
I mean everyone knows the risks of DNP I see zero point entering a thread on DNP to shit on users of it. Do I support or use it? No but I see why people would want to.

The risks don't outweigh the rewards for me but I'm not gonna sit here and shit on people in a DNP thread. I'd be curious how well a low and long run does like 125mg instead of the crazies that push it to 600+.

I'm against it but I see why ppl would take it.
I like to use it at 125mg for longer periods. Well still only 2 weeks. But ur muscles stay fuller, I don't feel lethargic all the time. I get a good sweat working out but not much different any other time. I prefer low dose for sure
I'd be curious how well a low and long run does like 125mg instead of the crazies that push it to 600+.

Since it's so user specific, some guys can run 600mg and feel fine. I know a guy that used to be able to go well over a gram and was completely comfortable. Meanwhile, his buddy was at like 400mg and going outside in his boxers to sit in the snow. Then, there's the guys that are just gluttons for punishment and are willing to suffer at 600mg and watch the fat melt off by the hour.

The vast majority of people will tolerate 125mg really well. Personally, I wouldn't feel any different at that dose. However, the results will tend to fizzle out before you get to the 30 day mark because there is a tolerance aspect to DNP where it will become less effective over time. But, going from 125mg to 200mg at week 2 or 3 will negate the tolerance effect entirely.
On a side note what's everyone's experience with dnp and building up a tolerance. I've heard every version under the sun. Some old old research says you do build a tolerance fairly quickly 10-14 days and must increase dose. But I know many others who say although it seems like they adapt to the side effects (less hot less sweating ect) the fat loss seems to still occur. I've seen some people say there's no tolerance at all. I assume there must be some truth in all of it, genetics individual dependant but wondering what people's experience is with it personally. How long have to run it for, at what dose, did you change dose, and did you notice decreased sides or fat loss. I'm running a fairly high dose. But I'm coming up towards the 14 mark and I definitely seem to feel more comfortable. I still get hot but don't sweat as much, lethargy isint nearly as bad, and I don't seem to get as hot when I eat carbs, that being said the scale is still moving decently ( this weekend will be 14 days and if you include the 3lbs of water weight I put on first two days I've dropped 14 lbs with 3 days to go.) I'm debating running the cycle a bit longer or stopping here for a few weeks. Incidentally this cold front hitting the US may be part of it as well, it's been hella cold last week or so, so might contribute to me feeling much better.
On a side note what's everyone's experience with dnp and building up a tolerance. I've heard every version under the sun. Some old old research says you do build a tolerance fairly quickly 10-14 days and must increase dose. But I know many others who say although it seems like they adapt to the side effects (less hot less sweating ect) the fat loss seems to still occur. I've seen some people say there's no tolerance at all. I assume there must be some truth in all of it, genetics individual dependant but wondering what people's experience is with it personally. How long have to run it for, at what dose, did you change dose, and did you notice decreased sides or fat loss. I'm running a fairly high dose. But I'm coming up towards the 14 mark and I definitely seem to feel more comfortable. I still get hot but don't sweat as much, lethargy isint nearly as bad, and I don't seem to get as hot when I eat carbs, that being said the scale is still moving decently ( this weekend will be 14 days and if you include the 3lbs of water weight I put on first two days I've dropped 14 lbs with 3 days to go.) I'm debating running the cycle a bit longer or stopping here for a few weeks. Incidentally this cold front hitting the US may be part of it as well, it's been hella cold last week or so, so might contribute to me feeling much better.
Without finding the original research conciliator quoted, he said there was a tolerance acquired after 2 or 3 weeks at a given dose. They found that increasing the dose up 75mg would offset the adaption, for another few weeks. Some people could possibly be more or less affected by the tolerance.

I found at about 5 days, my sides drop off quite a bit. The fatigue is much more manageable, less heat, etc. I still hate running it because it mentally exhausts me.
placed an order with nutraburn about 10 days ago and never received any emails at all. Could someone pm me with an email address so I can get in contact?
Without finding the original research conciliator quoted, he said there was a tolerance acquired after 2 or 3 weeks at a given dose. They found that increasing the dose up 75mg would offset the adaption, for another few weeks. Some people could possibly be more or less affected by the tolerance.

I found at about 5 days, my sides drop off quite a bit. The fatigue is much more manageable, less heat, etc. I still hate running it because it mentally exhausts me.
This. I was also questioning the quality of my stuff. SO many variables at hand :(
placed an order with nutraburn about 10 days ago and never received any emails at all. Could someone pm me with an email address so I can get in contact?
He don't have a email on the website? Unless I was on the wrong website. Haha.
I have never ordered from him, so I can't attest 100%, but yes that was the same one I was on as well.
You know how some people fake websites with ALMOST the exact identical name. I have found nothing on here to support the accurate website, but I assume that is the one.
I have never ordered from him, so I can't attest 100%, but yes that was the same one I was on as well.
You know how some people fake websites with ALMOST the exact identical name. I have found nothing on here to support the accurate website, but I assume that is the one.
Gotcha, guess I’ll just be patient and worst case scenario search for another place to throw $100 of Bitcoin lol..
That's the right website there's no email on there I checked all over. I believe he only emails customers if there's a problem so theres less communication for more safety.

But like you all, It was my first order and didnt know thats how he operates, which is fine by me. So I msged a member here who gave me an email to contact him with.

I assume it's OK to share it here. If not someone let me know.
That's the right website there's no email on there I checked all over. I believe he only emails customers if there's a problem so theres less communication for more safety.

But like you all, It was my first order and didnt know thats how he operates, which is fine by me. So I msged a member here who gave me an email to contact him with.

I assume it's OK to share it here. If not someone let me know.

From what I'm reading, he's good to go, but don't take my word for it LOL. I just don't think his shipping time is accurate because he's getting more popular and getting more clientele
From what I'm reading, he's good to go, but don't take my word for it LOL. I just don't think his shipping time is accurate because he's getting more popular and getting more clientele
Yea his dno is definitely the strongest I've used and looks professional I was pleased with it
Also, if anyone has underwent a DNP run while in school, how did it affect your cognition/overall lethargy? I'm in med school and have to study 8hrs a day. Worried about fatigue.
Also, if anyone has underwent a DNP run while in school, how did it affect your cognition/overall lethargy? I'm in med school and have to study 8hrs a day. Worried about fatigue.
I can tell ya when I do low dose I'm pretty much normal like 125 a day don't get much hotter than normal unless working out and don't get fatigued, but if I go higher dose fatigue does start setting in on me personally.
I ran 625 a day of nutraburns stuff. Friday was my last day. Dropped roughly 13lbs in 14 days and I'll prob still drop another lb of water or so in the next few days. I would sweat walking up the stairs lol. So I would definitely say his stuff is gtg.
I ran 625 a day of nutraburns stuff. Friday was my last day. Dropped roughly 13lbs in 14 days and I'll prob still drop another lb of water or so in the next few days. I would sweat walking up the stairs lol. So I would definitely say his stuff is gtg.
Dang man at 500mg a day Ill be sweating like crazy just sitting there eating haha. I dont like being that miserable so I just do low dose now.