
Did a 14-day cycle, the First 7 days @250, and then did @500 the last 7 days. The process was smooth, 250 felt great, last 3 days on 500 was hell though, I'm so glad I'm done using it.
Went from 210ish to 203bs. 7lbs may not seem like a lot but I noticed much more situations and muscle definition in quads and back.
Did a 14-day cycle, the First 7 days @250, and then did @500 the last 7 days. The process was smooth, 250 felt great, last 3 days on 500 was hell though, I'm so glad I'm done using it.
Went from 210ish to 203bs. 7lbs may not seem like a lot but I noticed much more situations and muscle definition in quads and back.
That means you dropped 7 pounds of fat in 14 days. How much water weight you drop after?
Here is my story on DNP from NB.

Start: 5'8 192 lbs 3/10/21 Day 1 - ~18%bf
End: 182 lbs 3/28/21 Day 18
Today 172.4 lbs 4/16/21 ~13% bf

First cycle, 250mg/day
Supps: test e 140mg/wk, multi v, fish oil, adex

IIFYM ~2000 calories, all food was and is still being tracked and weighed.

Was planning a 21 day cycle but got hit with severe sides around day 14. I should have stopped then but kept going until day 18.

The mild sides up to day 14 were the normal DNP sides. Sweats, feeling tired all the time, super thirsty. Was drinking 1.5gal water/day.

Around day 14 I developed a rash on my chest. Throughout the day it spread up to my neck, down my arms, down to my torso, and legs. Basically generalized hives. It was so bad I took a day off work.

I started taking benadryl 50mg q.6h for the next 3 days here while remaining on DNP.

The rash cleared up with the benadryl, then I got hit with what I believe is DILI (drug induced liver injury) I was getting the classic symptoms of cholestasis. I also had slight pain and tenderness in my right upper quadrant for just ONE night. Pale poos (literally coming out grey), diarrhea, JAUNDICE in the eyes (not just from the yellow dye though I suspect thats a factor in how yellow my eyes are - They are STILL yellow to this day, it's been about 3 weeks), Jaundice around the body as well. So noticeable that my coworkers mentioned it. I know you might have a little yellow glow from DNP but I am a health care professional and I believe it was jaundice along with being dyed yellow.

I kept taking DNP all the way up until day 18 and then I stopped.

Post DNP I am still having side effects when I stopped cycle 2.5 weeks ago. My eyes are still yellow (although they are slowly slowly getting better), I have had INTENSE itching on the soles of my feet (classic symptom of liver/gall bladder injury) but that has also been slowly getting better. I have no more pain in my right upper quadrant. My poos have regained color, although they've been soft. I haven't had a nice log of poo even with adequate fiber. I am STILL pissing Yellow yellow yellow. I suspect the DNP is taking very long to clear in my system. In the morning it's golden yellow, but throughout the day it gets more dilute with 1.5-2 gallons of water per day.

I don't think that I'm a good candidate to use DNP. I should have stopped as soon as I saw hives as it seems like my body was trying its best to reject it. I'm hoping with more time, the jaundice will completely clear and my urine will return to normal.

If you have any questions I'll try to answer them although I don't frequent the forum much, but I wanted to share my experience because now I know why DNP is definitely something NOT to be messed with. I'm glad I did research beforehand.

The pros I guess is that I've been the most shredded I've ever been and I'm going to keep going. Gym performance has still been great, visual changes are fantastic about 2 weeks after stopping.
Ah I forgot to mention, the first symptom I had where I suspected something was up with my liver/gall bladder was that I was pooping like.. straight oil. I thought it was the fish oil I was taking or my high fat keto diet (which may have been a part of it) but that went on for about a week (from day 10ish)

After the oily diarrhea subsided is when I started getting grey, cement colored diarrhea/loosely formed stools. That lasted for a couple of days before the color was added back on. At this point I was on day 15-16 I believe. IIRC my RUQ pain also started around this time and lasted about 3/4 - 1 day. Never was debilitating by any means but definitely a noticeable dull ache, maybe 3/10 pain.

All of the G.I and Liver symptoms (besides jaundice of the eyes and itching of the palms/soles which again I've researched may take MONTHS to clear) have subsided on cessation of DNP. The jaundice however may very well be just a result of my body taking a long time to clear itself of the yellow dye of DNP.

Take what I'm reporting as a grain of salt since it is all self diagnosis. However I am an RN so I have basic knowledge of organs, feedback loops, and when to tell when I'm in real trouble.

I dumped the second bottle of 125mg ~50 caps I had right down the toilet. Guess I'm one of the people whose body rejects the stuff as much as it can. If i didn't respond so harshly to DNP I'd gladly take it again.

Disclaimer: I don't recommend anybody try and self diagnose themselves the way I did. I really need to get some bloodwork done ASAP and see if I've done any real damage to my liver. It's reassuring that most research articles I've read say the DNP is NOT hepatotoxic and actually raises HDL levels, which is why I suspect I had DILI (drug induced liver injury) and biliary cholestasis as a result rather than acute liver failure
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Trying to place a order but for some reason the address to send the funds isn’t working. Anyone else having issues? Or is there a way to msg nutra?
Does anyone know the email? The btc address isn’t working that’s being given to send funds when trying to purchase.
I just paid for an order, I'll update and see if Nutra is still reliable. My cycle went pretty great with the pack I used last... Hopefully still a reliable source.
Did an order 15 days ago recieved it today. Will document my experience. Starting at 250 for first 7 days then going up to 500 for the next week.
Here is my story on DNP from NB.

Start: 5'8 192 lbs 3/10/21 Day 1 - ~18%bf
End: 182 lbs 3/28/21 Day 18
Today 172.4 lbs 4/16/21 ~13% bf

First cycle, 250mg/day
Supps: test e 140mg/wk, multi v, fish oil, adex

IIFYM ~2000 calories, all food was and is still being tracked and weighed.

Was planning a 21 day cycle but got hit with severe sides around day 14. I should have stopped then but kept going until day 18.

The mild sides up to day 14 were the normal DNP sides. Sweats, feeling tired all the time, super thirsty. Was drinking 1.5gal water/day.

Around day 14 I developed a rash on my chest. Throughout the day it spread up to my neck, down my arms, down to my torso, and legs. Basically generalized hives. It was so bad I took a day off work.

I started taking benadryl 50mg q.6h for the next 3 days here while remaining on DNP.

The rash cleared up with the benadryl, then I got hit with what I believe is DILI (drug induced liver injury) I was getting the classic symptoms of cholestasis. I also had slight pain and tenderness in my right upper quadrant for just ONE night. Pale poos (literally coming out grey), diarrhea, JAUNDICE in the eyes (not just from the yellow dye though I suspect thats a factor in how yellow my eyes are - They are STILL yellow to this day, it's been about 3 weeks), Jaundice around the body as well. So noticeable that my coworkers mentioned it. I know you might have a little yellow glow from DNP but I am a health care professional and I believe it was jaundice along with being dyed yellow.

I kept taking DNP all the way up until day 18 and then I stopped.

Post DNP I am still having side effects when I stopped cycle 2.5 weeks ago. My eyes are still yellow (although they are slowly slowly getting better), I have had INTENSE itching on the soles of my feet (classic symptom of liver/gall bladder injury) but that has also been slowly getting better. I have no more pain in my right upper quadrant. My poos have regained color, although they've been soft. I haven't had a nice log of poo even with adequate fiber. I am STILL pissing Yellow yellow yellow. I suspect the DNP is taking very long to clear in my system. In the morning it's golden yellow, but throughout the day it gets more dilute with 1.5-2 gallons of water per day.

I don't think that I'm a good candidate to use DNP. I should have stopped as soon as I saw hives as it seems like my body was trying its best to reject it. I'm hoping with more time, the jaundice will completely clear and my urine will return to normal.

If you have any questions I'll try to answer them although I don't frequent the forum much, but I wanted to share my experience because now I know why DNP is definitely something NOT to be messed with. I'm glad I did research beforehand.

The pros I guess is that I've been the most shredded I've ever been and I'm going to keep going. Gym performance has still been great, visual changes are fantastic about 2 weeks after stopping.
I also got severe itching both times post dnp. It's weird bc it comes and goes but after a shower it would be there worst around ankles and sometimes all over. Benadryl helped though.
I also got severe itching both times post dnp. It's weird bc it comes and goes but after a shower it would be there worst around ankles and sometimes all over. Benadryl helped though.
As of today 5/3/2021, I am still having 6-9/10 itching. Eyes are still jaundiced, I believe they are becoming but still very clearly yellow. Skin is getting better as well, yellow tinge is slowly going away. Still having semi-solid/liquid stools like 4-6 times a day at least. I actually had my first solid poo last week which was encouraging but it will vary depending what I eat (lots of fatty foods = guaranteed diarrhea). Itching is usually worse after a shower as well, or if I'm just beginning to sweat while training at the gym, it's sometimes bad then too.

Some days are way worse than others. The itch is most severe in the hands/palms and ankles/legs/feet/soles.

For reference, last dose was 3/18/2021.

It fckin sucks. Really wish I didn't react badly to DNP because the weight loss was great, but definitely not worth the trade off. At this point I just want to feel normal again.
anyone know how long delivery usually takes for NB? I'm ten days out from placing my order (6 biz days)
If anyone cares..

I found this article online pertaining to a 26 year old woman in 1934 who had an extremely similar case and hopefully I will have a similar outcome as her:

She had acute toxic hepatitis following ~400mg/day use of DNP for 14 days. I developed the same symptoms at day 18 on 250mg/day. Seems like she was jaundiced for 9 weeks, I'm going to be coming up on week 7 now.

Like I stated in my earlier post, I definitely think that my jaundice is getting better now and the itching is improving. Still having some G.I upset and appetite is not all there, bloating easily. Why this happened, who knows.

use sci hub to unlock article - just wanted to sprinkle this in there that my case and symptoms have definitely happened before.
Summary from the article: "A woman, aged 26, took approximately 360 mg. of dinitrophenol daily for two weeks. [Hives] with [an itching sensation] developed and subsequently intense jaundice, an enlarged tender liver and clay-colored stools. Gradual improvement is taking place, although she has been jaundized nine weeks to date. "
Summary from the article: "A woman, aged 26, took approximately 360 mg. of dinitrophenol daily for two weeks. [Hives] with [an itching sensation] developed and subsequently intense jaundice, an enlarged tender liver and clay-colored stools. Gradual improvement is taking place, although she has been jaundized nine weeks to date. "

Not making excuses or justifying anything but 360mg of dnp for a woman is a fairly hefty dose. She didn't do her research.
Here is my story on DNP from NB.

Start: 5'8 192 lbs 3/10/21 Day 1 - ~18%bf
End: 182 lbs 3/28/21 Day 18
Today 172.4 lbs 4/16/21 ~13% bf

First cycle, 250mg/day
Supps: test e 140mg/wk, multi v, fish oil, adex

IIFYM ~2000 calories, all food was and is still being tracked and weighed.

Was planning a 21 day cycle but got hit with severe sides around day 14. I should have stopped then but kept going until day 18.

The mild sides up to day 14 were the normal DNP sides. Sweats, feeling tired all the time, super thirsty. Was drinking 1.5gal water/day.

Around day 14 I developed a rash on my chest. Throughout the day it spread up to my neck, down my arms, down to my torso, and legs. Basically generalized hives. It was so bad I took a day off work.

I started taking benadryl 50mg q.6h for the next 3 days here while remaining on DNP.

The rash cleared up with the benadryl, then I got hit with what I believe is DILI (drug induced liver injury) I was getting the classic symptoms of cholestasis. I also had slight pain and tenderness in my right upper quadrant for just ONE night. Pale poos (literally coming out grey), diarrhea, JAUNDICE in the eyes (not just from the yellow dye though I suspect thats a factor in how yellow my eyes are - They are STILL yellow to this day, it's been about 3 weeks), Jaundice around the body as well. So noticeable that my coworkers mentioned it. I know you might have a little yellow glow from DNP but I am a health care professional and I believe it was jaundice along with being dyed yellow.

I kept taking DNP all the way up until day 18 and then I stopped.

Post DNP I am still having side effects when I stopped cycle 2.5 weeks ago. My eyes are still yellow (although they are slowly slowly getting better), I have had INTENSE itching on the soles of my feet (classic symptom of liver/gall bladder injury) but that has also been slowly getting better. I have no more pain in my right upper quadrant. My poos have regained color, although they've been soft. I haven't had a nice log of poo even with adequate fiber. I am STILL pissing Yellow yellow yellow. I suspect the DNP is taking very long to clear in my system. In the morning it's golden yellow, but throughout the day it gets more dilute with 1.5-2 gallons of water per day.

I don't think that I'm a good candidate to use DNP. I should have stopped as soon as I saw hives as it seems like my body was trying its best to reject it. I'm hoping with more time, the jaundice will completely clear and my urine will return to normal.

If you have any questions I'll try to answer them although I don't frequent the forum much, but I wanted to share my experience because now I know why DNP is definitely something NOT to be messed with. I'm glad I did research beforehand.

The pros I guess is that I've been the most shredded I've ever been and I'm going to keep going. Gym performance has still been great, visual changes are fantastic about 2 weeks after stopping.

I also got severe itching both times post dnp. It's weird bc it comes and goes but after a shower it would be there worst around ankles and sometimes all over. Benadryl helped though.

Any idea why the benadryl helped?

