
so consensus is they ship product just won’t hear about it at all? Whats the quality like compared to a dintrino
so consensus is they ship product just won’t hear about it at all? Whats the quality like compared to a dintrino
First day at 250 didn't feel much, day 2 at 250 started to feel it. Did 500 today and yeah it's legit dnp. Sweating like OJ waiting on a verdict.
plan to stay on 500 or go back down to 250?
I'll stay at 500. 250 imo is a a good starting point and I think 750 is a but overkill. I'm not saying I'll never try it but from another source I was doing 600 and by day 2 I was exhausted. No amount of stims or extra sleep helped one bit.
Can someone please confirm if they ship to EU, and if so, what their experience with them was? (time to delivery, failed deliveries, etc.)
Well, I did, and now I understand what you meant. For the record, there is no option to ship anywhere that is not USA.

So, does any EU around here know of a source for DNP? Topic is random enough as it is, might as well ask.
Well, I did, and now I understand what you meant. For the record, there is no option to ship anywhere that is not USA.

So, does any EU around here know of a source for DNP? Topic is random enough as it is, might as well ask.
I've used regal labs in the past with no problems. (Uk)
Well, I did, and now I understand what you meant. For the record, there is no option to ship anywhere that is not USA.

So, does any EU around here know of a source for DNP? Topic is random enough as it is, might as well ask.

That's the purpose of this thread, talk about anything Europe related.

It's much better than making constantly new threads or bumping other sources' threads to ask.

My bad, I thought that we were on the EU thread.

You should ask all EU related questions there.