518 Bench / Cycle / Education Thread - Steroidify Sponsored Athlete


518lbs competition bench, achieved! That was one heavy pig :)
Been working with Steroidify for the past year and am glad I ran across that team. Quality gear and reliable. Customer service and shipping time is great as well. You will notice mid prep I had to do a pivot in protocol and Steroidify was able to deliver quickly.

View: https://youtube.com/shorts/giJXAHF-RHQ?feature=share

View: https://youtube.com/shorts/BIQk0niG0Rc?feature=share

363413889_312955704524142_5206396810503185273_n.jpgDrugs n Stuff

What a great competition prep! Am really a fan of the Test Mast combo, though my girlfriend was not. Definitely had a little bald patch coming haha. Such is life with DHT Derivatives.
I love masteron, its a great anabolic, not harsh and can be run long term, and it has a nice neurological component. Something it shares with other DHT's, notably Winstrol, which is why it was so widely used in track and field.

I then strategically through in the Anavar during my most demanding weeks, these pulses were strategic and effective.

As the Tren piled on I started having problems maintaining bodyweight, yes even at the 50mg range. I am "naturally" not a big guy. I am 5'5 and climbing from 200 to 220lbs. I had to pivot and add some NPP and decided to cut the masteron. Something has to go, I don't need to take EVERYTHING. So saving some MGs by removing the mast. The masteron was great for keeping me anabolic and neurologically driven, but as prep continued I could get that neurolgoical drive elsewhere (tren) and needed to "fill out" more by increasing my retention. Insert NPP !!!

Being that the weight was a continued issue we kept the Dbol and then opted for a combo Dbol/Anadrol mix from Steroidify. All retentive compounds to compliment the NPP and offset the leaning out of the Tren. Keep in mind we are using tren for its neurology/aggression.

Next prep lean more toward anavar for for its force dev properties, I may conduct some experiments and measure general force dev changes while on the 50mg anavar range. Would do this earlier in prep.

Again, shoutouts to the Steroidify team.

Shall we pursue a 523lbs bench?
Great everything, but do you not care for doxxing yourself?

Been seeing your posts for a couple of years on other social media
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I think if you are advertising a source and are representing them by being a sponsored athlete, you should be tagged as a subscriber here.

And imho as this whole thread aims to be a big advertisment for Steroidify, this should be posted in the underground subforum and not here.
And imho as this whole thread aims to be a big advertisment for Steroidify, this should be posted in the underground subforum and not here.
I am usually against these type of posts, it does sound like one big ad.

I think there is a cross of excitement here from his competition(Along with being sponsored).

I have actually been seeing his training and extremely reasonable doses of AAS for the past couple of years.
Great everything, but do you not care for doxxing yourself?

Been seeing your posts for a couple of years on other social media
Not overly concerned no. I don't deal or anything of that nature. Just use products and compete. Am not seeking sponsorships from supplement companies.
I think if you are advertising a source and are representing them by being a sponsored athlete, you should be tagged as a subscriber here.
I mean, I could edit the wording. but. Yeah, I worked with Steroidify for quite a while throughout this process so they deserve some shootouts.

But reviewing my post, I show my competition cycle, parts of my training during that time. My gear selection and I explain why. hence its a bit of an educational post as well.

The door is open for people to discuss, ask questions, etc.

But reviewing my post, I show my competition cycle, parts of my training during that time. My gear selection and I explain why. hence its a bit of an educational post as well.

People may misread this cause you are less than 10 posts in and shouting out to a source.

If I didn't know of you prior to this post, I would assume you are a piece of shit. for the safety of members.(I know I am a source now)

We are always skeptical.

I know thats not what you meant(I know I sound like a broken record).

But welcome to Meso. You will see a lot of speedy, well tested sources here for plenty of very well brewed gear for reasonable prices. You can stick with Steroidify if you want, especially if they done you right.
Your shilling is so blatant it's embarrassing. You can bench 518 but use steriodify? Did that barbell hit you in the head on the way down?
People may misread this cause you are less than 10 posts in and shouting out to a source.

If I didn't know of you prior to this post, I would assume you are a piece of shit. for the safety of members.(I know I am a source now)

We are always skeptical.

I know thats not what you meant(I know I sound like a broken record).

But welcome to Meso. You will see a lot of speedy, well tested sources here for plenty of very well brewed gear for reasonable prices. You can stick with Steroidify if you want, especially if they done you right.
I am glad that I have at least a little rep on these boards!

I plan to be more present on Meso, am starting a new competition prep and I believe some of my energy will be on this board interacting with the population here!
I am glad that I have at least a little rep on these boards!

I plan to be more present on Meso, am starting a new competition prep and I believe some of my energy will be on this board interacting with the population here!
Loved your video and the family support. Brings back memories. Speaks to the core nature of many of us.

However, to be candid… I am very turned off by your immediate tip to a source. Most Meso members will be, given your relative tenure.

If you do indeed intend to become a core member of Meso and interact for the good of the community (and a little well deserved self glory) my humble suggestion is to steer clear of anything that comes close to source schilling… it will quickly label you and people will tune you out.

Why are we so against source schilling?

For the same reason politicians and special interests don’t go well for the people. It leads to self serving interests that falsely skew information through a selfish narrative.

Well done on the lift brother, much love and respect.
Loved your video and the family support. Brings back memories. Speaks to the core nature of many of us.

However, to be candid… I am very turned off by your immediate tip to a source. Most Meso members will be, given your relative tenure.

If you do indeed intend to become a core member of Meso and interact for the good of the community (and a little well deserved self glory) my humble suggestion is to steer clear of anything that comes close to source schilling… it will quickly label you and people will tune you out.

Why are we so against source schilling?

For the same reason politicians and special interests don’t go well for the people. It leads to self serving interests that falsely skew information through a selfish narrative.

Well done on the lift brother, much love and respect.
I have no problem exiting a toxic community my friend.

If I posted in the wrong area, there is an approach to resolve that.
I placed my thread where I thought it best belonged.

The fact is my thread is educational. There shouldn't be anything wrong with pointing out your source when they are stand up. Especially when that source pays to be on these boards.

I provide good content and I can back up my content.

I am genuine and legitimate not some anon claiming all this gear he took and who you should buy from. Instead I showed what I took, in my journey, and why I support the team I work with and who works with me.

The tone in this room is more pissed off that I represent Steroidify and doesn't give two damns about having another competitor in the community or someone who can provide some actual insight and context around what they did, why they did it, with both gear and training.

Peace be on you brother
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You know to be honest I am pretty dissapointed with the response here and have no problem not sticking around.
While we do have sources we gravitate toward...

There are people who come in here and do the same stuff. 2 posts in, talking about a source. Their primary agenda is to advertise for their guy.

Some people use "Educational" as a form of advertisement as well.(I know that isnt your intention)

I genuinely do hope you stick around. I know you are a good guy, I seen you on Broderick's group. I think you would be a great asset to the community here.
While we do have sources we gravitate toward...

There are people who come in here and do the same stuff. 2 posts in, talking about a source. Their primary agenda is to advertise for their guy.

Some people use "Educational" as a form of advertisement as well.(I know that isnt your intention)

I genuinely do hope you stick around. I know you are a good guy, I seen you on Broderick's group. I think you would be a great asset to the community here.
Let's get some positivity in here and I will stick around.

Honestly was hoping for more questions about my training, gear dosages, gear selection, etc. Instead I got lit on fire and burned at the stake :)

All good, i get the skepticism but let's vibe up in here and get huge.
So I will make a comment. I was always very impressed with the reasonable dosages you used.

Always kind of followed Broderick's model with 10mg/kg.

Instead of the 500 test 500 tren, 500 mast followed by 200g of anadrol for the 315 lb bench.

Always did enjoy the layout of your AAS plan, and training regimen. Along with all of the videos.

I dont lift heavy anymore due to injuries, but that doesnt mean I cant appreciate other people.
Has bench naturally been a good lift for you? I couldn’t imagine benching 500+
That is tough to answer, but I am inclined to say no.

I started training at 18 and trained from 18-22 on free weights and never managed to bench 315. I really started getting strong in my late late 20s and did my first competition at 28 or 29 years old. By 29 I was able to bench in the 400s and it was a very slow growth from there.
I've been competing for a decade


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That is tough to answer, but I am inclined to say no.

I started training at 18 and trained from 18-22 on free weights and never managed to bench 315. I really started getting strong in my late late 20s and did my first competition at 28 or 29 years old. By 29 I was able to bench in the 400s and it was a very slow growth from there.
I've been competing for a decade

What are your other lifts? (If it’s in the videos forgive me, they don’t load for me)