Does anybody know an online source for Vicodin?

I have 5 herniated discs. 2 in my neck 3 in my low back

I needed surgery but didn't do it

I used to have serious flare ups and severe pain...couldn't walk for days at a time

I know it sounds crazy....but I used peptides....did 3 4 month long treatments....last round ended last July

It seems to have worked

Just tossing it in
...sometimes at least....peptides do help....

Best of all is that I can now work out like I used to....train heavy...finally I can squat and deadlift again....hadn't done those since 2008.....peptides seem to have done the trick

I ran ipamorelin and mod grf.
I'm planning on running hgh for a few nagging injuries. I wasn't optimistic about it healing my 3 cervical and 4 lumbar herniations, this is good news:D
I'm planning on running hgh for a few nagging injuries. I wasn't optimistic about it healing my 3 cervical and 4 lumbar herniations, this is good news:D
I think it will help u bud

Good luck

I was so bad for so long....its crazy that I actually healed up but yea

I haven't had an MRI or anything to see what actually happened but I can tell you I'm no longer in pain frequently and I have not messed up my back at all since I did my first pep run in 2015

I used to hurt my back doing something as simple as standing up sometimes....just a slight wrong step...bam....3 days of pain

Now I'm good bro

Hgh should b even better
I think it will help u bud

Good luck

I was so bad for so long....its crazy that I actually healed up but yea

I haven't had an MRI or anything to see what actually happened but I can tell you I'm no longer in pain frequently and I have not messed up my back at all since I did my first pep run in 2015

I used to hurt my back doing something as simple as standing up sometimes....just a slight wrong step...bam....3 days of pain

Now I'm good bro

Hgh should b even better
Thanks bro
Anything is better than pain meds. Unfortunately I learned that the hard way. I'm also planning on cortisone shots after I get my new MRI's. My thoracic spine is worse them the others just never got an MRI.
Super late to this thread. Only read page 1. Op, get on suboxone from a pain management doctor.
O.k, so I know this sounds quite bad ,however before judgments are made and insults handed out I would like to take the chance to explain myself. So, to begin, the reason why I want to aquire Vicodin or hydrocodone is because I am currently and have been suffering from several herniated discs in my lumbar spine. They are L1-L5, and as such I haven't squatted in over a year, the thing is though that my cheap ass doctors won't prescribe them to me. All they give me is shit ibuprofen!
Meso does not condone trafficking in narcotics. Although your situation may be legit, how many assholes would turn mesorx into a go to for prescription drugs? There are other web sources, just don't ask us. Soon all the dick head feds used for investigating Marijuana will be freed up for other investigations.
O.k, so I know this sounds quite bad ,however before judgments are made and insults handed out I would like to take the chance to explain myself. So, to begin, the reason why I want to aquire Vicodin or hydrocodone is because I am currently and have been suffering from several herniated discs in my lumbar spine. They are L1-L5, and as such I haven't squatted in over a year, the thing is though that my cheap ass doctors won't prescribe them to me. All they give me is shit ibuprofen!

And at the same time, only gave me a small dose once, when I ruptured my L3 and was given Vicodin and morphin, at the hospital ER. Since then my stingy ass doctors won't let me near the stuff, and at this point I say screw doctors. They don't want to give me not a surgery or some damn pills. Does anybody know of online pharmacies similar to those who sell steroids? All I can find on the net is about Mexican pharmacies which makes me a bit nervous. PM if you know of somewhere, and please no bullshit, I'm not trying to get high, I just want to get back to lifting since the doctors have made it known to me that it only gets worse from here on:(

First get copies of your Xrays that show the herniated discs.
With them getting a script is much easier
For example you are guaranteed a script at FL pill mills. With valid Xrays they may even give you a hefty discount.
With Xrays and a script from another state you're more likely to get a script (from a different doctor) in your state.

Most are mexican pharmacies for a reason
most opioids are legal in mexico
but will get an inordinate LE attention if bought online

Have you tried Tramadol?
Much weaker than oxy/hydro but much less addiction potential and easier to get online.
First get copies of your Xrays that show the herniated discs.
With them getting a script is much easier
For example you are guaranteed a script at FL pill mills. With valid Xrays they may even give you a hefty discount.
With Xrays and a script from another state you're more likely to get a script (from a different doctor) in your state.

Most are mexican pharmacies for a reason
most opioids are legal in mexico
but will get an inordinate LE attention if bought online

Have you tried Tramadol?
Much weaker than oxy/hydro but much less addiction potential and easier to get online.
Hmmmmm Mr Bot did you look at the date of that post? Of all the bot's Meso get's the malfunctioning one :oops:
Does anyone realize op posted this in 2012? he has either died of a drug overdose by now , or has figured out some sort of pain management so let's just let this thread die
KRATOM. and suboxone is no where near as bad as dope that's a bullshit statement I've been on every opiate in the book for pain including 3 oxy 80s 12 10mg opana and 2 100mcg fentanyl patches a day at the same time all prescribed and I was still in killer pain and none helped the way subutex did that stuff actually got rid of my chronic pain up to 100% most days. not to mention bupe doesn't make you go out and rob everything from everyone or crave getting high. I wanted to get off bupe because of new career path I'm taking and because I didn't want to have to take something to not be sick everyday. kratom is a blessing and I'm just going to deal with the pain.
Isn't Kratom now illegal in the US? Thought it went into effect late September? Never tried it but read it was being scheduled in the news.