
Just adding to anecdotal record here:
Just a little under 3 months since stopping DNP here,

2 months since serious sides have come up post-DNP usage.

Symptoms are gradually improving - scleral Jaundice you can see a border of marked cell regenration where the yellow is fading.

I've noticed whenever I get light nicks/cuts/scrapes, blood plasma is very yellow d/t elevated unconjugated bilirubin in extracellular fluid. Kind of weird but expected.

Urine+stool is ALWAYS yellow d/t conjugated bilirubin excretion. A nice sign since I know my liver is still able to process and conjugate indrect bilirubin to direct bilirubin to be excreted

Still haven't had nice formed stools, mostly loose but nice and brown. If I go way too overboard on a high fat diet then I will have G.I upset, bad bloating, and the clay colored stools may or may not come back. Otherwise if I watch my diet, it's pretty consistently loose.

Skin is also improving though still noticeably jaundiced.

Haven't gone back to the gym or done any exercise/taken any supplements to allow my body/liver/gall bladder to rest and recover.

Bloodwork as of week of 6/20/21:
Elevated bili of course d/t liver damage.
LFT remain slightly elevated but stable. Markers are not dangerously out of range but definitely indicative of liver damage.

The scariest ordeal was sitting in the emergency room observation unit waiting for the doc to tell me if I had to have a liver tx. at under 30 years of age. Numerous abd u/s and abd ct scans showed enlarged liver but no further enlargement when kept overnight and rescanned the next day. Liver function tests also remained stable and not elevated to dangerous levels.

Doctor said that recovery will take months so I think I'm about right where I should be with small small daily improvements everyday, granted I stick with a low fat high fiber diet and remain well hydrated, and don't push myself too hard. Definitely no liver toxic compounds/alcohol and no weight training for now still.
You abused it didn't you
You abused it didn't you
What the fuck? What would I gain from lying?

18/21 Days of 250mg/day stopped short because of sides. 4.4mg/kg/day with my stats. No bullshit.

Take it for what you will. Like I said it's for anecdotes sake and might help someone out there in the future who is thinking about it. My reaction was not typical.
I was advised years ago 200mgs for.12 days not longer no higher than 200mgs. This was to maximize safety and still see results. 18 days vs 12 may not seem like much, but it can be.
I was advised years ago 200mgs for.12 days not longer no higher than 200mgs. This was to maximize safety and still see results. 18 days vs 12 may not seem like much, but it can be.

There is a well written guide out there that does suggest that everyone start at 125mg daily for 14 days just to assess tolerance and how you would react to DNP.

On reflection I should have started this protocol but I was reckless because I wanted to be shredded for vacation, so I jumped into 250mg after doing my mg/kg/day calculations assuming I'd be alright and that many people have anecdotally started at this dosage as well. I won't be using DNP in the future in any case but it goes to show that everyone's mileage may truly vary.

The intense generalized itching has almost completely subsided. I don't get kept awake at night from the intense itching of my lower legs and soles of feet anymore, and I'm not scratching my body throughout the day like I was a couple of weeks back. Definitely trending upwards. Sometimes I forget to take my daily loratidine but even then the itching is remarkably lower.
There is a well written guide out there that does suggest that everyone start at 125mg daily for 14 days just to assess tolerance and how you would react to DNP.

On reflection I should have started this protocol but I was reckless because I wanted to be shredded for vacation, so I jumped into 250mg after doing my mg/kg/day calculations assuming I'd be alright and that many people have anecdotally started at this dosage as well. I won't be using DNP in the future in any case but it goes to show that everyone's mileage may truly vary.

The intense generalized itching has almost completely subsided. I don't get kept awake at night from the intense itching of my lower legs and soles of feet anymore, and I'm not scratching my body throughout the day like I was a couple of weeks back. Definitely trending upwards. Sometimes I forget to take my daily loratidine but even then the itching is remarkably lower.
Happy to hear your recovery has been successful. Live and learn, I respect the fact you did what you thought was right and took your licks like a man.
What the fuck? What would I gain from lying?

18/21 Days of 250mg/day stopped short because of sides. 4.4mg/kg/day with my stats. No bullshit.

Take it for what you will. Like I said it's for anecdotes sake and might help someone out there in the future who is thinking about it. My reaction was not typical.
Damn thats quite a high relative dose. Works out about 600mg for me would never go that high
So risky. Unless you are competing against this I cant see the point.

@Mac11wildcat check Ronnie out in the vid. How tough is it to get onstage in that condition? 2001 ASC only Ronnie has unedited footage. Few know this but the promoters decided Ronnies shape would turn people away from bodybuilding so they edited the pics and vids to make him look softer. This came from Ronnies mouth.
@Mac11wildcat check Ronnie out in the vid. How tough is it to get onstage in that condition? 2001 ASC only Ronnie has unedited footage. Few know this but the promoters decided Ronnies shape would turn people away from bodybuilding so they edited the pics and vids to make him look softer. This came from Ronnies mouth.
To start, many people cannot even physically get as lean as Ronnie has. Some guys simply don’t have the genetics to push it. After that, it’s a shit ton of suffering. The drugs can’t take the place of starving during cardio to get there.
To start, many people cannot even physically get as lean as Ronnie has. Some guys simply don’t have the genetics to push it. After that, it’s a shit ton of suffering. The drugs can’t take the place of starving during cardio to get there.
Appreciate the input.
I recall Chad saying he told Ronnie it was risky trying to peak twice in one year like that but Ronnie wanted the hummer. I went to that years Olympia and Ronnie looked NOTHING like he did there. At all.

