Guys you have to see this... Dave Palumbo rips Vigorous Steve

Yeah. My body is kinda depended on 1 gram gear.
Funny man right here you know tf I mean :P I don’t think u need 1g but go test that out n don’t inject anything for 3/4 months n tell me you ain’t feel like shit at some point ;) but I get what u mean I guess in that sense mine is dependent on fkloads of test n dbol like tic tacs, gotta stay hydrated so what better way than turning into my own camel hump n keeping all the water I might need in myself like a water bed
Well I am disappointed reading this pile-on for Vigorous Steve who seems to me to be a gentleman, generous with his time and knowledge, and fiercely intelligent. He is a champion for safety and is always conscientiously imploring viewers to start slowly, to learn, and above all else to obtain constant testing to assess overall health.

He is the best possible resource, in my opinion, for vulnerable young blokes who would instead rely on old juice heads at the gym.

Everyone here seems to forget that English is his second language and each his videos starts off with an important disclaimer - he does not profess to be a doctor!

If we want an accessible doctor who we can anonymously obtain actual information on gear from, where do we go? Oh, that’s right, that bona fide snake oil salesman dr testostetonology.

This is not me saying palumbo is wrong or a grub or anything like that, but I cannot accept the Vigorous Steve is anything other than a force for good in a community sorely lacking in pragmatic, reasonable and trustworthy information sources
I don’t think anyone disagrees here n yeah he’s not a native English speaker but bruh he’s Dutch I lived there for ages n trust me they speak English better than in the UK (and they often have a certain mindset that seems like they think they are better than all others, imo it’s a mix of colonial n Nazi remnants but I actually find it endearing due to having lived there for so much).

All this is to say yeah he ain’t dumb n he isn’t doin anything too out of order but imo between his way of saying things (that might have that Dutch way of coming off as superior when in reality most of the time they just talk that way) n him knowing a fair share of stuff equals a shitty attitude when commenting on someone like Dave (who knows whose fertility protocol is better they both have kids imo the only answer would be to test em both out but they both beefing for promo imo)

I might be wrong but I’m nearly sure some of these beefs are premeditated to gain traction when a channel is laggin, wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case here too as one is the OG n the other is the new kid on the block (kinda) so it’s even done perfectly for having different people argue over this as their audiences cross over but I’m sure the yt people are more divided than we are here (think of all the broccoli heads they definitely be listening to MPMD n Steve n probably don’t know who Dave is, good way to get people from each fanbase to know the other guy n regardless it’s free promo when we talk n post about it
Yeah I watched this video and I was like WTF!!!
It wasn’t that bad if I remember correctly, wasn’t it just the classic 400/500mg of test just before that he said get blood work n start at 200 to gauge reaction? I don’t really find anything wrong with that shit it’s what most people do (many don’t start at 200 they just do 400/500 but I don’t think there’s anything wrong in starting lower shit if you respond well like I do even 200 will get you to near 3000)
Dave palumbo is full of shit always was..

Dave in prime 20iu+ HGH, 100-200iu Insulin daily and steroids well into the Grams.. I dare say his stacks would of compared to the likes of Ronny rockels.. Rumor was he'd buy extra oil for the fridge door.. Big investor of Big Chill..
It wasn’t that bad if I remember correctly, wasn’t it just the classic 400/500mg of test just before that he said get blood work n start at 200 to gauge reaction? I don’t really find anything wrong with that shit it’s what most people do (many don’t start at 200 they just do 400/500 but I don’t think there’s anything wrong in starting lower shit if you respond well like I do even 200 will get you to near 3000)
No, it was an 10-12 compounds cycle including gh
No, it was an 10-12 compounds cycle including gh
Yo wtf for real? I must have watched a different video then (the one I watched was just test, test plus an oral or test n primo I think), I guess homie made more than one beginner cycle vid but that’s just dumb af how is anyone gonna even know what is going on n what’s causing what with all that shit? I hope you’re including the supplements in that number cos idk it seems wayyy excessive n off brand for the guy
Dave palumbo is full of shit always was..

Dave in prime 20iu+ HGH, 100-200iu Insulin daily and steroids well into the Grams.. I dare say his stacks would of compared to the likes of Ronny rockels.. Rumor was he'd buy extra oil for the fridge door.. Big investor of Big Chill..
Why would his past dosages make him full of shit? Did he claim other stuff?