518 Bench / Cycle / Education Thread - Steroidify Sponsored Athlete

Yeah. I’m an old dog. Fred was back in 2010-2016. Dirty rat was benching 400 at 165lbs and 485 at 185 lbs. Good guy… unfortunately fell out and doesn’t even lift anymore
2009 I was just coming out of prison, ended up at Ohio University. I met Chris Spiegal who tore his achilles and was off the football team. He was the "huge" bencher at Ohio Unversity rec center. he later ended up at WSBB and pulled like 900 raw and benched in the 600s

I've never had the strength when I lose weight, so I flirt with bodybuilding (non competitively) in my off season and like to get pretty lean and mean. Then as competition season approaches I gain weight into the class I compete. Which puts me in a better position with training.
Calories go up
Drugs go up
Weight on the bar goes...up

I call it the holy trinity.
Example of "flirting with bodybuilding" after my comp preps.
Its a little grainy.

Am hoping to beat this look.

At peak weight comp prep I was about 225ish, just under. I plan to cut down to around 195. Chase some veins and conditioning. This also allows me to reveal some of the muscle that was gained during prep. If you are training 20+ weeks in a surplus and on gear you best be gaining some muscle. lol :)

Props if you recognize the gym.

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Good shit bro! Your moving up on your goals man it’s something to be proud of and definitely should post about it! I see people get offended by promoting your source (which is understandable to keep everyone safe). But still keep up the good work
First of all welcome!

Second, mad props for the weight you move and you dedication and consistency to training. PL is difficult sport with injuries waiting to happen, pushing the limits of human strength to the max

Third, good to see a reasonable dosage protocol and not gear to the gills cycles. A little goes a long way.

Last but not least, we don't give a flying fuck what brand you use. Gear is gear, a tool in the toolbox.

Keep it up!
First of all welcome!

Second, mad props for the weight you move and you dedication and consistency to training. PL is difficult sport with injuries waiting to happen, pushing the limits of human strength to the max

Third, good to see a reasonable dosage protocol and not gear to the gills cycles. A little goes a long way.

Last but not least, we don't give a flying fuck what brand you use. Gear is gear, a tool in the toolbox.

Keep it up!
Thanks brother!
I don't think @BigTomJ uses super high doses either.
I typically stay on the more health conscious/ conservitive side of things.
My off season blasts are less than a gram.

But i also have stepped away from powerlifting last few years to focus almost entirely on the bodybuilding side and hypertrophy.

I can still hit all my old maxes in the 110kg class 561/405/661

but my max platform lifts have hardly improved at all, despite the volume of new muscle ive built in that time.
PL requires true training specificity, and without it, adding a couple lbs of muscle dont do you much good.

I plan on returning to the platform more seriously when I decide ive taken BB as far as i can
I typically stay on the more health conscious/ conservitive side of things.
My off season blasts are less than a gram.

But i also have stepped away from powerlifting last few years to focus almost entirely on the bodybuilding side and hypertrophy.

I can still hit all my old maxes in the 110kg class 561/405/661

but my max platform lifts have hardly improved at all, despite the volume of new muscle ive built in that time.
PL requires true training specificity, and without it, adding a couple lbs of muscle dont do you much good.

I plan on returning to the platform more seriously when I decide ive taken BB as far as i can

Keep in mind that the new muscle you have acquired can be used to potentiate strength gains later on. You are spot on with saying powerlifting requires quite a bit of specificity, however that does not mean you don't benefit from non-specific training when far out from a PL Competition.

Build big muscles (Hypertrophy)
Teach big muscles to be strong (strength block/peaking)
Drop fatigue (Taper)
Express true strength on the platform.

This is largely the way I approach training.

As you shift focus you will demolish your old PRs.

Drives me nuts when people focus on hypertrophy for 30 weeks then expect to hit the same numbers as they used to when in the weeds on a strength block, its like broooo simmer down :)
Keep in mind that the new muscle you have acquired can be used to potentiate strength gains later on. You are spot on with saying powerlifting requires quite a bit of specificity, however that does not mean you don't benefit from non-specific training when far out from a PL Competition.

Build big muscles (Hypertrophy)
Teach big muscles to be strong (strength block/peaking)
Drop fatigue (Taper)
Express true strength on the platform.

This is largely the way I approach training.

As you shift focus you will demolish your old PRs.

Drives me nuts when people focus on hypertrophy for 30 weeks then expect to hit the same numbers as they used to when in the weeds on a strength block, its like broooo simmer down :)
Oh 100% agree. If/when I dial in more for PL specificity. All the tissue built over the last few years of hypertrophy oriented training will absolutely come in handy.
I have no problem exiting a toxic community my friend.

If I posted in the wrong area, there is an approach to resolve that.
I placed my thread where I thought it best belonged.

The fact is my thread is educational. There shouldn't be anything wrong with pointing out your source when they are stand up. Especially when that source pays to be on these boards.

I provide good content and I can back up my content.

I am genuine and legitimate not some anon claiming all this gear he took and who you should buy from. Instead I showed what I took, in my journey, and why I support the team I work with and who works with me.

The tone in this room is more pissed off that I represent Steroidify and doesn't give two damns about having another competitor in the community or someone who can provide some actual insight and context around what they did, why they did it, with both gear and training.

Peace be on you brother
So we are a toxic community lol?
Let's get some positivity in here and I will stick around.

Honestly was hoping for more questions about my training, gear dosages, gear selection, etc. Instead I got lit on fire and burned at the stake :)

All good, i get the skepticism but let's vibe up in here and get huge.

dosent sound educational sounds like ur trying to make a few $ or get some free shit.

Also i diden know it was a power lifters goal to get huge, expecially if your in a set weight class?

Just saw this, how cool...
Kyle is a great guy and superb athlete.
We have a partnership on a different board. Nothing really big. We help on his preps and he posts his logs and stuff like that. Full disclosure kinda thing...

For those who mentioned testing, there's a large lab testing section on our site and anyone can send a sealed vial or blister to a well known lab like SIMEC or CHEMTOX and we will pay for testing and will replace products. Results (good or bad) to be made public.

This is a permanent offer and good for any product on our site.

Thanks again Kyle, for being a stand up guy, a great athlete and for the great partnership.

The Steroidify Team.
What brand products were used?
What brand products were used?
Hey Fam,
I pulled most of the info. Not sure on the Halo, I had thrown it in a ziplock

Pharamacom Labs for the Test e 300
Pharmacom Tren H 100
Pharmacom for the Anavar
Euro Pharmacies for the dbol/drol
Ultima Pharma for the Mast
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So we are a toxic community lol?

dosent sound educational sounds like ur trying to make a few $ or get some free shit.

Also i diden know it was a power lifters goal to get huge, expecially if your in a set weight class?

You must know everything and that is why you didn't learn anything :)

You didn't know a power lifters goal is to get huge? This is an interesting take.
Muscle moves Iron
Retention and "size" provide leverage

A good power lifter is going to want to maximize the amount of tissue capable of generating force and if his/her weight class allows for it they will then maximize the amount of retention going into the meet to benefit their leverages and overall strength.

You certainly don't want to go into a comp depleted!
What are your other lifts? (If it’s in the videos forgive me, they don’t load for me)
Squatted 560 on second. Was projecting 585 this meet. But didn't take a third and saved it for my bench, as that was the priority this meet.

next comp I am going for 600lbs

I was never a good deadlifter, but tore both bicep teonds, distal tears. Had a great surgery but some nerve damage + xyz excuses. I don't deadlift.
Squatted 560 on second. Was projecting 585 this meet. But didn't take a third and saved it for my bench, as that was the priority this meet.

next comp I am going for 600lbs

I was never a good deadlifter, but tore both bicep teonds, distal tears. Had a great surgery but some nerve damage + xyz excuses. I don't deadlift.
Were the bicep tears a result of doing deadlifts?
With the Bench programme mate - was that working off a current max of 507?

Or what percentages are they in the table?
With the Bench programme mate - was that working off a current max of 507?

Or what percentages are they in the table?
Very complicated question. 507 was my precompetition max and on a natural athlete I would use that number as my "training max" and calculate % starting points from there.

However, with the manipulations to bodyweight and the general harsher androgens being present in that point of my training I would NOT use that as the max. Instead I opt for my opener which is 485lbs.

Why? Again?
The MAX was too inflated, we aren't on those drugs all the time.
The Max was also inflated due to BW size
The lower max (485) allows me to have a more accurate number that I can run with and build momentum onto over a long training period.

People are too quick to bury themselves in the ground, lifting too heavy too often.
Very complicated question. 507 was my precompetition max and on a natural athlete I would use that number as my "training max" and calculate % starting points from there.

However, with the manipulations to bodyweight and the general harsher androgens being present in that point of my training I would NOT use that as the max. Instead I opt for my opener which is 485lbs.

Why? Again?
The MAX was too inflated, we aren't on those drugs all the time.
The Max was also inflated due to BW size
The lower max (485) allows me to have a more accurate number that I can run with and build momentum onto over a long training period.

People are too quick to bury themselves in the ground, lifting too heavy too often.
So starting out with 4 x 2 @ 365 are we saying you begin with 75% of 1RM for the working weights?

I notice the program works with higher weights and lower reps which I like, do you find this more effective than say including 5 reps plus +?

Given how thick your arms look - I assume you do a lot of assistance tricep work do you?