You guys DO know this is JeffyG, right? The same idiot who double dipped between SST and Meso, all while talking shit about Meso the whole time on SST not even 3 months ago. AND was most recently was kicked off of SST for the THIRD time as he was trying to source when he was never even approved to be a source in the first place.

If no one cares, thats fine but don't let this guy win you over with his constant giveaways, he really is a two faced dumb fuck who cursed the Meso name and has been banned from every forum there is.

Just came here to say that.
Since this is a hgh thread I’ll ask my question here. Can I get bac water at a pharmacy by just asking for it?
I use sterile water

You can I think the difference is just chemicals/minerals are still present in sterile.

Sterile would be be just basically boiled water that you allowed to boil for 5+ minutes, or I think you can add a certain amount of chlorine (wouldn't mess with that)

Where distilled water is the collected and cooled water vapor you get from boiling water.

Both work, my local pharmacy just sells distilled water for $2 a gallon so I grab that.