI. Why not just go back to injecting 62.5 mg every week and keep the extra money?

My protocol wasn't 62.5mg pw. It was 250mg e4w. I guess I wasn't long enough on it for e2 to start messing with me or idk.
New boxes will be 100 tabs per box, old ones are 60 tab-box. Our Balkan oxandrolones are new boxes but we send them 50 tabs per unit to avoid confusions.

Balkan has probably he best tablets on market, if they are genuine.

Are Balkan Oxandrolones currently in stock?
I was considering your offer of 10 boxes anadrol with 01-2020 exp, but am wondering how hard that expiry date is? I assume they remain at relative potency for many months after?
I've used anapolon 9months after they expired and they worked just as good as before the expiration and I've used norma test 1 year after exp and they were good also.....I think that if it is pharma grade they will have some decent preservatives and it should still be good....I plan to use some of the IH oxymeth when they expire, unfortunately I can't give you a review of them yet of course, but my gut tells me it should be fine.....hope this helped.....
I have arimidex 1mg pills but I haven't take any. I didn't need it back when I was injecting 250mg at once, all tho it was every 4 weeks. I never had e2 symptoms and now I only inject 120mg pw.

After I get my e2 results I'l see do I need it. I feel mentally good and my anxious side is gone since I'm injecting T again.

I'd take it but I'm afraid if I crash my e2 if I actually don't have high e2 issues. After all the only symptom is my erection lol.
Any hairloss since starting the Aburaihan? Doesn’t sound like regular old test e, naturally all test e should be the same. They must be putting something else in it, my guess is masteron. I MIGHT buy a pack and have it tested.
I have used saizen directly from Italian pharmacy for 6 months 8 iu/day, and I can say that my physical has changed completely has taken the triangular shape very narrow life and it has not changed, the only problem is stomach dilation and my jaws have become like those of a bulldog
No homo but you know what we all wanna know man.
Any hairloss since starting the Aburaihan? Doesn’t sound like regular old test e, naturally all test e should be the same. They must be putting something else in it, my guess is masteron. I MIGHT buy a pack and have it tested.

Masteron is DHT derivate so it will probably cause more hair loss than test e. Also masteron raw powder is very expensive, no one would put it into Aburaihan that they give away for free in Iran :)

Anonymous lab test of Aburaihan:
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Any hairloss since starting the Aburaihan? Doesn’t sound like regular old test e, naturally all test e should be the same. They must be putting something else in it, my guess is masteron. I MIGHT buy a pack and have it tested.

Never had any hairloss so far or maybe I haven't notice any :D.
Masteron is DHT derivate so it will probably cause more hair loss than test e. Also masteron raw powder is very expensive, no one would put it into Aburaihan that they give away for free in Iran :)

Anonymous lab test of Aburaihan:
Yeah but I’m not buying that it’s 100 percent test especially if it’s giving an extra kick in libido more noticeable in other brands of testosterone E. Better safe than sorry.