Steroid Profile Dianabol

The only bad part about dbol is coming off it. I’d take it for months on end if I could. My body just can’t handle it like it could when I was younger. I go 20mg usually. Feel incredible. Always like to have it on hand.
I've taken almost every oral now and running EQ for the first time and was trying to decide which oral to pair It with lol, all roads end to Dbol for me.. Quick strength gains, water mass sure but the added strength/endurance I get Is super worth It imo.

The slight euphoric effect used to cause my anxiety and I would be shaking in the car just couldn't wait to get to the gym, Now I'm a lot calmer on It and take advantage of this effect - I'd put that feeling with and/or above Anadrol when It comes to aggression against the weights, depending on the mood.

I used to split 20mg tablets in half because It was so potent for me, Even now my typical dose Is 20mg preworkout.. Over the course of these next few months I may taper up to 30-40, exciting compound and a 10/10 from me.
Any research done on what happens if you mix oral steroids such as dbol with statins to control better lipids?
From personal experience I can say my liver doesn't appreciate it when I add orals alongside my prescription Lipitor. My enzymes are high-normal as it is and 40mg dbol is enough to push them out of range. I have no idea what the longterm affects would be if I were to run lipitor and dbol indefinitely. I'm not too keen on finding out either.
I'm trying dbol for a mild cut, looking to lose just a bit of body fat % and trim up the waist.

I have to say it is an interesting experience, I'm a lot fuller and even 20mg/day feels good. Strength is as if were not cutting at all, so it compensates well there.

As for side effects, well at that dosage water retention is manageable and I like the fullness it gives me. One negative effect is that my appetite is high, I always experience big boost in appetite on Dianabol.

P.S. of course I'm taking Testosterone as a base.
Dianabol, as one of the very first anabolic steroids (and an oral at that), has been widely used by athletes, past and present. It was often the first steroid that most athletes and bodybuilders tried due to its availability in the 60s, 70s, and 80s. Of course, in the last 20 years, the easy accessibility of Chinese raw steroid powders and the explosion of UGLs domestic and abroad has dramatically increased the number of different oral and injectable steroids available to users. So, given all the choices currently available, how does Dianabol stack up?

Please take a moment to read Bill Roberts' profile of Dianabol, let us know what you think, and please share your own personal experiences here in this thread.

Good info!
If someone is interested in injectable Dianabol, I say it's worth it if you're not afraid of injections.

No stomach upset
Can tolerate higher dosages (person dependent)
Less side effects
Feels more stable
No acne (I'm prone)

Daily injections
More expensive
Harder to find

Overall, I really enjoyed it a lot this run. I was surprised I experienced no acne at all like with oral dbol version. Higher dosages like say 80mg and more, no noticeable hit on appetite. Smooth experience, only downside like I said is injections.

It's a niche product and only for enthusiasts like myself. For regular users it's probably best to choose oral version due to availability and easy to use way.

If you are like me and crave for uniqueness and different things in life, then it's worth a try. It has it's own character and hits different compared to oral.

Dianabol remains my favorite steroid, regardless if it's in a tablet or injectable form. For me it is a feel good steroid, second best to Testosterone.
How many mg a day would you run and how long? Same as oral? Do you use primo or mast to counter high e2?
Arnold talked about how the gym was better than sex; this was cause he was popping dbol like candy. Dbol 20-40mg pre workout or really anytime you want a mood boost is pretty damn sick.

Its best to stick to a max of twice a day though for those sweet, fragile liver enzymes.
Arnold talked about how the gym was better than sex; this was cause he was popping dbol like candy. Dbol 20-40mg pre workout or really anytime you want a mood boost is pretty damn sick.

Its best to stick to a max of twice a day though for those sweet, fragile liver enzymes.

He was definitely lying about doses, but also a genetic gift: no acne, balding, or major injuries. I know other things affect those, but still.
Dianabol, as one of the very first anabolic steroids (and an oral at that), has been widely used by athletes, past and present. It was often the first steroid that most athletes and bodybuilders tried due to its availability in the 60s, 70s, and 80s. Of course, in the last 20 years, the easy accessibility of Chinese raw steroid powders and the explosion of UGLs domestic and abroad has dramatically increased the number of different oral and injectable steroids available to users. So, given all the choices currently available, how does Dianabol stack up?

Please take a moment to read Bill Roberts' profile of Dianabol, let us know what you think, and please share your own personal experiences here in this thread.

How do you order this on the website?
Dbol is the one I've only taken BP and Hilma oral, both were potent, I think it just feels like balkan was more potent because I did it years ago when I first started, so nostalgia plays here. Injectable metan version was a bit different, so a bit hard to compare.
My first ever oral was Dbol specifically from Hilma and if anything this left me thoroughly unimpressed in steroids at the time. It was weak af.

I remember reading about its effects and side effects and i decided to take it easy with only 10 mg at first, and built my way up to 30 mg on weeks 3 and 4. I did make gains but nothing crazy. The gains were kinda like if i got sick and took a 1 month break and came back id recover my strength just as fast.

I got it from a verified reseller and i also checked the scratch code on the hilma website and its legit. Its just not that great. Im in my early 20s too and never did peds before that. I was on a test base of 250 E and tbh before and after the dbol the gains were pretty much the same, a small boost with the dbol but its more like a good preworkout than a real PED that youd read about.

Just my own theory out there, it is dbol, but a slightly different chemical variation that makes it dbol enough to be positive on tests but not as potent as the other dbol from back in the day, other than that i cant explain.


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