@Logan44551 I believe I owe you a few replacement kits on the Mauve tops. Please get back to me towards the end of next week to square this up.

There's a few of you that need replacement black top kits. Supposedly should have them restocked in a few more weeks. "SUPPOSEDLY" being the key word because I've been hearing the same thing for the past few weeks now. I have your email so I will touch base with you shortly and we can figure out a backup plan.
Lol the hair on my head being fuller and shinier is, but I'm dulling razors with all the hair everywhere else like it's my job. Switched to just electric buzzing it all for now.

Ah yes my razors go dull after 1 shave, so I only shave a couple times per week. My body hair razor lasts a bit longer. been thinking about getting laser hair removal lol
Ah yes my razors go dull after 1 shave, so I only shave a couple times per week. My body hair razor lasts a bit longer. been thinking about getting laser hair removal lol

Go old school like me. Straight blade to shave.

Or even a old school safety razor. Those are cheap to change blades on and stay sharp as hell for while. There’s just a small learning curve to them lol
Ah yes my razors go dull after 1 shave, so I only shave a couple times per week. My body hair razor lasts a bit longer. been thinking about getting laser hair removal lol

I was too but my boy did it and still has tons of hair but now it's patchy. You'll most likely need multiple sessions and that's where it gets expensive.
Anyone use the sust 250 yet? Just placed an order for some along with winstrol and masteron E. Have used the tren and the Black top kits.. everything has been great so far
I was too but my boy did it and still has tons of hair but now it's patchy. You'll most likely need multiple sessions and that's where it gets expensive.
Laser left me patchy after 8 sessions. Was looking into one of the home systems but nothing beats electrolysis.
Go old school like me. Straight blade to shave.

Or even a old school safety razor. Those are cheap to change blades on and stay sharp as hell for while. There’s just a small learning curve to them lol

Straight blade sounds interesting, especially since you can resharpen it. The safety razor I didn’t like, maybe the brand I got sucked but I had to unscrew to unclog constantly.
I was too but my boy did it and still has tons of hair but now it's patchy. You'll most likely need multiple sessions and that's where it gets expensive.

I have a friend that got it done too, he still has a lot of facial hair but not as much I guess but yea I think it took a few times.
@Anonymous_anabolics whats the latest on the generic restock. I read you got a few mauve coming in, but any good news on a full restock?

I'm not 100% sure. Supposedly the black tops will start production again soon but won't be ready to ship until the end of October. But I think I might hold off for a few weeks to check how things go. Make sure production stays consistent and that testing comes back acceptable before restocking them so I don't run into this same issue again a few months down the line.

I'm also working on a plan B and C.

Plan B
I've purchased kits from 10 different suppliers/manufacturers. I'm waiting on a few more to land then sending samples of them out for testing. Hopefully at least 1 of them comes back just as good as the Meditrope. If so I will be stocking them.

Plan C
Still working on finding a reliable Ansomone connection. Hghpro was supposed to hook me up with his connection but he disappeared along with a nice chunk of my cash for a small test order I placed. Working on a few other avenues but we'll see if they pan out.
Any plans on making ester-free T in water/suspension or at least restocking tne, preferably the former?


I have the raws but it's just a matter of finding the time to get it done. I had a few fairly large orders that wiped me out of a good chunk of my stock. It's the orals that are really slowing me down. They are the biggest time consumers. I'm thinking of either dropping some from the list or outsourcing to a pressed tab. Looking into a few sources now.
I'm not 100% sure. Supposedly the black tops will start production again soon but won't be ready to ship until the end of October. But I think I might hold off for a few weeks to check how things go. Make sure production stays consistent and that testing comes back acceptable before restocking them so I don't run into this same issue again a few months down the line.

I'm also working on a plan B and C.

Plan B
I've purchased kits from 10 different suppliers/manufacturers. I'm waiting on a few more to land then sending samples of them out for testing. Hopefully at least 1 of them comes back just as good as the Meditrope. If so I will be stocking them.

Plan C
Still working on finding a reliable Ansomone connection. Hghpro was supposed to hook me up with his connection but he disappeared along with a nice chunk of my cash for a small test order I placed. Working on a few other avenues but we'll see if they pan out.
That sucks man. Even tho your a source, I hate seeing anybody getting ripped off. Just isn’t right.