Fucking CrossFit, man. A local CrossFit gym had a 6wk challenge posted on FB. Before / After photos were necessary, and I was supposed to sign a form for them to use them in their advertising... I've never looked into CrossFit, so I figured I'd go over and give it a look. I spoke to the gym owner, he was cool, but fuck man... He advertised the challenge as something that was free, as it would benefit their gym in advertisement. but after trying to sell me on it, he unloads the fact he wants to charge me $300 for 6 fucking weeks of using his shitty gym. THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS. Fuck I could spend 3 bills on some Test and get better results. Not to mention, I could do all their WODs off the website if I really cared that much.
I wanted to try it
the strength gods denied me.