Wanna look like a physique competitors? Why you'll probably have to take more than them

1) Most competitors are midgets. Average competitor height is 5'9, but of course they round up and height fraud, so probably 5'8.

2) Most recreational normie lifters are taller, older, much less responsive, and get into gear late in life.

3) Competitors, even though they take grams of gear, probably are more responsive than the average joe.

4) Competitors start much younger, sometimes in their teens, and blast gear for over a decade before looking good on stage.

We got normal height guys who are 6'2+ in their 30s getting told by fucking midgets to "start low bro" and being tricked into using microdoses, making fuck all progress.

Let's be honest. You're not going to look like the guys on stage (even the small ones) without the midget height, the decade+ of blasting grams of gear, and the genetics.

2024 roid discussion boards and social media are gaslighting factories, with everyone claiming they built their mass on just barely above TRT doses. At least back in the GH15 days, people were honest about doses.

* Not claiming using gear or high doses is healthy or smart. Only claiming it's needed for most men to actually look like a physique competitor, assuming they have the genetics for it.

* Not talking about genetic freak midget competitors who claim they're hyper responders. If you're one, show us all the tall men you helped get on stage using low doses.
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Ok good post I permablast with shitty genetics now.
Thanks for your advice bro
Till now I belived I will never look like pros even with blasting till my death but I guess I was wrong!
Now go be 310lbs lean

gotta be 310lbs lean on the biohacking trt dose i saw on an influencer video!

i'm just a shitty recreational lifter, i'll never compete or look big (and i'm old)

most guys who get into gear are older, taller, and think they can look like their favorite influencer with worthless microdoses

i'm simply making the point that it's not going to happen, they won't even get close, without large doses and years of blasting
im 6'1 and didnt touch gear until i was 28, im 31 now.
I started with the stock standard 500mg of test for 12 weeks for my first cycle and didnt exceed that for my first year and a half of gear use.

As a competitor i sure as hope i at least look like one.

Your premise is flawed and just floundering for excuses as to why you dont have the results you want to make up for your lack of consistency and effort.
im 6'1 and didnt touch gear until i was 28, im 31 now.
I started with the stock standard 500mg of test for 12 weeks for my first cycle and didnt exceed that for my first year and a half of gear use.

As a competitor i sure as hope i at least look like one.

Your premise is flawed and just floundering for excuses as to why you dont have the results you want to make up for your lack of consistency and effort.

How many guys have you trained to get on stage on 500mg?

What would happen if you used the standard dose of 2g-4g that most competitors use? You would be Mr. Olympia with ease.
gotta be 310lbs lean on the biohacking trt dose i saw on an influencer video!

i'm just a shitty recreational lifter, i'll never compete or look big (and i'm old)

most guys who get into gear are older, taller, and think they can look like their favorite influencer with worthless microdoses

i'm simply making the point that it's not going to happen, they won't even get close, without large doses and years of blasting
There is a middle ground to that: use more than micro less than mega aka reasonable for your goals. I never wanted to look like a bodybuilder that competes, I like the lazy ass gorilla built like a tank look (and the power that comes with it).

So it's all about perspective.
What would happen if you used the standard dose of 2g-4g that most competitors use? You would be Mr. Olympia with ease.
Not even a remote chance. Practically zero.

Not singling any one person here. At the top level this is no different than NBA only another order of magnitude more selective for top level BB (Olympia). Approximate 1 part per billion level gene pool for drug tolerance and muscle building, etc.
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* Not claiming using gear or high doses is healthy or smart. Only claiming it's needed for most men to actually look like a physique competitor, assuming they have the genetics for it.
And thanks for this disclaimer.

Most men will never look like a physique competitor (high level example you used, NPC, Olympia) with any level of drugs. The process itself is self selecting no different than a beauty pageant (not trying to knock it).

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