Ok lets see your ladies!!!

You know at first glance you would never think it but truly is the kindest, sweetest, good hearted person you could meet. Shes the best mother I could have ever asked for to have kids with. We have been together going on 8yrs this Oct. Shes not a druggy, hoe, alcoholic, or out for money. She is tje one that turned my life around an got me out of the whole user sceen an I thank god everytime I look at her. Shes a big reason for me getting into shape an trying to be the best me I can be. Don't know what I would ever do without her in my life. Her, my kids, an now all my friends right here keep me motivated on the straight a narrow. Thanks guys. I really do appreciate an respect each an everyone of you;):):cool:
You just described my marriage as well. I too am married to my best friend and she does everything to take care of me and keep me happy. Im truly blessed. She is also my dream girl, absolutely my cup of tea, sexy as hell, adventurous and Asian, ohhhhh i love my asian woman.
And like your wife , mine stuck with me through my crazy drug days.
Alot of women would have left under those circumstances, and ill be forever grateful for that
I'm also in the same boat...I've got 15 days left until marry the girl of my dreams and my best friend...and she's sexy as all hell...pictures to prove a few pages back haha

You just described my marriage as well. I too am married to my best friend and she does everything to take care of me and keep me happy. Im truly blessed. She is also my dream girl, absolutely my cup of tea, sexy as hell, adventurous and Asian, ohhhhh i love my asian woman.
And like your wife , mine stuck with me through my crazy drug days.
Alot of women would have left under those circumstances, and ill be forever grateful for that
That top pic

View attachment 26879 New member going through the threads of coarse this caught my attention! Lol so What better way to say hi to the meso community than to share!View attachment 26878
hows this tickle your tren fantasies ...some pics my beauty sent me...and the second one is all her brothers...nice and creamy just the way i like her... now you guys gotta step up your game....let see some pussy!:cool: btw Benny I feel your pain im also on a full blown tren cycle lol and stuck at work for another 5 days....20150614_010632.jpg 20150614_011841(1).jpg 20150614_010632.jpg 20150614_011841(1).jpg 20150614_010348.jpg

You guys know how to literally hurt a guy who is in middle of a Tren cycle.
bahaha what she dont know wont hurt her...Mine would fucking kill me if she knew i showed you guys some of these .... I would just have to assure her there was nothing but positive feedback but that would only save me a few beatings shed give me ... shes not the snooping tyoe to look at any of my shit so i dont have to worry about her stubbling across this .:p

My wife won't allow pictures, so I can't contribute :(


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