518 Bench / Cycle / Education Thread - Steroidify Sponsored Athlete

So starting out with 4 x 2 @ 365 are we saying you begin with 75% of 1RM for the working weights?

I notice the program works with higher weights and lower reps which I like, do you find this more effective than say including 5 reps plus +?

Given how thick your arms look - I assume you do a lot of assistance tricep work do you?
Great questions,

Yes I started at 4x2+ the + denotes an amrap
4x2 + amrap at 365

Now this is a small but vital component of my training, notice to the right in the image it says "Volume accumulation" this applies both to the 4x2 (which becomes 4x4+) but also applies to secondary movements.

For example,
IN a volume accumulation phase most rep work would be done between 8-15 repitions
In a strength phase most rep work done in the 5-8 rep range
In my peak/taper there really is very limited rep work so 1-5 reps total

Does this mean in each phase NOTHING happens outside of those zones? no. It just means that 90% of my work is biased toward that range/that goal.

Additionally a lot of non-primary work is a mixture of the physical needs and psychological needs of the athlete. So all of us may bench in the accumulation zone, but the downstream movements may change based on needs.
E.g. if someone NEEDS a lot of tricep work, they may be doing some close grip bench or close grip incline presses after primary bench.
Great questions,

Yes I started at 4x2+ the + denotes an amrap
4x2 + amrap at 365

Now this is a small but vital component of my training, notice to the right in the image it says "Volume accumulation" this applies both to the 4x2 (which becomes 4x4+) but also applies to secondary movements.

For example,
IN a volume accumulation phase most rep work would be done between 8-15 repitions
In a strength phase most rep work done in the 5-8 rep range
In my peak/taper there really is very limited rep work so 1-5 reps total

Does this mean in each phase NOTHING happens outside of those zones? no. It just means that 90% of my work is biased toward that range/that goal.

Additionally a lot of non-primary work is a mixture of the physical needs and psychological needs of the athlete. So all of us may bench in the accumulation zone, but the downstream movements may change based on needs.
E.g. if someone NEEDS a lot of tricep work, they may be doing some close grip bench or close grip incline presses after primary bench.
Thankyou for going through all that bud.

When will your first new phase Bench workout be going up do you think? :)
Thankyou for going through all that bud.

When will your first new phase Bench workout be going up do you think? :)
Currently just focusing on high repitition work and slowly building toward 315x20.

The competition date hasn't been announced yet, when that happens I will have more definitive timelines for blocks of training. Right now, just focusing on building quality reps.
Currently just focusing on high repitition work and slowly building toward 315x20.

The competition date hasn't been announced yet, when that happens I will have more definitive timelines for blocks of training. Right now, just focusing on building quality
You should try out those Deus Dbol Injectable amps that steroidify sell as you like your Dbol - they are staggering effective at increasing bench. Just take a third of the amp or half in with you normal compound and you can tell the strength difference just the next day no kidding. I've used them for years along with other versions. You don't get any appetite loss like you do with the tablets after a while either from them irritating your stomach lining.

The most I ever managed with 315 was 16/17 reps a few years back - they definitely weren't paused though!! Lol