Ok lets see your ladies!!!

She told me to tell you both that shes flattered an to thank you:oops:, an that's only because she don't know I posted naked ones of her first lmfao:p:D Shhh;):cool:
Thanks goes to her, and my wife would likely thank her to. That's if she knew the real reason her head is gonna be hitting the head board tonight ;)
Gotta love a girl with tats!
Look at her first pics a few pages back. Shes way more tatted in those ones. When we got together she didn't have any an I already had 3 or 4. Now im completely sleeved up an some of back is done with a few on my chest. I gave up on tatt game for the moment an focused more on buying gym equipment, food, supps, an what not. She on the other hand never stopped getting them. Now shes got me beat all to hell on the tatt game. That's ok though ill catch back up one of these years lol. We have just found a shop that has a deal, he will tatt you all you can stand to take for $350. Ill be their all day long getting drilled...no pun intended:p!!! A few of those sessions an I will be caught up for sure lol.
Look at her first pics a few pages back. Shes way more tatted in those ones. When we got together she didn't have any an I already had 3 or 4. Now im completely sleeved up an some of back is done with a few on my chest. I gave up on tatt game for the moment an focused more on buying gym equipment, food, supps, an what not. She on the other hand never stopped getting them. Now shes got me beat all to hell on the tatt game. That's ok though ill catch back up one of these years lol. We have just found a shop that has a deal, he will tatt you all you can stand to take for $350. Ill be their all day long getting drilled...no pun intended:p!!! A few of those sessions an I will be caught up for sure lol.
I just want to say that you are a lucky man, your wife is a very attractive woman. And i to love a woman with tatts, i think its sexy as hell[emoji4]
I just want to say that you are a lucky man, your wife is a very attractive woman. And i to love a woman with tatts, i think its sexy as hell[emoji4]
Thanks my man. That means alot. Ya alot of high society people thinks its trashy:eek:, me on the other hand im far from high society:rolleyes: lol. They say trashy:(, I say kinky:plmfao;):D
Thanks my man. That means alot. Ya alot of high society people thinks its trashy:eek:, me on the other hand im far from high society:rolleyes: lol. They say trashy:(, I say kinky:p lmfao;):D
Im with you on that one brother, they say trashy, i say sexy as hell and a lotta fun. High society bores me to death[emoji4]
I'll take kinky over some plain Jane vanilla all day long! We will be getting tatted once I pull us out of this financial hole we put ourselves in. Got a couple already but nothin like yall got
Im with you on that one brother, they say trashy, i say sexy as hell and a lotta fun. High society bores me to death[emoji4]

I'll take kinky over some plain Jane vanilla all day long! We will be getting tatted once I pull us out of this financial hole we put ourselves in. Got a couple already but nothin like yall got

She's gonna be one badass granny, lol

I like the two combined. Vanilla wrapper but a real freak when behind closed doors.
You know at first glance you would never think it but truly is the kindest, sweetest, good hearted person you could meet. Shes the best mother I could have ever asked for to have kids with. We have been together going on 8yrs this Oct. Shes not a druggy, hoe, alcoholic, or out for money. She is tje one that turned my life around an got me out of the whole user sceen an I thank god everytime I look at her. Shes a big reason for me getting into shape an trying to be the best me I can be. Don't know what I would ever do without her in my life. Her, my kids, an now all my friends right here keep me motivated on the straight a narrow. Thanks guys. I really do appreciate an respect each an everyone of you;):):cool: O an btw all those pics is AFTER having my two lil ones:D