Now the test is working, you can check it again.

You think we saved on testosterone by making the concentration 30% less

After that, you began to doubt that the test was done by a real user and that the correct batch was specified there (although for some reason you don't want to check all this by sending your vial to the test, but let's not talk about it ...)

I would not buy from a manufacturer whom I would suspect of fraud, especially in such a vile fraud as faking tests and cheating customers by 30% after very loud statements that part of their philosophy is to build long-term trusting relationships with their customers. I think that 30% underdose would be such a big shame that I would never buy from such a company.

You don't need to work with a company you don't trust.
Yes, it works now. I have already written to Analiza Bialek and asked. You were probably faster.
The question still remains, why didn't you publish the blind test before, but only now? Transparency is king, that's what you say you stand for, right? Then we could have saved ourselves all that and I would have looked for another explanation for the lower values.
Incidentally, I also asked my laboratory for a second measurement because I also suspected an incorrect measurement. They did that and the values increased minimally (I can show you if you want).
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Yes, it works now. I have already written to Analiza Bialek and asked. You were probably faster.
The question still remains, why didn't you publish the blind test before, but only now? Transparency is king, that's what you say you stand for, right? Then we could have saved ourselves all that and I would have looked for another explanation for the lower values.
Incidentally, I also asked my laboratory for a second measurement because I also suspected an incorrect measurement. They did that and the values increased minimally (I can show you if you want).
No point in arguing with them mate you could find this fucker in bed with your wife and he’d spin the narrative to make it sound like he was in the right.
This lab test was published on our website. Why did I post it here now? Because the conversation turned to this butch. I don't understand where you can see the conspiracy theory you're trying to present here.

1. Different testosterone levels at the same dosage, measured at the same time after injection, will have different blood levels and this depends on many factors, including the rate of absorption, which in turn depends on the injection site (yes, the rate of increase varies from this and, accordingly, the peak in the blood may vary). There is such a section in pharmacology - Pharmacokinetics, which studies these processes. I advise you to read it.

I am very disappointed that people who do blood tests and monitor hormone levels do not know such basic things, while not trying to study them and understand them, but just want to blame someone.

2. We have brought the Blind Test

3. We support the idea of your own Blind Test

I have nothing more to add.
Yes, it works now. I have already written to Analiza Bialek and asked. You were probably faster.
The question still remains, why didn't you publish the blind test before, but only now? Transparency is king, that's what you say you stand for, right? Then we could have saved ourselves all that and I would have looked for another explanation for the lower values.
Incidentally, I also asked my laboratory for a second measurement because I also suspected an incorrect measurement. They did that and the values increased minimally (I can show you if you want).
This lab test was published on our website. Why did I post it here now?
I looked on the site, on Telegram, and here in the forum. There was no “blind test” of this specific batch anywhere.
You didn't publish the blind test, not even on Telegram
Now, during criticism, a blind test has miraculously suddenly appeared and then randomly from the questionable December batch, even though you have been selling the batch since September.
A rogue who thinks evil of it.
I am done with you. Let everyone think their part about you.
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Almost 1 year of olive oil underdosed in olive from driada.

Go cross the highway blindfolded for those who are bored to the point of creating problems.
There is a rumor in various forums that Driada's products from Cyber Week 2023 are underdosed or even fake (because of the 50% discount).

My neighbor has now had a blood test done and can report that the stuff might indeed be underdosed, even though it is the "same" batch.
Cypilos 250 (Batch 951521)

Testo: 36.6 (Reference: 2.50 - 8.38)
Free Testo: 1236 (Reference: 54 - 230)

He now has lost his trust in Driada.
why don't you send a sample to Jano? You must not ignore the absorption rate.
View attachment 284311

Almost 1 year of olive oil underdosed in olive from driada.

Go cross the highway blindfolded for those who are bored to the point of creating problems.
Exactly, some ppl just like the drama to th point of creating problems, I've literally prepped for my first contest using some of the gear I bought from cyber week, I didn't find any issue, I've got decent results and actually placed 1st.
Exactly, some ppl just like the drama to th point of creating problems, I've literally prepped for my first contest using some of the gear I bought from cyber week, I didn't find any issue, I've got decent results and actually placed 1st.
Congratulations for your first place.

Sometimes it's examples like this that we need to give rather than getting stuck on figures and data. I'm talking about results and not feelings (These ones also bother me. The feeling is bullshit. I didn't feel anything between natty and 300 or 800mg of testo )
Congratulations for your first place.

Sometimes it's examples like this that we need to give rather than getting stuck on figures and data. I'm talking about results and not feelings (These ones also bother me. The feeling is bullshit. I didn't feel anything between natty and 300 or 800mg of testo )

Except at 300 you had a strawberry head and at 800 it morphed into royal pig.
Except at 300 you had a strawberry head and at 800 it morphed into royal pig.
Because any non-legit product turns a fruit/vegetable into edible meat :D .
I have tender meat flavored now.

And I say it again but I had to give around €600 to Driada and got €2800 of rewards for blind test. So 80% Should everything I got be fake? I am transparent I do not belong to Driada and if there was shit (even free) I would be the first to smear my shit in their faces. But for those who want honesty... Driada willingly loses money to prove their legitimacy.

(it's so easy to justify your mediocrity with bad luck rather than taking your own responsibilities... To all those who find that it doesn't work... Take up golf or ice curling. You will at least have the satisfaction of living longer than us)
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Hi! I would kindly like to ask is there any new lab tests for Boldenone. On the official page there are only tests for 2023. I have multiple orders from driada and all of the products work as they should so I am super satisfied.
Dear our customers from Austria!

We are glad to inform you that we are starting to deliver to your country again! We have thoroughly researched and tested a new secure delivery method that does not interact with the state postal service, which significantly increases the discreteness of receiving parcels .

Now you can place orders with us as before, knowing that your goods will be delivered quickly and reliably. As always, we are working to improve the service and to ensure that each of you has the opportunity to purchase our products .

⚠️ The delivery price to Austria is 35 euros

With respect,

Driada Team ⭐
Dear our customers from Austria!

We are glad to inform you that we are starting to deliver to your country again! We have thoroughly researched and tested a new secure delivery method that does not interact with the state postal service, which significantly increases the discreteness of receiving parcels .

Now you can place orders with us as before, knowing that your goods will be delivered quickly and reliably. As always, we are working to improve the service and to ensure that each of you has the opportunity to purchase our products .

⚠️ The delivery price to Austria is 35 euros

With respect,

Driada Team ⭐

Where there any problems here?
Hello everyone,

I want to share my recent blood test results to shed some light on the quality of Driada Medical products. I've been following a protocol of 83.33mg (0.33mL) of testosterone every 5 days. Here are the values from my tests:

January 12, 2024:
Testosterone: 699 ng/dl
E2 (Estradiol): 38 pg/ml

After this, I added Primobolan (80mg every 5 days) to my regimen. Here are the results from April 3, 2024:
Testosterone: 671 ng/dl
E2 (Estradiol): 17.5 pg/ml
Blood samples were consistently taken on the morning of the 5th day before the next steroid injection.

The stable testosterone levels and the expected reduction in estrogen (E2) after starting Primobolan clearly indicate that these products are working as intended. Primobolan is known to lower estrogen levels, and my results reflect this accurately.

Furthermore, independent tests on the batches of steroids I've done confirmed that the concentrations were consistent with what Driada declared. This reassures me that the products are of high quality and reliable.

I hope that this report of mine can help clear up the doubts of some users about the efficacy and authenticity of Driada Medical's products.

Keep strong