Doesn't trest aromatize fast as fuck? I dont know too much about it...just wondering what's it's all about

I think it's aromatization rate is a little over exaggerated. But then again everyone is different so we'll see how it goes. I've stocked up on the pharma Aromasin just to be safe.

Congrats on hitting post #2000. I've got a few kits of Mauve tops on the way. You just won yourself a free kit. Hit me up towards the end of next week to see if they're in.
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I think it's aromatization rate is a little over exaggerated. But then again everyone is different so we'll see how it goes. I've stocked up on the pharma Aromasin just to be safe.

Congrats on hitting post #2000. I've got a few kits of Mauve tops on the way. You just won yourself a free kit. Hit me up towards the end of next week to see if they're in.
Holy shit!! That's badass man! Thank you so much!
I think it's aromatization rate is a little over exaggerated. But then again everyone is different so we'll see how it goes. I've stocked up on the pharma Aromasin just to be safe.

Congrats on hitting post #2000. I've got a few kits of Mauve tops on the way. You just won yourself a free kit. Hit me up towards the end of next week to see if they're in.

I see where this is going. C’mon post #3000.
Has anyone experienced hair growth or better hair condition with gh use? Or any healing properties?

Usually I only hear about visceral fat loss, fuller muscles and improved sleep.
My hair got a lot shinier if that counts, and my skin looks a lot healthier . Plus i've noticed some lean tissue developement
My hair got a lot shinier if that counts, and my skin looks a lot healthier . Plus i've noticed some lean tissue developement

I got the shinier hair thing going on too, and this may be more from the Mast but my body hair and facial hair is growing in thicker/faster than usual.
Anyone ever heard of or experienced gh preventing balding or even causing some growth up top?

Fuck man I wouldn’t mind if this would happen. I’m at 5iu daily after 8 weeks and maybe have an increase of hair growth on my back. I think my finger and toenails are growing faster too. Took my socks off today and noticed I had some dragon claws down there.
Fuck man I wouldn’t mind if this would happen. I’m at 5iu daily after 8 weeks and maybe have an increase of hair growth on my back. I think my finger and toenails are growing faster too. Took my socks off today and noticed I had some dragon claws down there.

I’ve been running black tops for a solid year now at 4iu per day for the majority of the time, except first few weeks ramping up. No doubt my damn fingernails and toenails grow faster that they ever have!! Seems like just days after I cut them they’re snagging socks again because they’re fangs already!
I’ve been running black tops for a solid year now at 4iu per day for the majority of the time, except first few weeks ramping up. No doubt my damn fingernails and toenails grow faster that they ever have!! Seems like just days after I cut them they’re snagging socks again because they’re fangs already!
But is your dong growing? THAT is the aim of GH! Lol
Fuck man I wouldn’t mind if this would happen. I’m at 5iu daily after 8 weeks and maybe have an increase of hair growth on my back. I think my finger and toenails are growing faster too. Took my socks off today and noticed I had some dragon claws down there.
Seems like it would make hair grow up top, but then again it would be pretty well known if it did :(