Does anybody know an online source for Vicodin?

You will get addicted to Vicoden. That is why docs won't prescribe it long term.

You need someone who can deal directly w/ the problem, possibly a good orthopedic surgeon.
Correction, my statements are more a reflection of my understanding of the existing literature and experience evaluating patients with musculoskeletal/compressive etiologies for their BP.
No doubt his Z's "condition" is much more complex than I've implied, as is the "most appropriate" treatment! Unfortunately, Z (whom I do believe is a decent fella) took umbrage to my over simplification of his signs and symptoms. Consequently, none of my subsequent posts will involve his specific case.
Apologies Z

Well, you just shouldn't jump to conclusions based on what you THINK you know about my condition. And I don't take kindly to my condition being downplayed, and your insinuation that I am an addict. Infact, next week I am set to get my first epidural injection and sometime after that I will be looking to get a two level microdiscectomy. So I really am looking to heal, rather than just feel better. But Until then, I don't plan on being in pain and im taking between 4 and 6 pills a day to manage my discomfort.
I'm with you Z. This is shouldn't have to walk around in pain brother. We pay ridiculous money for meds because we're paying for all the R&D. Take what you need and good luck healing up.
One of the greatest discoveries in medicine was morphine sulphate. Its extreme.y cheap and very effective at keeping people in acute and chronic pain comfortable.
To me, there's a difference between being addicted and being dependent on a substance. If one is dependent on a substance to live a normal productive life, who are we to judge?
Excuse me!
What conclusion did I "jump to"?
Which comment is indicative I "insinuated your were an addict"?
Where did I "downplay the significance of your condition"?
A bit paranoid aren't we?
For some folks you give them an inch they TAKE a mile you unappreciative prick.
Oh apologies.Z, that should have read unappreciative and condescending PRICK! (it's not surprising you've had difficulty locating DOCS willing to manage your "condition")
Its an unfortunate situation for anybody that needs any medication in order to get through the day, regardless though discussion of certain meds will lead to unwanted attention from the wrong people.
There's lots of boards out there that deal with what the OP is looking for.
Oh apologies.Z, that should have read unappreciative and condescending PRICK! (it's not surprising you've had difficulty locating DOCS willing to manage your "condition")

Geeze....guys on hydrocodone are usually much more laid back Doc!:)
I'm just having a little fun with you Z!!
Guess he could be running a little on the short side? Should have taken that into consideration .......NOT!
Excuse me!
What conclusion did I "jump to"?
Which comment is indicative I "insinuated your were an addict"?
Where did I "downplay the significance of your condition"?
A bit paranoid aren't we?
For some folks you give them an inch they TAKE a mile you unappreciative prick.

I find it funny and ironic how you call me condescending, yet you have to claim your doctor status in order to validate what you are going to say next. And I wasn't going to address how wrong you were about your interpretation of my MRI, but I think I'll explain since you feel it necessary to call me a "condescending prick". The radiologist report actually indicated:

"Diffuse spondylosis is seen with the lumbar spine without evidence of spondylolysis or spondylolisthesis. Disc desiccation is noted at L3 through S1...


T3-T4: 2-3mm right paracentral posterior disc bulge effaces the ventral surface of the thecal sac without evidence of canal stenosis.

L2-L3: 4mm posterior disc bulge effaced the ventral surface of the thecal sac, resulting in mild canal stenosis.

L3-L4: 3mm posterior disc bulge effaced the ventral surface of the thecal sac, resulting in mild right and moderate to severe left neural foraminal narrowing.

L4-L5: 4mm posterior disc bulge effaced the ventral surface of the thecal sac, resulting in mild to severe bilateral foraminal narrowing, in conjunction with facet joint hypertrophy.

L5-S1 6mm posterior bulge effaces the ventral surface of the thecal sac, resulting in severe neural foraminal narrowing. Posterior annular tear is seen within the intervertebral disc. Mild canal stenosis is seen."

However, being that you probably aren't a doctor in the first place, you didn't happen to notice the early onset arthritis in the lumbar spine. But this isn't because, you couldn't tell because of lack of images, or poor image quality, it was because you do not know what the fuck these conditions described in the report even looked like. In fact, I actually took the clearest and best picture so as to better illustrate what I'm going through, yet you in all your stupidity proclaimed "Did you inquire which one of your APPARENT THREE herniated disks (based on one MRI pic) will be operated on FIRST (none with "cord" compression yet I can't determine without other views if the "roots" are involved) "

And EVERY SINGLE THING YOU SAID IS WRONG! Because, not only do I have only ONE herniated or prolapsed disc, I also have sever pressure build up on the "roots" and "cord", due to my spinal cannel being abnormally narrow. Again, not to mention that you missed the clear signs of spondylosis in the lower discs, clearly represented by the condition of the vertebrae.

But I don't blame you for not knowing these things, since I'm of the general opinion that you are not even a doctor. But hey, everyone's gotta make themselves feel special right, even if some have to resort to creating fake identities as doctors. Hey it's your life, who am I to judge? :rolleyes:
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Geeze....guys on hydrocodone are usually much more laid back Doc!:)
I'm just having a little fun with you Z!!

Yeah, I know what you mean. I also understand why doctors are hesitant to give out narcotics, but when this fake ass "Dr.Jim" starts running his mouth and has no clue what he talking about, I get really upset and probably more than I should. It's just that it is exactly because my doctor was a person like Jim, that my back got so fucked up. My doctor used to insist that my pain was "just a sprain" and after months of hearing the same bullshit, I insisted on having an MRI done. And big surprise, I had a bulging disc at L5-S1. And even after this realization with the orthopedic surgeon, i asked what i should do for rehab and he said "dont ever lift weights again". As in, no injections, no therapy, no nothing. It was basically like he said, "you don't have enough money to make me give a shit". And that's all most doctors care about.

But it's these arrogant and condescending doctors that especially piss me off, the ones that think that just because they went to med school at who the fuck knows where, that they have the authority to say when I am "really" in pain. If it weren't for stupid, conceited sons of bitches like that, a lot more people would never get to the shitty condition they're in. It's like as an athlete, I know my body, and I know when I'm hurt. And no doctor, whether he went to Harvard med school or not can tell me otherwise. But these dumb bastards just have to let their pride get the better of them.
I never said or implied I was a radiologist, less than enlightened one, but I did mention having THREE radiographs was a limiting factor in the MRI as shown, especially since a typical lumbar spine MRI includes at least FIFTY pictures! However in spite of this I was absolutely correct you have THREE herniated disks; just what do you believe that which the radiologist refers to as "posterior disk bulges" are, LMAO! Moreover as I indicated additional views are necessary to optimally view the obliquely positioned facets and neural foramina where spinal roots are located and YOUR arthritic changes were noted. Furthermore your canal narrowing, spinal stenosis, (TRY NOT to confuse that with foraminal stenosis, which is due to ROOT compression) is "mild" and occurs primarily at the S1-L5 interspace but is NOT causing impingement or root compression WITHIN THE CANAL. Now I don't expect you to understand or want to understand any of this medical verbiage, but rest assured you have enough "abnormalities" to keep those Vicodin refills coming for a lifetime. Now you feel better Z?
I never said or implied I was a radiologist, less than enlightened one, but I did mention having THREE radiographs was a limiting factor in the MRI as shown, especially since a typical lumbar spine MRI includes at least FIFTY pictures! However in spite of this I was absolutely correct you have THREE herniated disks; just what do you believe that which the radiologist refers to as "posterior disk bulges" are, LMAO! Moreover as I indicated additional views are necessary to optimally view the obliquely positioned facets and neural foramina where spinal roots are located and YOUR arthritic changes were noted. Furthermore your canal narrowing, spinal stenosis, (TRY NOT to confuse that with foraminal stenosis, which is due to ROOT compression) is "mild" and occurs primarily at the S1-L5 interspace but is NOT causing impingement or root compression WITHIN THE CANAL. Now I don't expect you to understand or want to understand any of this medical verbiage, but rest assured you have enough "abnormalities" to keep those Vicodin refills coming for a lifetime. Now you feel better Z?

See there's that blind sureness you showed before. And I determined that I only have one herniated disc, not only by what the radiologist report said, but by research and the rest of the images, that even you suggested are required to determined whats really happening. Not to mention the fact that my spine surgeon, a Mr. Jan Duncan assured me that my assumptions that I state here were correct. Now between research, my MRI, the radiologist report, and a renowned spine surgeon, you expect me to take the word of some anonymous Internet clown with no proof of his supposed credentials?!? C'mon you can't think me that naive.

But you and i both know that the more you open your mouth the more you weaken your own argument. Not to mention that the jury is still out on whether your a doctor or not. But you wanna shut me up, all you gotta do is give me your name and scan your medical license. But until then, you don't know shit, and can't even decide on what argument you will pursue. Since before you proudly proclaimed, that there was NO pressure on the nerve or root, then I open the radiologist report and you change your story to agreeing that there's "mild" pressure. But it's not like I gave you other pictures to make that change of mind, right? I mean you claim that you couldnt be sure without more images about the stenosis, yet you state in your caps lock, that i have three herniated discs. Seriously though, Just give up the act bro, it's better to jump ship before its too late. And don't worry, I won't be mad, I knew all along. ;)
"Posterior disk bulge" if you honestly believe that's not representative of a herniated disk------why your delusional ---- believe what you will ---- but you've proven that was your intention once you embarked on your Vicodin Internet search and added MESO to your endless list!
"Posterior disk bulge" if you honestly believe that's not representative of a herniated disk------why your delusional ---- believe what you will ---- but you've proven that was your intention once you embarked on your Vicodin Internet search and added MESO to your endless list!

Still waiting to see your non-existent medical license:D
Still waiting to see your non-existent medical license:D

If you are paying for his treatment and he is claiming to be a doctor that would be understandable. Would you expect anybody to post personal information on an online steroid forum? If he wanted to he could just google a license and black out the name. So what gives?
Exposing my identity benefits me in NO way, but you make an excellent point Sworder! Z get a life outside of Vicodin!
Exposing my identity benefits me in NO way, but you make an excellent point Sworder! Z get a life outside of Vicodin!

Don't give your identity then, I couldn't care less, just admit you're a fake then. And ironic how you tell me to get a life and yet your activity on this forum is like 1000%. Maybe you should just let go of your pipe dream of being a doctor and cop to being a fraud. Then maybe you'll be able to move on with your life.
If you are paying for his treatment and he is claiming to be a doctor that would be understandable. Would you expect anybody to post personal information on an online steroid forum? If he wanted to he could just google a license and black out the name. So what gives?

Yeah your right, I suppose that's why assholes like Jim troll around Internet forums as pretend doctors. I bet he loves this place, after all he doesn't even have to substantiate a word he says and he gets to remain an anonymous coward too.

The best part though is how he's the one who started flaming in the first place for no good reason. But as Socrates ones so eloquently put it, "when the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser". And if I recall correctly, I never uttered one foul word to Jim as a person, before he called me a prick. I am merely repaying like, with even like.
My how the truth hurts doesn't it Z, I damn sure have nothing to prove to your witless, delusional, and dependent arse, LMAO!
My how the truth hurts doesn't it Z, I damn sure have nothing to prove to your witless, delusional, and dependent arse, LMAO!

You know I was going to post another witty, smartass comment, until I realized I'm arguing with such a pathetic person, that he cannot even behave like a decent man. So go ahead and "laugh your ass off", just don't troll my posts and leave your input on my threads. You don't want to be called a fraud, and I don't like being called an addict. So just fuck off, and you and I will be just fine :)