Doses Log

300 mg test MWF= 900 a week
100 mg MWF mast P= 300 a week
with 30 mg ED DBOL= 210 a week

If I cant grow on this I need to fix my diet.
Feeling fantastic on

2 iu AM and 2 iu PM HGH
Dbol 30 Am and 30 PM
Winstrol 30 Am and 30 PM
Test 300 MWF so 900 total
Mast P 100 MWF 300 total

I also have stopped and wont take any AI fir this time.

doing a bulk for 6-8 weeks just like this. Had to change my cycle and doung much better this way for diet and excercise.
Feeling fantastic on

2 iu AM and 2 iu PM HGH
Dbol 30 Am and 30 PM
Winstrol 30 Am and 30 PM
Test 300 MWF so 900 total
Mast P 100 MWF 300 total

I also have stopped and wont take any AI fir this time.

doing a bulk for 6-8 weeks just like this. Had to change my cycle and doung much better this way for diet and excercise.
I honestly like your cycle a lot mixing dbol with winstrol. How are you feeling?? What differences have you noticed using masteron ?? Reason im asking I'm thinking about adding it into the end of my upcoming blast of 600/600 test e tren e for 15 weeks. Not planning to use any orals this is a big re comp cycle for m . Just aiming for size and to get strength back not a whole lot of fat gain.
I honestly like your cycle a lot mixing dbol with winstrol. How are you feeling?? What differences have you noticed using masteron ?? Reason im asking I'm thinking about adding it into the end of my upcoming blast of 600/600 test e tren e for 15 weeks. Not planning to use any orals this is a big re comp cycle for m . Just aiming for size and to get strength back not a whole lot of fat gain.
So yea as you can tell. This go around with tren was a fail. But I am glad I dropped it.

I am loving this new cycle I changed it too...

I have honestly never felt better. No more anxiety which the EQ and Tren gave me so bad I couldnt function.

So be carful with tren. I have ran it 3 times and this time was like none other.
I honestly like your cycle a lot mixing dbol with winstrol. How are you feeling?? What differences have you noticed using masteron ?? Reason im asking I'm thinking about adding it into the end of my upcoming blast of 600/600 test e tren e for 15 weeks. Not planning to use any orals this is a big re comp cycle for m . Just aiming for size and to get strength back not a whole lot of fat gain.
So I bulking. Hence the solid amount of Test and Dbol. now I aromatize heavy. And I dont want to take an AI. I have yet to take one and my nipple and libido are perfect. No lumps and horny as hell. I think this is from the masteron and maybe even the winstrol.

The workouts are the best they have been. 1 hr 30 minutes of hard lifting. But not too hard becasue I dont want an injury to cut my cycle short. So I supplement with holds, TUT and slow eccentric movements instead of adding mor weight to my lifts.

Great instensity, good feeling, and I have never been able to eat as much as I have been. I dont feel bloated and full all the time. I feel hungry and I am eating good.
Now with the HGH I get hit with lethargy bad. So I am taking 2 days on and 1 day off. Or else I get lathargic and then cranky because I am tired. So taking the HGH with an off day, which has lessed this lethargy off and been great.
I had bad anxiety as well with EQ when i was running it at 1200mg. I dropped it down to 800mg and that pretty much subside . I actually really like the compound tbh.. .

I've had mixed experiences with tren. Acetate treats me way differently than enanthate does. 500mg of acetate a week and I'm a ticking time bomb. But upward of 600mg of e abd all i have are night sweats so idk lol.
I am getting FUCKED hard from HGH. I dont know what to do. I cannot handle the side effects. I have tried everything. AM and PM pinning, AM only pinning, pinning in middle of the night, pinning pre workout, and pinning right before bed. I get lethargic, and I get pissy.

I think it messes up my BG and then makes my grumpy because of it. I dont like it at all. When I take 2 days off it goes away and my mentality is back to normal. But 2 days after pinning again and I am grumpy and not pleasent to be around. I am going to try IM injection to that it goes in and out of my system quicker. I tried 2 days on 1 day off.

I get lethargic and people end up not like being around me.

Unless I wait a couple months when I can afford to just feel like shit. But I dont think I want to.
I am getting FUCKED hard from HGH. I dont know what to do. I cannot handle the side effects. I have tried everything. AM and PM pinning, AM only pinning, pinning in middle of the night, pinning pre workout, and pinning right before bed. I get lethargic, and I get pissy.

I think it messes up my BG and then makes my grumpy because of it. I dont like it at all. When I take 2 days off it goes away and my mentality is back to normal. But 2 days after pinning again and I am grumpy and not pleasent to be around. I am going to try IM injection to that it goes in and out of my system quicker. I tried 2 days on 1 day off.

I get lethargic and people end up not like being around me.

Unless I wait a couple months when I can afford to just feel like shit. But I dont think I want to.
5ius PD?
Why not start at 3, let your body adjust
Go to 4ius
Let your body adjust
Then slowly work to 5?
5ius a day right off the bat, if quality hgh (which it damn sure sounds like it is) is a lot bro
Why'd you go with 5 right away???
5ius PD?
Why not start at 3, let your body adjust
Go to 4ius
Let your body adjust
Then slowly work to 5?
5ius a day right off the bat, if quality hgh (which it damn sure sounds like it is) is a lot bro
Why'd you go with 5 right away???

I was told 2 iu to start with was to little lol. So i started doing 2 iu am and 2 iu pm. Its annoying because I have never had a problem running something until now.

Right now I am too busy to afford being tired. I tried taking 3 iu last night and slept until 1 pm. So i cant do it.

And i was going to hold off on hgh for a couple years. Maybe i should have. I want the benefits of hgh, the fuller look and what not. But maybe i am being impatient. Just seems like I dont respond well to it. I am getting more and more weiry about the stuff and think Ill just use conventional AAS.
I was told 2 iu to start with was to little lol. So i started doing 2 iu am and 2 iu pm. Its annoying because I have never had a problem running something until now.

Right now I am too busy to afford being tired. I tried taking 3 iu last night and slept until 1 pm. So i cant do it.

And i was going to hold off on hgh for a couple years. Maybe i should have. I want the benefits of hgh, the fuller look and what not. But maybe i am being impatient. Just seems like I dont respond well to it. I am getting more and more weiry about the stuff and think Ill just use conventional AAS.
So maybe try 1.5iu am/1.5iu pm?
Just bc you're not feeling the bad side effects doesn't mean the good side effects aren't there, ya know?
So maybe try 1.5iu am/1.5iu pm?
Just bc you're not feeling the bad side effects doesn't mean the good side effects aren't there, ya know?
I actually feel the bad sides too much. They are over powering any good sides I would be getting. I am going to stop taking it until monday.

Just to see if my energy level picks up. Then ill update here for some advice. I have a new job, so being tired is out of the equation.
I actually feel the bad sides too much. They are over powering any good sides I would be getting. I am going to stop taking it until monday.

Just to see if my energy level picks up. Then ill update here for some advice. I have a new job, so being tired is out of the equation.
I feel ya. Thats why I can't do oral SD.
"I got shit to do!!!" LMAO [emoji23]
I don't know how hgh is making you that lethargic. That's one side that doesn't keep people from continuing.