Janoshik Analytical laboratory testing services

Janoshik, do you listen to Linkin Park? what do you think about Emily Armstrong?

thank you
I listen only to my wife.

i been wondering has there been any generic hgh that tested 99% purity with 0 dimer since changing your testing method?
I can't really tell when I'm being sent a generic and when I'm being sent EU Pharmacopoeia standard / Pharmacy standard / Sample out of pharmacy.

With no label and faked products, how would I know?

We've received EU Pharmacopoeia standard with not label from a client that wanted to test our accuracy.

We've tested 5 samples of GH that were over 99% since we changed our methods.
I listen only to my wife.

I can't really tell when I'm being sent a generic and when I'm being sent EU Pharmacopoeia standard / Pharmacy standard / Sample out of pharmacy.

With no label and faked products, how would I know?

We've received EU Pharmacopoeia standard with not label from a client that wanted to test our accuracy.

We've tested 5 samples of GH that were over 99% since we changed our methods.
i see... how much for you to tell me those 5 sources? haha jk wish it was that easy

but i got some expired norditropin pens i wanna test to see if still good, you can test pens or only gh in vials?
@dirthand I can't post in that section of the forum, but the most commonly found AAS contamination is:
injectables -> degraded hormone, different hormone, or inert cholesterol based substances

orals -> degraded hormone, different hormone, inert fillers

Hope this helps
Hey man I surely appreciate the response!! Everything helps!! I am just trying to figure out what the difference (safety or quality wise) between aas I make and aas made by other labs or even pharmaceutical companies make.. If the solution is sterile, has the correct concentration and has no detected harmful substances.. I dont see any difference. Would you??
Hey man I surely appreciate the response!! Everything helps!! I am just trying to figure out what the difference (safety or quality wise) between aas I make and aas made by other labs or even pharmaceutical companies make.. If the solution is sterile, has the correct concentration and has no detected harmful substances.. I dont see any difference. Would you??
Hey, here's a standard certificate of analysis for Pharma Test ester:

A summary of these tests:

1. 3rd party C of A on finished product batch specific to that shipment
- endotoxin screen
- metals with ICP
- purity(ies) / concentration(s) using hplc plus ms (or gcms)

The current challenge is that many of these assays aren't available for testing UGL products because there hasn't been the demand. Yes it's great we have gotten widespread HPLC testing. The testing will continue to evolve as people see the need (or maybe it won't if people don't). See my conversations attached with Jano. I understand people were irritated with me because in their eyes I wasn't taking the lead to coordinate pilot testing for these other assays. At this point the best I can do is try to set up testing for my own pharma gear and support others who may want to test their UGL stuff.
do you honestly think generic hgh thats being sold is real hgh?

theres still some people that believe its not real hgh and its other compounds in there mimicking its side effects...

is there any compounds that can give a false readings when doing purity test for hgh like ghrp or mk677?