@Anonymous_anabolics, in your intro you stated that brewing and lab setup didn’t apply to you at this point, since you are mainly a reseller. When do you plan to let us know of your brewing setup/procedures, along with pics?
@Anonymous_anabolics, in your intro you stated that brewing and lab setup didn’t apply to you at this point, since you are mainly a reseller. When do you plan to let us know of your brewing setup/procedures, along with pics?

Once I get more raws in stock I will be resuming my AAS line. I have a few oils in stock but it's honestly not much. Need to get more filters, vials, stoppers, glassware, etc. If you want I can post some pics of what I currently have until the raws arrive. I just didn't want to come unprepared which is why I was holding off on that part.
You guys DO know this is JeffyG, right? The same idiot who double dipped between SST and Meso, all while talking shit about Meso the whole time on SST not even 3 months ago. AND was most recently was kicked off of SST for the THIRD time as he was trying to source when he was never even approved to be a source in the first place.

If no one cares, thats fine but don't let this guy win you over with his constant giveaways, he really is a two faced dumb fuck who cursed the Meso name and has been banned from every forum there is.

Just came here to say that.