Does anybody know an online source for Vicodin?

egold was untraceable. they traced it. there is no genius about silk road just lies.

but hey if you like to pay 100% over street prices then ko urself on that board. by the time you buy bitcoin and such you'll be paying 3-4x street prices. why bother?

if you cant connect onthe streets that means ur a weirdo.

Buy a moneypak with cash, exchange on SilkRoad for bitcoin. There is no possible way to trace that to an individual, or even a transaction on SR.

What's your local street price for mdma? What's you local street price for dmt? What's your local street price for fishscale cocaine, or afghan #4?

SilkRoad isn't for bargain hunting, it's for quality and harder to find stuff. Even then the price isn't much more. Benzos on there are cheaper than street, 30mg roxis are only slightly more than non Florida street prices.

But at the end of the day it comes down to this, would you rather deal with some shit bag local dealer, or a vendor on SilkRoad who goes out of his way to make sure you're 100% satisfied so you don't leave negative feedback.
Buy a moneypak with cash, exchange on SilkRoad for bitcoin. There is no possible way to trace that to an individual, or even a transaction on SR.

What's your local street price for mdma? What's you local street price for dmt? What's your local street price for fishscale cocaine, or afghan #4?

SilkRoad isn't for bargain hunting, it's for quality and harder to find stuff. Even then the price isn't much more. Benzos on there are cheaper than street, 30mg roxis are only slightly more than non Florida street prices.

But at the end of the day it comes down to this, would you rather deal with some shit bag local dealer, or a vendor on SilkRoad who goes out of his way to make sure you're 100% satisfied so you don't leave negative feedback.

get all that stuff for 1/4 of the prices sold on silkroad. 99% of the opiate vendors are buying off one online source and jacking up the price, he's not too hard to find.

mdma comes from a canadian and dutch source who sell online for 1/10 of the price.

benzos are easy as shit to find and .10 each with your choice from india or south america. all cheap.

so what's so special about silkroard? you get the "privilege" to buy stuff at 10x the price?
That's f'ing hilarious...and so true! There must be people who deal with hardships and have no alternatives, though. But u r correct.
That's f'ing hilarious...and so true! There must be people who deal with hardships and have no alternatives, though. But u r correct.

i feel sorry for these people who have to rely on silk road. s.r is as exploitative as you can get.
i wish we could freely share sources for pain sufferers but in the current environment it would be disastrous.
but building up s.r as some kind of saviors is's a website that exploits people and gives a bunch of tweens a false sense of security.
i feel sorry for these people who have to rely on silk road. s.r is as exploitative as you can get.
i wish we could freely share sources for pain sufferers but in the current environment it would be disastrous.
but building up s.r as some kind of saviors is's a website that exploits people and gives a bunch of tweens a false sense of security.

there are legit private sources on 'deep web''

spend some time on the forums and will eventually deal with you, escrow and alot cheaper than silkroad

silkroad is so expensive because everybody took advantage of the escrow and scammed the sellers, most main sellers advertised prices are different for returning customers
there are legit private sources on 'deep web''

spend some time on the forums and will eventually deal with you, escrow and alot cheaper than silkroad

silkroad is so expensive because everybody took advantage of the escrow and scammed the sellers, most main sellers advertised prices are different for returning customers

Deep web is the cess pool of humanity. Roaming around on silk forums made me run for the hills. If you think regular internet is bad wait until you get to deepweb. Yuck.

find iop sources here...

edit: doh! i did the code thing wrong didn't i?
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Wow, I forgot about this thread, but to be honest I now realize how stupid it was to ask online for a opiate source.

In any event, I managed to get prescribed my vicodin and am still awaiting surgery so I can get off this shit and back on working yeah to anyone who sees this thread, I NO LONGER NEED A SOURCE. But thanks anyway :D
If u cant afford the t3 or clen now then stay away from Opiates. Prescription Opiate abuse leads the pack in today's out of control drug trade. If u genuinely have pain get the Injections. They r given in a set of 3. And can work really well. Having said that a guy right here in Chicago woke up to the DEA at his door just this last July. He was Ordering Norco's from a "dr" . Tracking 1's computer activity really is not that complicated. And while AAS are indeed a controlled substance TRT - HRT for personal use is tolerated quite well. 8 OUT of 10 people who have taken Opiates for longer than 90 while even have a xript become addicted, Its that Addiction that leads people to do anything to feed it - even break the law. When was the last time u heard a guy robbing a store for a shot of Test
Addiction is defined as PHYSICAL withdrawal and occasionally some find it so overbearing that they will "do anything" to reverse their symptoms , using the drug which caused them. Addiction most often occurs when people begin to use CS's to feel good or feel normal again. It's occurrence is dosage and duration related. This is why I become so imbittered with folks selling that crap on Meso, they ensure the dosage and duration required for ADDICTION are readily achievable, SCUM BAGS, "have you no sense of decency"!
Nice post DONZI!
yea sorry to bring you guys down from your moral high ground, but ....

1) I'm in pain.

2) when i asked a while back about t3 and clen, i hadn't ruptured my disc yet


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Congrats Z, because the chronic use of opiate WILL lead to tolerance at best and addiction for worse!
Addiction is defined as PHYSICAL withdrawal

As someone having first hand experience with addiction (not suggesting anyone here is an addict btw) certainly this is correct in the physical sense but in certain 12 step programs that you find towards the front of the phone is also thought of as a spiritual disease of which the substance use is but a symptom. But this symptom can also kill you or make you wish you were dead. One test is to look an manageability also. Is your life no longer manageable as a result of ________ (insert substance, behavior, etc) you may want to attempt to stop and see what happens. Sorry...a bit off topic but I wanted to add to the good Dr's point.

Congrats Z, because the chronic use of opiate WILL lead to tolerance at best and addiction for worse!

Hey bro, no need to be a fuckin smartass. I simply put that I already have a prescription so the shady scammers would stop blowing up my PM box. But you have to go open your mouth. Say, I bet you don't even know how to read that MRI, right "doc". And I'm not proud to be using vicodin but it sure as hell makes my day more bearable. But you wouldn't know about that kinda pain, so stop giving smartass lectures on something you don't know shit about.
Moral High Ground. Really stop. I can see plain as day by ur last post u get what I was trying 2 say. U dont have to defend ur actions 2 any1. I have pumped Concrete for the past 13 years. Back pain is the worst. U need a series of injections. It will help u more than beans. Get ur refill and try the shot. If u find ur subconscious trying to still justify the Opiates at least u will have sum so u can taper down. I watched my Brother at 40 sell his vet 2 feed his addiction - we just want u 2 b aware now because often by the time u r ready 2 admit there is a problem its 2 late.
Snartass! No Z I'm being real! Did you inquire which one of your APPARENT THREE herniated disks (based on one MRI pic) will be operated on FIRST (none with "cord" compression yet I can't determine without other views if the "roots" are involved) Your a classic example of the 95% of folks whom DON'T IMPROVE after back surgery, especially if a laminectomy is the intended procedure! I implore you review the literature before surgery AND ask your neurosurgeon what percent of his patients are pain free after one year! DON'T let him bullshit you, get an answer, because the results are truly disappointing, mate especially compared to placebo! The absolute worst outcome is on patients that expect their "pain" will be relieved-----NOT. What I'm telling you is the TRUTH ask around Z, but I suspect you've made up your mind!
Fine advice Donzi, but Z read my earlier replies to this post where I clearly state I've had disk herniations previously yet they were treated medically, as Donzi has suggested. What percent of ASYMPTOMATIC adult males have incidental "disk herniations" on MRI performed for other reasons?
The point of this question is?
Make damn sure the disk which is operated on, since you have THREE, is the once which is CAUSING your signs and symptoms!
Answer 15-20% and many studies or texts estimate a frequency as high as 30%
Z, I'm only trying to help you better understand your condition. I prescribe narcotics EVERY day (like Dilaudid, Demerol, Morphine, Oxycodone, Hydrocodone etc) for acute pain. Moreover you doctors are being quite cautions about your most recent RX, prescribing a limited quantity, intermediate dosage 5/500, without refills.
The question is NOT whether you in pain (I've NEVER QUESTIONED that) but how to best treat the underlying etiology!
Z. the doc, is on the $. Look I'm in the Trades, I c this shit ev day, Having said that I will tell u str8 up. In Chicago u show ur Avg. doc a MRI like mine they hit my Blue Cross. Smile and refer me to a pain clinic. It's a shame but finding sum 1 like doc J... Sum 1 that really gives a shit is not easy. IDK what u do. Chronic Low Back Pain is 1 of the Hardest things to treat. U r going to b dealing with this 4 sum time man... I cope daily it sucks.. I much rather Stress this now than here u down the road trying to detox or looking 4 a Maintenance Program.
Correction, my statements are more a reflection of my understanding of the existing literature and experience evaluating patients with musculoskeletal/compressive etiologies for their BP.
No doubt his Z's "condition" is much more complex than I've implied, as is the "most appropriate" treatment! Unfortunately, Z (whom I do believe is a decent fella) took umbrage to my over simplification of his signs and symptoms. Consequently, none of my subsequent posts will involve his specific case.
Apologies Z