
  1. L

    Looking for labs

    please let me know if we aren’t allowed to release names and I will remove post. I ordered the following: Test cyp 100 mg 10 ml Ryzen 20 mg dbol x 50 Xeno labs Arimidex (astra zeneca) Are there any labs on these products? I’d like to make sure my product is good before I haphazardly inject...
  2. M

    tips for keeping libido on vacation

    I am going on a 3 week overseas trip in about a month. I cant take my injectables but orals are fine. Im wondering if frontloading 1 gram of enanthate before the trip and then taking daily superdrol at 20 mg would be enough to maintain muscle mass and keep libido up for the 3 week duration. If...
  3. Havinfungettinfit

    New Member

    Hi Everyone, I'm new here. Looking for great convos and stuff to read on peds. I'm about a year and a half into my fitness based ped journey. I'm loving every minute of it. Esp A-bombs! Wowie! Really hoping to make friends to chat gear with and other things. I'm eager to talk about gear, I...
  4. S

    Enclophime 12.5mg EOD as test base for oral cycle

    Hi, Does anyone have experience with enclomiphene (not clomid) as test base for a cycle with orals such as anadrol/anavar/tbol/dbol? So far i've only seen anecdotal experiences (and bloodwork) from Sarms only users: one had 900ng/dl total test at week 4 of S23+ LGD3303 +LGD4033 (which is a...
  5. D

    Dbol and AAS heart rate increase

    Greetings everyone, Started my cycle with just test, my resting heart rate increased from 65 to 78/79, and now that I've added dbol it's closer to 95-100. BP is not very high, a bit above normal but very controllable with 5mg Cialis/day. The weather here is also pretty hot and I don't own A/C...
  6. Arach

    Anadrol and Dbol being used as pre workout

    I've been taking 70mg anadrol and 40mg dbol about an hour before the gym as pre workout (also some test alongside). Its my 4th day in and I haven't felt anything yet. Are they bunk? or do orals take more time for you to start feeling some effects. I was mostly expecting some bloating and sudden...
  7. InjuredGorilla

    Dbol headaches at 20mg ED.

    Hey guys, what’s up. So today marks 2 weeks of me adding 20mg Dbol everyday PW at around 05:00 AM. In general I’m on 300/400 Test E/NPP for 10 weeks already and everything was great no sides at all, not my first or second run with Test/NPP. Anyway the point of this thread is that after week...
  8. B

    Restoring Crashed E2 from Aromasin

    Hello I recently crashed or at least severely lowered my E2 with aromasin on a test e blast (bloodwork coming very soon but basically have every symptom on the list, feel like death) and perusing the forums have seen a lot of conflicting info on whether dbol/hcg/dhea works to restore e2 levels...
  9. banana man

    DBOL making me weak?

    Hey guys, so I am on around 280mg of test x week. No AI. I decided to do a DBOL cycle (20mg) and took pre-cycle bloods. Total Test 1940 ng/dl 17-Beta Estradiol 64 pg/ml This is the fourth day I have been taking 20mg (split in 10/5/5) and man I am having the WORST workouts...
  10. C

    HELP, can I start test enanthate after one week of only dbol

    Hello, This is my first cycle, I have cycled SARMS a few times before but have not done anabolics until now. I wanted to see how my body would react to dianabol without getting started with too much else in my system. I am fairly happy with the results so far, I have been on 20 mg or dbol ed...
  11. C

    Dbol and Anadrol weeks apart.

    Hello! I plan on running a Test and Anadrol cycle for 12 weeks. 500mg of Test E a week and 50mg Anadrol for 4 weeks. Would it be ok if I run the Anadrol 4 weeks then 4 weeks off and hop on Dbol at 30 mg a day for the last 4 weeks? Or should I just run Anadrol for 6 weeks or more or stay at 4 weeks.
  12. origamiwizard8

    First Cycle Experience

    Newer member here. I'm about 10 days into my first steroid cycle of 300 mgs Test (after cleaving off the Enanthate ester) per week and around 30 mgs of Dbol per day. I'll just outline my experiences so far and maybe you could give me some input and whatnot, whatever. Starting point: 165 lbs...
  13. Spike Man

    Simple 5th Cycle (Test-E, Dbol)

    Introduction: Hey fellas (and ladies) - I have been a member on Meso for a little over 6 years and I have been around the game for about 10 years in total. After all this time I have never actually contributed to this forum in this kind of way where I will be sharing my journey and experiences...
  14. PsychedBuck

    Stacked First Cycle

    Could use some opinions on my first cycle. Been building this idea for about a year and the moons lined up leading me to build this cycle- 5'9". 24yo. 165lbs. ~9%bf. Training ~3yrs Looking to put on 10-15lbs of lean muscle that I can keep before my honeymoon in January. Base: Test cyp...
  15. bigrobbie

    Dbol solution

    So for 5 grams dbol made into a solution I'm thinking the dbol + 200 ml everclear SHOULD EQUAL 25mg/ml... Have I factored this correctly?
  16. M

    Bulking Time

    Male, 35, 180lbs, 12%BF, several years lifting Currently running: 50mg Dbol (split 25mg twice/day) 400mg/week test cyp *1mg Arimidex twice/week *Cycle Assist It is now day 8 of dbol but still not seeing change in size. It's a little frustrating. Feeling warm all the time, shins feel hard and...
  17. T

    TRT: Subbing Dbol for Test?

    Hi all, I am running 100 Test C + 140 Mast E per week. I have chosen this as an alternative to the usual Test + AI. I would like to be able to swap Dbol in for a couple weeks at a time, during heavy training blocks. From what I read, Dbol has a similar aromatization profile to Test. My...
  18. Gbaby12

    Dbol only 2weeks on 2 weeks off

    Uh oh, a dbol only post... Short and sweet I don't have any test and need to get on something right now. Have a nice amount of dbol in the cache and am debating on running 2 weeks on 2weeks off until I manage to get my hands on some test.
  19. T

    Beginner needs help with Mast/Dbol short cycles

    What's up everybody, I'm planning my first-ever cycle(s), and it's an unconventional protocol so I need some help with details please. I'm 46yo male, 150lbs, 5'8", Cholesterol 180, Triglycerides 34, BP ~115/65, Test 594. No health problems other than low back pain. I train Jiujitsu...
  20. Storm

    “TEST, EQ - 16 week cycle. Experienced EQ users please?

    Cruising for past 13 weeks after a 12 week test, mast cycle. Also on low dose HGH and Frag. Starting a new cycle. Never used EQ. I know some people swear by Deca but after a lot of research I want to give this compound a try. 49 years old, 5’6” 165lbs 14% Bf Nutrition on point for me. (...
  21. K

    First NPP Cycle

    26 yo, 5'11, 205lbs ~9% bf. Last cycle was deca/test for 16 weeks 6 months ago. I went up to 225lbs and was incline bb benching 275 for sets of 8-10 and bent bb rowing 315 for sets of 10-12. I noticed with deca I had quite a bit of water retention. Proposed Cycle: 1-12: Test Prop @150mg M,W,F...
  22. L

    High tren low test. Dosage help?

    Stats Age:29 Height: 6'1" Weight: 200 BF: 18% Cycle Tren E- 600mg's weekly. 2 doses/300mg's each. Test E- 125mg's weekly. 1 dose/125mg's Mast E- 800mg's weekly. 2 doses/400mg's each Dbol- 50mg's daily. 2 doses/ 25mg's each Winstrol- 50mg's daily. 2 doses/ 25mg's each Caber- .5 mg's weekly. 2...
  23. Moxie

    Test Cyp, Dbol Bloodwork

    Hi guys, Hoping to get feedback on the bloods I have attached below. This is my second cycle and I'm still learning how to interrupt the bloods and make necessary adjustments. Kinda worried about the cholesterol so I appreciate all feedback. First pic is bloods drawn 1 week before starting...
  24. G

    Dosage recommendations, thanks for the help!

    what's up yall I was wondering if some of you could share some knowledge to help me sort out some dosage questions I may have for a current study i'm running on a test subject. Let's begin. So a current cycle a test subject is running is as follows: Monday: 300mg pharmacom test E300, 40mg...
  25. S

    Deca, Test E, maybe with Dbol

    My very first cycle and I'm 24 170lbs 5'8. I think its too much for the first time I'm probably just doing Deca and Test E. Weeks 1-10 Deca 300mg weeks 1-10 Test E 250mg weeks 1-4 Dbol 20mgs weeks 1-10 Armidex .25mg EOD PCT after 3 weeks of the cycle Day 1 Clomid 250mg + Nolvadex 60mg...