Since it's almost bulking season...Has everyone gotten their pre-cycle blood work done?

If not you better get on it.

For a limited time I'm gonna start offering a $50 blood work credit for pre-cycle bloodwork.

Get pre-cycle and mid-cycle bloodwork done and it pretty much pays for your entire cycle.

Damn, good offer. I just wish I wasn’t so squeamish with needles!
Since it's almost bulking season...Has everyone gotten their pre-cycle blood work done?

If not you better get on it.

For a limited time I'm gonna start offering a $50 blood work credit for pre-cycle bloodwork.

Get pre-cycle and mid-cycle bloodwork done and it pretty much pays for your entire cycle.

Great idea to encourage members to do the right thing.

One more blast this year and I'm gonna cruise for 6 months on your prop. Gonna try it out see if I can manage my estrogen easier than the longer esters I've been using.... Prob do .75ml Mon, Wed, and Fri.... usually pull blood 3x a year since I B&C. Will be throwing up all the bloods as they come In.
One more blast this year and I'm gonna cruise for 6 months on your prop. Gonna try it out see if I can manage my estrogen easier than the longer esters I've been using.... Prob do .75ml Mon, Wed, and Fri.... usually pull blood 3x a year since I B&C. Will be throwing up all the bloods as they come In.

25 g or slin?
Lots o pinnzzz. Scar tissue can build up
Since it's almost bulking season...Has everyone gotten their pre-cycle blood work done?

If not you better get on it.

For a limited time I'm gonna start offering a $50 blood work credit for pre-cycle bloodwork.

Get pre-cycle and mid-cycle bloodwork done and it pretty much pays for your entire cycle.
Actually about to schedule my pre cycle bloods in the next week or so. Will post it up along with results from mid cycle!!
Since it's almost bulking season...Has everyone gotten their pre-cycle blood work done?

If not you better get on it.

For a limited time I'm gonna start offering a $50 blood work credit for pre-cycle bloodwork.

Get pre-cycle and mid-cycle bloodwork done and it pretty much pays for your entire cycle.

Speaking of bloods, has anyone posted any mid cycle bloods? I don't think I've seen any yet