
Just dropped an order from nutra yesterday lets see how long it takes to get here, got a confirmation email immediately after placing my order
1 cap of 250 was perfect. Bumped to 500 for two or three days and had to go back down. Just for anyone interested in 125 vs 250. People can say underdosed yada yada. Days of dhacks and dinitro quality is gone tbh.
I bought a supply last night from nutraburn, but the webpage said my transaction was incomplete, but I got conformation that the money has sent from the BTC source I use. Has this happened to anyone else or has anyone had luck reaching this person to let them know?
I bought a supply last night from nutraburn, but the webpage said my transaction was incomplete, but I got conformation that the money has sent from the BTC source I use. Has this happened to anyone else or has anyone had luck reaching this person to let them know?
Did you send the right amount?
Yes and then I bought 1 pill just to send a message with the date and time of purchase confirming the same information used, but I didn't say the amount or number of pills in the message. I am worried that is not reflected on their end.
Just email them, nutraburn at tutanota.
FYI, I had a 10 business day TA, similar to other members. I emailed him a month ago, mentioned that he should consider coming to possibly source as we had lousy domestic source. I also said if he could come with testing and pass the vetting, he would probably do well.

I assume between his website and returning customers, he must stay busy. I don't think he openly sources on any forums.
T/A for me was 11 days

starting a 250mg cycle now for 2 weeks, maybe an extra week if it goes well. Not ramping up or anything, staying at 250. Will update at the end
How is it so far?
end of day 5 today, i'll give you a little log

first cycle here, 250mg per day for 2 weeks, 3 if it's going well. 5'8, 192lb start weight, about 18% bf i reckon, lift 6x/week. on test e 150mg/wk as well

diet - macros loosely 1.8-2.2k cals, ~180p/100f/50-95c, ~1.5 gal water/day

day 1 - got package in mail at night, promptly took 250mg, didn't notice much. could be mental but definitely knew that I was taking "something", i guess. Was very sweaty at night trying to sleep.

day 2 - popped 250mg in the morning on an empty stomach and felt a little nauseous but I've read thats fairly normal. A bit hot at work, then while training at the gym I sweat a lot more than noticeably. also breathing was a bit more difficult especially through a mask+sweat. Still sweaty at night

Day 3 - this morning not so nauseous, could've been because of meal timing was later. In any case, same thing at work was a bit hot. However at the gym is when I noticed a huge endurance hit. Tried to train like normal and it was extremely difficult, like almost to the point of alarming where I couldn't catch my breath. In any case I finished training fine. Still sweaty at night so I suspect it's def. the dnp

Day 4 - Starting to get used to sides, getting pretty hungry. Training went the same as yesterday except I knew I was going to get gassed early so only went about 75%. It was still a bit difficult

day 5 - Training much better now that I scaled it back about to about 60-65% intensity. Definitely heating up with carb intake I've noticed.

All in all, it's about what I've expected throughout all my research. I'm not bumping up dosage, I feel like this I can manage. Scale weight is just about unchanged actually, but I notice in the mirror I am definitely a bit leaner though again could just be placebo effect.
Forgot to add to my log as well,

Everything I do it feels like I'm doing 2x. For instance one set of stairs will feel like two. One trip of carrying in groceries feels like two trips. Walking my dog half a mile feels like a full mile.

Thats generally how the fatigue has been hitting me. Not comfortable but manageable. Can def. see how DNP is not for everyone depending on your current living situations and responsibilities.

broke out in hives day 10-11. 50mg benadryl q.6h has made it a bit better. Also spiked a 100.7 temp yesterday and felt super tired, i'm suspecting I caught some sort of viral illness. knocked me on my ass, basically slept for a whole day/day and a half but feeling better now.

low suspicion for covid since I'm fully vaxxed. Going to continue on my run, have about 10 days left.