MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

I’m running axles test e and primo (375/300) and I’m loving it. The primo 200 is super smooth. Just a little PIP nothing to write home about.
The test feels great as well. No negative side effects whatsoever.
It’s safe to say I’m finally done source shopping and will be doing business with axle only from now on.
Thank you for the review!
Got the “MESO offer” touchdown today. Absolutely amazed with the amount in each bottle. Most are over half or 3/4 full. Thank you so much @Axle Labs, crazy promo dude.
@Axle Labs I know you said Minoxidil and Lasix are both in the works, do you have an ETA by chance? I need to grab some Minoxidil ASAP, but if you're looking at having it in the next 2-3 weeks it'll still probably be quicker to wait for you than go international.
No hard ETA yet but we’ll keep you all updated soon as we find out.