BigTomJ's Training and Everything Log

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It is probably for the better. It was painfull to watch

I know what you mean, everyone does.
However, and feel free to call me an idiot etc, I kind of feel bad to see someone "deleted".
Tbh, I was not expecting that.
He did write some crazy stuff, but maybe what did it was the constant attempts to create conflict, tagging people just to be obnoxious and so on.
I thought maybe admin was going to have a word, although that would have been useless. Maybe they did warn him.
Even if he "deserved it", I can't help also feeling bad for him.
Yes, OK, I am a retard.
My understanding is, if a member is "deleted" it is because they asked Millard to get their account deleted, so it was most probably his own choice.
Oh cool.
If he did that, rather than what I assumed, good.
Sorry, I didn't think of looking into what deleted member actually means.
I just thought his account had been removed by someone other than him.
Sorry if everyone knew and I just wrote something stupid.
Deloading this week,
not bothering with the log for this week.
just training at 60% loads or volume depending on movement and spending the rest of my gym sessions getting some much needed mobility work done
Hope you get better and some R&R can sure help you recharge and you'll be back at it refreshed. Doing simpler mobility movements also helps improve your mood and getting you out of that training rut.

