Shouldn't we hold the source accountable for scamming another said source if he's selling here? First I heard of this but if completely true hell be ripping members off as well. We should get on him today.... Oops. Just seen hgh Weiner is fucking everyone equally. Another fucking jitbag...
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I look at it this way either the fucker will ship it or he won't. Either way me being in his thread isn't going to make him not be a piece of shit and all of a sudden ship it.

I may be out a little over a grand but in the end it's his loss. He could have teamed up with me and made a shit ton of money. On to the next one.
I look at it this way either the fucker will ship it or he won't. Either way me being in his thread isn't going to make him not be a piece of shit and all of a sudden ship it.

I may be out a little over a grand but in the end it's his loss. He could have teamed up with me and made a shit ton of money. On to the next one.
Who needs enemies with a teammate like that......
If y’all will not buy any of the mauve tops when they come in so I can buy them all, I’d greatly appreciated it. Thank you.
I look at it this way either the fucker will ship it or he won't. Either way me being in his thread isn't going to make him not be a piece of shit and all of a sudden ship it.

I may be out a little over a grand but in the end it's his loss. He could have teamed up with me and made a shit ton of money. On to the next one.
Unfortunately all he could see was quick cash. Not all the cash he could have made in the long run by teaming up with you. Everyone wants everything right now, nobody had patience anymore. We are a society that wants instant gratification.
Since it's almost bulking season...Has everyone gotten their pre-cycle blood work done?

If not you better get on it.

For a limited time I'm gonna start offering a $50 blood work credit for pre-cycle bloodwork.

Get pre-cycle and mid-cycle bloodwork done and it pretty much pays for your entire cycle.