Well ive pines quite a few places I use a 23 g by 1 inch for all my injections should I use a smaller one.
I buy mine with the 20g attached to draw with then I get the separate 25g 1" to pin with. The Excel ones with the negative space nipple is the best.
Hey in recovery as well keep it up. I was on subs for years and I know the deal.
Yeah fuck subs man. Lol. Never went that route. I had 4 years until recently. Didn't apply third step in my daily life man... My best friend, pretty much my brother OD'd in June. The day we took him off life support I was a fucking wreck. Pulled over on the side of the road going home and was on the phone with my sponsor. Some dude walked up to my window and was like how many you want... Sucks telling your sponsees that you relapsed. That was a first for me.

Last time I got clean in 2014 I overdosed and had peripheral nerve palsy and was paralyzed from my left rear delt to my finger tips for about 6 months. But this time has been the hardest to get clean. It gets worse every time... Vivitrol was my only chance because I couldn't trust myself this time.

Sorry for the rant. Been in my head today. Lol
No PIP or discomfort from his Test E, also taking winstrol and feeling great. Will try and get 6 week bloods, no promises though as I’m in one of the states privatemd won’t sell to, and not sure if I’m comfortable going and pretending I’m from somewhere else
Maybe @TorroXL will fill us in

I don't think that man feels pain. He could pin test prop in his calfs and go hike a mountain joyfully
Trapas are nice, personally I like to put prop half ml toward the front then I'll have my girl put half ml in the back side

If you have trouble connecting with your traps fucking put some propionate in there

Idk if @TorroXL even has tendons or nerves but if I were to go in where he is in that pic I'd fukin cry, PUT THE SHIT IN SLOWLY traps can be dangerous as well if you fuck up a shot

I've put as much as 1ml in one section but like putting two spots if you can manage that
What's the pip like after pinning traps? I've done delta, glutes and quads. Pip is the worst in quads imo
Quads are my favorite. It took me while to find he sweet spots, but now, 3-4cc’s all good! Mind you I felt like a donkey kicked me in the thigh before I figured it out.
Also for a limited time I'm going to offer a $25 blood donation credit.

It's a good idea to donate before the start of your cycle to help prevent your hematocrit or RBC levels from becoming too high.

If you download the American Red Cross blood donation app



Or simply text "BLOODAPP" to 90999

It will show a history of all your donations. Simply take a screen shot and send it to me as proof.

Plus your donation will go to help those effected by the recent hurricane in the Carolinas.


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