
Without finding the original research conciliator quoted, he said there was a tolerance acquired after 2 or 3 weeks at a given dose. They found that increasing the dose up 75mg would offset the adaption, for another few weeks. Some people could possibly be more or less affected by the tolerance.

I found at about 5 days, my sides drop off quite a bit. The fatigue is much more manageable, less heat, etc. I still hate running it because it mentally exhausts me.
That’s so weird! I feel my sides kicking in more after 5-7 days. I run hotter and everything. Actually on day 7 right now. I won’t up the dosage until the end of the week if I can still run hot. 250mg a day right now
Outside of the difference between complex and simple carbs, I've never seen overwhelming research that your body cares where the carbs come from, just what kind of carbs they are. I could be wrong but I haven't seen anything that without a doubt proves said theory. That being said like my other response dnp is like using gear in reverse. That's like me saying hey you aren't at your 100% genetic potential (let's be real most people, the overwhelming majority of gear users didn't hit or still aren't at genetic potential naturally before they started gear) so why do you just train harder. People have various life restrictions, and speed is always a consideration. Between me and my girl we have 6 kids. Feeding they're little hungry asses is already hard enough let alone meal prepping and having a seperate grocery list. I have a busy schedule and don't expect my kids to eat 'healthy' like they are training. And I won't lie, I rather have some leeway to go take my kids for ice cream and have a 1000cal sundae or make and enjoy brownies and shit with them. And being able to use dnp for 3 weeks where I'm super intensive about my diet and intake gives me way more time to do that stuff in general than 4 months of dieting hard. I already balance my diet around what my kids eat. Yeah it's slot more chicken nuggets and mac and cheese then steak and green beans, but I make it work. I still only have to diet after a bulk. Sure I want to look good, but I also wanna take my kids to a movie and not have to wonder if I can share some popcorn with them without having to skip dinner too.
You are partially correct, carbs are carbs.

However, different sources of carbs have different effects on blood sugar and appetite. Eating a snickers bar or a bunch of gummy bears or one of those disgusting "Naked" juices people think are healthy but actually half 50+ grams of straight sugar in them will spike the shit out of your blood sugar and leave you wanting more less than 2 hours later. But if you eat a bowl of overnight rolled oats that is going to keep you full for MUCH longer.

So yeah, in the end, carbs are carbs and calories are calories. If you can maintain a healthy deficit and energy levels while eating candy bars and ice cream, barring the other negative health effects of eating that bullshit, you can still lose weight.

However, it is going to be MUCH easier for you AND healthier if you get your carbs from good sources: potatoes, oats, whole wheats, quinoa, brown rice, etc. It will also be much, much healthier for you in the end in many other ways, but that is beyond what I want to type and get into right now.
Just wanted to share that I did finally receive my order! No tracking or e-mail confirmation but I did not get burned. It took exactly 16 days for me to receive my order. This equates to 12 business days.
Guys make sure u check your spam folders. Thats where my confirmation emails and such got sent to and i use tutanota
just wanted to update and say I did end up receiving a confirmation email from nutraburn, looking forward to getting my order.
Hey guys, sorry if this was answered b4 but Nutraburn does not ship to Canada right? They seem good it's a shame. I was thinking of trying goldenboydnp. Any thoughts?
I have had 10 caps of DNP dosed at 125mg (sample) and nothing for me, no sweating, just my pee was green ahah, probably can ask them for samples if u want bro
Hey guys, sorry if this was answered b4 but Nutraburn does not ship to Canada right? They seem good it's a shame. I was thinking of trying goldenboydnp. Any thoughts?
I have had 10 caps of DNP dosed at 125mg (sample) and nothing for me, no sweating, just my pee was green ahah, probably can ask them for samples if u want bro
weirdly, the dnp was crystal and the color was like forums said : light yellow, I burnt 1 caps and there was little crackling
never got the point of dnp, does it burn fat better than clen & cardio? seems like the risk to reward ratio is a bit too much. but if someone is comfortable with that, I say let them be.
he burn fat without cardio :) there is not risk with DNP if you run it normally, with supplements, a lot of water, no drugs, no alcool :)
I have had 10 caps of DNP dosed at 125mg (sample) and nothing for me, no sweating, just my pee was green ahah, probably can ask them for samples if u want bro
i dont feel any difference at all using Mactropin at 400mg per day. I mean, im losing fat as crazy, but no heat or sweat or cravings, nothing at all man!

So maybe their 125mg were legit...
i dont feel any difference at all using Mactropin at 400mg per day. I mean, im losing fat as crazy, but no heat or sweat or cravings, nothing at all man!

So maybe their 125mg were legit...
Apparently, on pastebin, goldenboy is fake so I am may sure that is fake, after 2 days at 125mg, I added 1 caps, nothing ... and I sweat a lot without DNP, I mean I sweat quickly... Maybe it mean nothing .. anyway
Apparently, on pastebin, goldenboy is fake so I am may sure that is fake, after 2 days at 125mg, I added 1 caps, nothing ... and I sweat a lot without DNP, I mean I sweat quickly... Maybe it mean nothing .. anyway
I'm 20, so do you think that underdosed 125mgs will work better for someone younger?