

New Member
Creating a new topic so people stop bumping the ShreddedLabs topic.

Just ending day 3 of taking DNP 125mg twice a day. Starting weight 170lbs. Currently 168.

Vitamin C - 3g
Vitamin E - 1000iu
NAC - 600mg
Taurine - 1g
2 cups of coffee and 50mg modafinil in the morning. Trying to fit a gallon of water a day. Half a gallon has LyteShow added for electrolytes.

Unrelated to the DNP supplement stack, but worth noting: My doctor prescribed me injectable B12, clomid, and arimidex. All 3 gives me more energy. Also taking B Complex, Choline, DIM, Omega 3, and Trace Minerals.

Eating 750 calorie deficit. Generally trying to get 45% protein, 45% fat, and 10% carbs. All my carbs come from eating a half gallon of Rhonda Patrick’s Ultimate Micronutrient Smoothie

I've exercised once for 20-30 mins of exercise, but I am too lethargic to have a good workout.

I sweat a decent amount. I'm shirtless in 73 degree weather. But I'm not sweating puddles like people report.

I can't imagine why people take more than 250mg / day. The lethargy sucks. I would rather eat a lower deficit than take more DNP. After this cycle, I don't see myself taking DNP again.
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You're a twig a 170lbs. Unless your are 4ft tall?

There is ZERO reason to take DNP, try dieting harder and doing more cardio.
And all your carbs are coming from a smoothie? LMAO! Try eating real carbs.. oatmeal, Ezekiel bread, rice..
You're a twig a 170lbs. Unless your are 4ft tall?

There is ZERO reason to take DNP, try dieting harder and doing more cardio.
And all your carbs are coming from a smoothie? LMAO! Try eating real carbs.. oatmeal, Ezekiel bread, rice..
Outside of the difference between complex and simple carbs, I've never seen overwhelming research that your body cares where the carbs come from, just what kind of carbs they are. I could be wrong but I haven't seen anything that without a doubt proves said theory. That being said like my other response dnp is like using gear in reverse. That's like me saying hey you aren't at your 100% genetic potential (let's be real most people, the overwhelming majority of gear users didn't hit or still aren't at genetic potential naturally before they started gear) so why do you just train harder. People have various life restrictions, and speed is always a consideration. Between me and my girl we have 6 kids. Feeding they're little hungry asses is already hard enough let alone meal prepping and having a seperate grocery list. I have a busy schedule and don't expect my kids to eat 'healthy' like they are training. And I won't lie, I rather have some leeway to go take my kids for ice cream and have a 1000cal sundae or make and enjoy brownies and shit with them. And being able to use dnp for 3 weeks where I'm super intensive about my diet and intake gives me way more time to do that stuff in general than 4 months of dieting hard. I already balance my diet around what my kids eat. Yeah it's slot more chicken nuggets and mac and cheese then steak and green beans, but I make it work. I still only have to diet after a bulk. Sure I want to look good, but I also wanna take my kids to a movie and not have to wonder if I can share some popcorn with them without having to skip dinner too.
Id clean house. Probably a seized package, or you been scammed.
Ugh it's annoying bc I've ordered from him before... Last cycle was a year ago though so it's been a while. Does anyone remember his e-mail? I used his website for this order. I'll shoot him an e-mail.
Lmao why are you bothered by other people using something when you're on this forum?
mind your own business fool. And if you must know, DNP is shit. Not to mention its dangerous. And dont feed me any bullshit about it either. Now move along little man.. I am out of your league.
Ugh it's annoying bc I've ordered from him before... Last cycle was a year ago though so it's been a while. Does anyone remember his e-mail? I used his website for this order. I'll shoot him an e-mail.
Don't listen to that guy he's the new forum troll. Me and @FoxLift ordered recently and took a little over 2 weeks to recieve. I wouldnt worry about it yet
I mean everyone knows the risks of DNP I see zero point entering a thread on DNP to shit on users of it. Do I support or use it? No but I see why people would want to.

The risks don't outweigh the rewards for me but I'm not gonna sit here and shit on people in a DNP thread. I'd be curious how well a low and long run does like 125mg instead of the crazies that push it to 600+.

I'm against it but I see why ppl would take it.
How's it going this far ?
The results are way better after day 7. I lost 1lbs between Day 1 and Day 7, now I'm losing .5+ lbs per day. But this also coincides with me upping carb instake.
If I were you, I'd consider adjusting these macros. Suddenly dropping to a 10% carb intake is compounding the lethargy.
Agreed. I up'd the carbs to 33% and I feel MUCH better. The DNP started working better too.

You're a twig a 170lbs. Unless your are 4ft tall?

There is ZERO reason to take DNP, try dieting harder and doing more cardio.
And all your carbs are coming from a smoothie? LMAO! Try eating real carbs.. oatmeal, Ezekiel bread, rice..
You’re on dnp at 168 pounds lol Jesus you just be tiny
I definitely want to go on a bulk cycle in the future, but from resources I've seen, I am at a too high of a body fat percentage to go on cycle. I would estimate myself to be at 17% I've been lifting for 5 years now and gained 35lbs since I started lifting. Apparently I am both too small and too fat to go on steroids. lmao.

It's kind of like saying that people should only start steroids when you're100% of your genetic potential. You can take a decade doing that for sure. Steroids get us there faster.

The reason why I went low carbs is so because DNP works better when your glycogen stores are wiped. [1]

I've been dieting down starting from 176lbs and losing 1-2 lbs a week. It's a good pace, but DNP allows to squeeze a month of progress into 2 weeks.

[1] Bot Verification

It's been 9 days since I put in my order... should I e-mail Nutra at this point?
It took 2 work weeks in January for Nutraburn to send a tracking number. I didn't email. Some recent posts here have said that Nutraburn doesn't send tracking numbers anymore and their package appeared on their doorstep.

I would email if it's been 10 work days, using the email that Nutraburn uses for the order receipt.
The results are way better after day 7. I lost 1lbs between Day 1 and Day 7, now I'm losing .5+ lbs per day. But this also coincides with me upping carb instake.

Agreed. I up'd the carbs to 33% and I feel MUCH better. The DNP started working better too.

I definitely want to go on a bulk cycle in the future, but from resources I've seen, I am at a too high of a body fat percentage to go on cycle. I would estimate myself to be at 17% I've been lifting for 5 years now and gained 35lbs since I started lifting. Apparently I am both too small and too fat to go on steroids. lmao.

It's kind of like saying that people should only start steroids when you're100% of your genetic potential. You can take a decade doing that for sure. Steroids get us there faster.

The reason why I went low carbs is so because DNP works better when your glycogen stores are wiped. [1]

I've been dieting down starting from 176lbs and losing 1-2 lbs a week. It's a good pace, but DNP allows to squeeze a month of progress into 2 weeks.

[1] Bot Verification

It took 2 work weeks in January for Nutraburn to send a tracking number. I didn't email. Some recent posts here have said that Nutraburn doesn't send tracking numbers anymore and their package appeared on their doorstep.

I would email if it's been 10 work days, using the email that Nutraburn uses for the order receipt.
You can lose 1-2lbs a week, just using food(cycling carbs) and cardio. You don't need DNP.
I do it every year..