518 Bench / Cycle / Education Thread - Steroidify Sponsored Athlete

What are your other lifts? (If it’s in the videos forgive me, they don’t load for me)
This comp I squatted 560, the goal was 585 but 560 did not move with sufficient speed.

The focus of this competition prep was a 518 bench.

Next comp I plan to pursue the 600 squat and 523 bench.

Here is my video of the comp squat:

View: https://youtube.com/shorts/dYSDNPqJjBg?feature=share

Also, here is a fun, poorly edited, video of like 10ish weeks of linnear periodization on the bench press... With a trip thrown in the mix :)

View: https://youtu.be/tdsOZQM89Wk
Congrats on your lifts.

You wanted to shout out the source you used, cool. Now let's see some testing for those products you used.
How do you know the halo you took was actually halo, or that it was doses accurately? Same for any of the other compounds?

Without testing, your whole post is just a feels reports shilling for steroidify. Feels reports are completely worthless.
To make it worse, you're a sponsored athlete of theirs, meaning your already worthless feels report isn't even an unbiased one. Making it less than worthless.

Congrats on scoring some free gear and well done on your lift, truly impressive, but absolutely nobody should buy, or consider to buy from steroidify based on this very clear shill advertising.
Congrats on your lifts.

You wanted to shout out the source you used, cool. Now let's see some testing for those products you used.
How do you know the halo you took was actually halo, or that it was doses accurately? Same for any of the other compounds?

Without testing, your whole post is just a feels reports shilling for steroidify. Feels reports are completely worthless.
To make it worse, you're a sponsored athlete of theirs, meaning your already worthless feels report isn't even an unbiased one. Making it less than worthless.

Congrats on scoring some free gear and well done on your lift, truly impressive, but absolutely nobody should buy, or consider to buy from steroidify based on this very clear shill advertising.


Thank you for the comment!
Congrats on your lifts.

You wanted to shout out the source you used, cool. Now let's see some testing for those products you used.
How do you know the halo you took was actually halo, or that it was doses accurately? Same for any of the other compounds?

Without testing, your whole post is just a feels reports shilling for steroidify. Feels reports are completely worthless.
To make it worse, you're a sponsored athlete of theirs, meaning your already worthless feels report isn't even an unbiased one. Making it less than worthless.

Congrats on scoring some free gear and well done on your lift, truly impressive, but absolutely nobody should buy, or consider to buy from steroidify based on this very clear shill advertising.
Actually creeped some of your posts, you post a lot of good content.
Let's keep that attitude alive in here and let my biased gear source slide :)

I am going to continue working with Steroidify but plan on running a thread for my 600 squat/ 523 bench journey. So expect to see me around talking all that shit :)

This community should probably tell me what sub section to run my journal so I don't get stabbed in an alley somewhere.
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The hostility is coming from more members here posting logs with “sponsored gear”. Like some of the other members mentioned guys will join, post their sponsored logs and leave. It’s merely just an advertisement for a source so you can get a discount on your next cycle. You look like you’ve put in the work so if you stick around I’m sure you’ll change some members opinions around here. At least you were honest about getting free gear so that’s a start.

Just saw this, how cool...
Kyle is a great guy and superb athlete.
We have a partnership on a different board. Nothing really big. We help on his preps and he posts his logs and stuff like that. Full disclosure kinda thing...

For those who mentioned testing, there's a large lab testing section on our site and anyone can send a sealed vial or blister to a well known lab like SIMEC or CHEMTOX and we will pay for testing and will replace products. Results (good or bad) to be made public.

This is a permanent offer and good for any product on our site.

Thanks again Kyle, for being a stand up guy, a great athlete and for the great partnership.

The Steroidify Team.
The hostility is coming from more members here posting logs with “sponsored gear”. Like some of the other members mentioned guys will join, post their sponsored logs and leave. It’s merely just an advertisement for a source so you can get a discount on your next cycle. You look like you’ve put in the work so if you stick around I’m sure you’ll change some members opinions around here. At least you were honest about getting free gear so that’s a start.
haha respect, yeah man I may be new to this board but I have been around a few boards going back almost a decade, so my rep is important.

Hell I got banned from Iron mag back in the day because I ran a sponsored log and gave the sponsor a bad review lol. They eventually let me back :)

Just saw this, how cool...
Kyle is a great guy and superb athlete.
We have a partnership on a different board. Nothing really big. We help on his preps and he posts his logs and stuff like that. Full disclosure kinda thing...

For those who mentioned testing, there's a large lab testing section on our site and anyone can send a sealed vial or blister to a well known lab like SIMEC or CHEMTOX and we will pay for testing and will replace products. Results (good or bad) to be made public.

This is a permanent offer and good for any product on our site.

Thanks again Kyle, for being a stand up guy, a great athlete and for the great partnership.

The Steroidify Team.
Happy to work with you guys and hope to continue to work with your team on my next prep.

Tough audience over here on Meso but I will make my bones :)

Let's start chasing that 600 squat and 523 bench!
Actually creeped some of your posts, you post a lot of good content.
Let's keep that attitude alive in here and let my biased gear source slide :)

I am going to continue working with Steroidify but plan on running a thread for my 600 squat/ 523 bench journey. So expect to see me around talking all that shit :)

This community should probably tell me what sub section to run my journal so I don't get stabbed in an alley somewhere.
No disrespect to you, or your lifts. No matter the source, those lifts definitely took a lot of work.
The hostility is coming from more members here posting logs with “sponsored gear”. Like some of the other members mentioned guys will join, post their sponsored logs and leave. It’s merely just an advertisement for a source so you can get a discount on your next cycle. You look like you’ve put in the work so if you stick around I’m sure you’ll change some members opinions around here. At least you were honest about getting free gear so that’s a start.

For the record, Kyle has an agreement with us that covers posting logs on another board where he's a vet.

He's not really getting anything for posting here besides a thank you.

I guess he liked the gear too.
Fair play on the lift but I ain't buying those Dosages. Also triceps look oiled

That is unfortunate. I have videos going back a decade on my YouTube. Welcome to check out those triceps over a decade of training right there.

No oils and dosages are accurate.

Fun fact, some people blatantly lie about their dosages in order for their sponsors to sell more gear. Don't feed into the bullshit. Old heads around here will likely verify that. In addition, a lot of guys use mega dosages to compensate for poor training and often poor nutrition.

Me being a fat power lifter toward the tale end of prep I didn't need to worry too much about the nutrition part :) Just a pure kcal perspective. Getting my weight up.
I have no problem exiting a toxic community my friend.

If I posted in the wrong area, there is an approach to resolve that.
I placed my thread where I thought it best belonged.

The fact is my thread is educational. There shouldn't be anything wrong with pointing out your source when they are stand up. Especially when that source pays to be on these boards.

I provide good content and I can back up my content.

I am genuine and legitimate not some anon claiming all this gear he took and who you should buy from. Instead I showed what I took, in my journey, and why I support the team I work with and who works with me.

The tone in this room is more pissed off that I represent Steroidify and doesn't give two damns about having another competitor in the community or someone who can provide some actual insight and context around what they did, why they did it, with both gear and training.

Peace be on you brother
You know you are legitimate … we do not.

That is the point. You see yourself as legitimate and founded, where we see you through the lens of dealing with hundreds of shills a year that we try to avoid. (Which keeps the forum viable)

I wouldn’t say the vibe is pissed off at all, more hopeful but cautionary.. The reception has been unusually kind and tolerant given how you entered.

Just ask that you have the EQ to self assess and understand you are new here and as such a bit of humility goes a long way. It shows leadership and emotional intelligence.

If you feel differently that is fine, but believe it or not I and some others are truly hoping you are legit and will stick around to be a positive impact on the community.

I enjoy power lifters. I lifted back in the day with some of the WSBB guys and was good friends with people like Fred Boldt. So seeing another 500+ bench press guy is a trip for me.
Unfortunately didn't know Fred, but I learned to train in a WSBB inspired gym called Beat Personal Training out of Cincinnati Ohio. Have met a few guys over the years and have shared the platform with some WSBB legends. However, that was in my VERY early days of competing.

You can find my name here:

My first PL meet. People like Dave Hoff there. Fucking monsters lol
This was back in 2013
Not everyone uses super high doses.

I was stronger lb for lb as a natty,(granted training is different).

Think if you throw some reasonable doses at someone who is probably gifted with solid training.

I don't think @BigTomJ uses super high doses either.

As my training knowledge improved AND my nutrition discipline I needed far less drugs to get results. Additionally, I was able to function and perform better on less gear. Less sick, less lethargy, better blood pressure and overall health markers.

People get way too carried away with gear and poison themselves, lose their appetite, sleep like shit, then wonder why the 2 grams isn't making them bigger. Frustrating.
Actually creeped some of your posts, you post a lot of good content.
Let's keep that attitude alive in here and let my biased gear source slide :)

I am going to continue working with Steroidify but plan on running a thread for my 600 squat/ 523 bench journey. So expect to see me around talking all that shit :)

This community should probably tell me what sub section to run my journal so I don't get stabbed in an alley somewhere.
Ok… you are kind of growing on me with this stuff. The grace with which you handle criticism says a lot.
Unfortunately didn't know Fred, but I learned to train in a WSBB inspired gym called Beat Personal Training out of Cincinnati Ohio. Have met a few guys over the years and have shared the platform with some WSBB legends. However, that was in my VERY early days of competing.

You can find my name here:

My first PL meet. People like Dave Hoff there. Fucking monsters lol
This was back in 2013
Yeah. I’m an old dog. Fred was back in 2010-2016. Dirty rat was benching 400 at 165lbs and 485 at 185 lbs. Good guy… unfortunately fell out and doesn’t even lift anymore