BigTomJ's Training and Everything Log

Ya, especially after that... there's nothing left, lol

Allright, Mister.

Following the accurate medical we had to perform to give you permission to join this forum, it has been confirmed you are the proud owner of the biggest sized cojones on Meso.
So, you are just having a poke at me because you wanted me to make the information publicly available.
Now you can go brag about it for the rest of the week.
I'm still here and still training.

We've been off everything for nearly 3 months now to take the time and focus on fertility for me and my wife to get our family started.

Weight is down to 248 this morning, with composition holding steady.

Food is still high with almost 5k calories and 600g of carbs on training days.

Strength/work capacity has taken a bit of a hit with no androgens in my system, but I'd say I'm still training at about 90-95% of my peak blast strength and capacity. Recovery is still solid.

What I'm taking right now:
2000iu HCG EOD
75iu HMG EOD (opposite of HCG)
50mg enclomephene ED
3iu GH

This is gonna continue for as long as it takes for me and my wife to get pregnant, then right back into things.

I plan on bringing back my daily training log posts as well this week.

Photo from this mornings checkin
You're holding nice for off drugs. That's a hefty dose of enclo though, have you done any labs out of curiosity to see your TT? It still might be very high, if i'm not mistaken a normal dose is 12,5mg a day isn't it? Do you take anything for estrogen control?

Best of luck with your fertility.
You're holding nice for off drugs. That's a hefty dose of enclo though, have you done any labs out of curiosity to see your TT? It still might be very high, if i'm not mistaken a normal dose is 12,5mg a day isn't it? Do you take anything for estrogen control?

Best of luck with your fertility.
i miss typed, its clomid not enclo.

currently not taking any AI, bloodwork is next month to test DHEA/LH/FSH test/E2 ect ect ect to see how its going.