Morning Weight: 215.0lbs
High Day
Direct Protein: 220g
Direct Carbs: 775g
Added Fats: 0g
Been a rough week. Had my first set back, and first off plan meals this week which sucks. Sunday morning I was making meal two downstairs when I heard my wife telling our 10 month old, 100lb girl, Cane Corso to go back to her bed. They where upstairs with my kids. I guess our pup Nova started acting weird and disoriented when she was walking back to her bed so my wife told her to go downstairs so she could go outside in case she needed to pee. I heard them all coming downstairs so I walked over to the bottom of our stairs and Nova collapsed, rolling down the last few stairs to my feet. She seemed like she was having a seizure but I quickly saw it was much more than that. Her body tensed up and she let out a loud roar and sadly, I saw the life in her leave. My kids and my wife where watching all this happen. My kids where screaming her name and my wife and I where trying to get her to come out of it. Fuck me. It was pretty traumatic for all of us.
Anyway, after losing her with zero warning, I reached out to the breeder to see if he has ever had this happen with any of his pups. He was just as confused as we where. A few days went by and he told us he had a couple new puppies in Southern California. He offered us one of them as he thought it would help us get through mourning Nova girl. Within a couple hours we where in the car and headed down to California.
So bodybuilding wise, I did have to eat off plan for meal 4, 5, 1, and 2 on Wednesday night and Thursday morning. Did my best to hit my macros. Got all my training in. Weight is down this week. Check ins this morning look good. Looks like I lost some water in my legs. Because of the missed meals, I'm not sure if Justin will keep me on the same food for another week or if he will push food higher.
Here is Nova. She was a bad bitch. Miss her a lot.
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