lol bro is there anyway you could take a pic ? mine sounds way different? mine has mg and then 0.9, 1.2, 1.5 , etc etc and then another twist at emd with 0.3,0.6,0.9 etc etc?
yes they are the same. The only numbers that matter are the ones in the Pac-Man looking window on the side of the pen where is says mg. Slide the black dial adjusted to the line inbetween 0.3 and 0.6 if you want 1.5 iu. That stays there and doesn’t move unless you want to adjust dose. Every time you inject you twist the smaller grey dial at the end with the other numbers on it (which don’t matter) and inject. It resets itself every time after you hit the plunger

yes they are the same. The only numbers that matter are the ones in the Pac-Man looking window on the side of the pen where is says mg. Slide the black dial adjusted to the line inbetween 0.3 and 0.6 if you want 1.5 iu. That stays there and doesn’t move unless you want to adjust dose. Every time you inject you twist the smaller grey dial at the end with the other numbers on it (which don’t matter) and inject. It resets itself every time after you hit the plunger
have you did bloods with them before ? and if so what is your test protocol ? timing ? IM or SUBQ?
ok still havent had a response from 24 ,, its been ages and just want tracking number
he obviously doesnt have any of this on hand
At what point do we consider something happened to 24herup? I’m coming up on two weeks since sending funds and still nothing.
Let us know if/when you get touch down. I currently have an order in and am waiting to hear back. Order was “complete” on July 8th… I’m waiting to hear that it has been shipped.
I’ll keep every one posted July 5th was when I got my order is complete email then right after a dispatched email everything was From domestic warehouse so maybe today
Wow that’s impressive, I spend 4K USD and can’t even get a reply in two weeks so guess he values small domestic orders over bulk international pharmacy orders.
Wow! That’s a big international order! I’ve ordered internationally a couple of times and counted my blessings when they actually arrived. I hope it all works out for you brother!