Ok lets see your ladies!!!

Took me awhile to find my chick too, the good ones stick through the worst o f the worst. Its all good to show off what youre proud of, the human body is a beautiful thing, thats why we are here in the first place. If people get offended by a naked body then they have issues, its natural and an amazing thing. Same goes for sex, its looked down upon and kept quiet in a lot of cultures but its whats on everyones mind.

I like to look at it like Leonardo da Vinci painting of the Mona Lisa. Leonardo could have kept the painting to himself but instead he shared its beauty with the whole world. However this beauty is only to be observed and not touched!
I never thought I would get married but my chick is pretty traditional in that sense and so is her family. I have a daughter from a previous relationship so wanted her to have a stable home when she comes over. I can be a pretty wild bachelor and that lifestyle wasnt cohesive for a child. I used to own a promo company that threw events for the night clubs in san diego. Heres a video of one of them.

I have no kids so it's really just me. One of my exes had a 5yo daughter and I raised her like she was my own. I still stop by occasionally to give her some gifts and take her to the park. Her mom still lives where we used to live together in the worst projects in the city of Bridgeport, CT. Were talking ak-47 rifle fire on New Years right outside our bedroom window and police procedure is to never enter the gates at the entrance without at least one officer as backup. I saw more drugs shot up in one week only on balconies out in the open than I have in any part of NYC in a 6month span and I've seen the worst NYC has to offer. I've seen kids beaten so bad by their own flesh and blood that the extended family had to take them off life support after the parents were convicted. I've seen a father smash every finger and toe on his young son's hands and feet bc he got caught stealing a car. It wasn't the theft that pissed the father off it was the fact the kid got caught and the father had to put his needle down and pick up his son from the precinct. My ex was raped repeatedly by her step father and step brother together (yea the father had his son lose his virgintiy by raping my ex and the mother never believed a word of it. I've seen a dad pimp out his own daughter to support his habits. I had my best friend get shot and killed over a fake gold chain. I've seen a 13yo girl sell oxy's and pussy in a middle school bathroom to other middle schoolers. I've watched my own ass get best for being middle eastern in a post 9/11 world bc rich parents at some catholic prep HS didn't know or couldn't be bothered to raise their kids. I watched my sister come home from school crying everyday for months for the same reason. I spent a night in jail for beating the shit out of someone who was kicking his pregnant girl with steel toes until the woman was able to verify my side of the story. I can keep going, we're just scratching the tip of the iceberg here but

My point is this:

I've seen Fucked up shit that nobody should have to see let alone realize that this kind of shit actually happens in real life. Real recognizes real Ozzy and when I tell you making a stable home for your daughter is the single most important thing you can do for her no matter what.... I mean that. You've already given her a head start on a productive and happy future. I've seen too many kids never get a chance in life and it's not even bc of shit they did. It's what the people that bred them did. I can't even call some of these sick fucks parents. The words just won't come out my mouth. You can't pay me enough to call these ppl parents. I truly believe many of our problems are bc parents no longer RAISE their kids but babysit them while others raise the kids for them. And these others aren't limited to schools and shit. It's the ppl they meet on the street, gangs, etc.

So while I have no kids and like to have fun when I'm single, I'd give it up in a heart beat to be a good father to either my own future children or ones I would adopt. The satisfaction of being a GOOD parent cannot be measured in the amount or quality of pussy one gets. I don't say that to get fucking likes on an Internet forum. I say this bc I just heard from a friend from back in the projects that another kid was hospitalized when his dope addicted mother put out cigarettes all over his body.

I apologize for making this thread take a turn for the worse but fuck man, I'm so sick and tired of hearing these stories and I needed an outlet to vent. Just fucking sick and tired of the BS
I have no kids so it's really just me. One of my exes had a 5yo daughter and I raised her like she was my own. I still stop by occasionally to give her some gifts and take her to the park. Her mom still lives where we used to live together in the worst projects in the city of Bridgeport, CT. Were talking ak-47 rifle fire on New Years right outside our bedroom window and police procedure is to never enter the gates at the entrance without at least one officer as backup. I saw more drugs shot up in one week only on balconies out in the open than I have in any part of NYC in a 6month span and I've seen the worst NYC has to offer. I've seen kids beaten so bad by their own flesh and blood that the extended family had to take them off life support after the parents were convicted. I've seen a father smash every finger and toe on his young son's hands and feet bc he got caught stealing a car. It wasn't the theft that pissed the father off it was the fact the kid got caught and the father had to put his needle down and pick up his son from the precinct. My ex was raped repeatedly by her step father and step brother together (yea the father had his son lose his virgintiy by raping my ex and the mother never believed a word of it. I've seen a dad pimp out his own daughter to support his habits. I had my best friend get shot and killed over a fake gold chain. I've seen a 13yo girl sell oxy's and pussy in a middle school bathroom to other middle schoolers. I've watched my own ass get best for being middle eastern in a post 9/11 world bc rich parents at some catholic prep HS didn't know or couldn't be bothered to raise their kids. I watched my sister come home from school crying everyday for months for the same reason. I spent a night in jail for beating the shit out of someone who was kicking his pregnant girl with steel toes until the woman was able to verify my side of the story. I can keep going, we're just scratching the tip of the iceberg here but

My point is this:

I've seen Fucked up shit that nobody should have to see let alone realize that this kind of shit actually happens in real life. Real recognizes real Ozzy and when I tell you making a stable home for your daughter is the single most important thing you can do for her no matter what.... I mean that. You've already given her a head start on a productive and happy future. I've seen too many kids never get a chance in life and it's not even bc of shit they did. It's what the people that bred them did. I can't even call some of these sick fucks parents. The words just won't come out my mouth. You can't pay me enough to call these ppl parents. I truly believe many of our problems are bc parents no longer RAISE their kids but babysit them while others raise the kids for them. And these others aren't limited to schools and shit. It's the ppl they meet on the street, gangs, etc.

So while I have no kids and like to have fun when I'm single, I'd give it up in a heart beat to be a good father to either my own future children or ones I would adopt. The satisfaction of being a GOOD parent cannot be measured in the amount or quality of pussy one gets. I don't say that to get fucking likes on an Internet forum. I say this bc I just heard from a friend from back in the projects that another kid was hospitalized when his dope addicted mother put out cigarettes all over his body.

I apologize for making this thread take a turn for the worse but fuck man, I'm so sick and tired of hearing these stories and I needed an outlet to vent. Just fucking sick and tired of the BS

Thats some straight crazy shit doc. I grew up in a fucked up home, but not to that degree. I can 100% see where youre coming from, I firmly believe you are a product of your environment. Some of the stories you mentioned, those poor kids never even got a shot at life, stolen by violence and addiction and set up to continue that cycle. You cant fully recover from stuff like that. Childhood wounds are always the deepest and scar the rest of your life.

I had to have a wake up call to come to my senses. Got my shit together and put my life together. I can say that I broke the cycle in my family and be proud to say that. We live in a fucked up world doc and all we can do is give our kids a better life than we had and a fighting chance to make something of themselves. Its my belief that a childs needs will always come before mine, you cant think like that when you have an addiction.

I know you barely scratched the surface but when you do settle down and you do have children you can use all the nasty shit youve seen and all the terrible shit youve been through to a good use. To teach your children lifes most valuable lessons. Im raising my kids 100% different than how I came up. This was a good post to remind me to do an even better job of loving and taking care of my family. Thanks for keeping it real. And take your time finding the right girl, its a hard thing finding a woman thats both a good wife and mother in the society we live in.
Post of the year doc, I'm single and no kids but fuck, that hit me in some kinda way.

This is what makes meso meso.
Thats some straight crazy shit doc. I grew up in a fucked up home, but not to that degree. I can 100% see where youre coming from, I firmly believe you are a product of your environment. Some of the stories you mentioned, those poor kids never even got a shot at life, stolen by violence and addiction and set up to continue that cycle. You cant fully recover from stuff like that. Childhood wounds are always the deepest and scar the rest of your life.

I had to have a wake up call to come to my senses. Got my shit together and put my life together. I can say that I broke the cycle in my family and be proud to say that. We live in a fucked up world doc and all we can do is give our kids a better life than we had and a fighting chance to make something of themselves. Its my belief that a childs needs will always come before mine, you cant think like that when you have an addiction.

I know you barely scratched the surface but when you do settle down and you do have children you can use all the nasty shit youve seen and all the terrible shit youve been through to a good use. To teach your children lifes most valuable lessons. Im raising my kids 100% different than how I came up. This was a good post to remind me to do an even better job of loving and taking care of my family. Thanks for keeping it real. And take your time finding the right girl, its a hard thing finding a woman thats both a good wife and mother in the society we live in.

It was a moment of weakness on my part to post that but I'm glad others can relate. Maybe if enough ppl open their eyes something can be done to fix issues such as this.

Experiences in childhood happen at a time when you're the most impressionable. I believe both sides play a part in the nurture vs nature debate.

Cherish your family bc God knows there are plenty of ppl out there who wouldn't think twice to do them harm if the right situation arises. Protect them at all costs, love them regardless of their imperfections, and be the person they need you to be.
It was a moment of weakness on my part to post that but I'm glad others can relate. Maybe if enough ppl open their eyes something can be done to fix issues such as this.

Experiences in childhood happen at a time when you're the most impressionable. I believe both sides play a part in the nurture vs nature debate.

Cherish your family bc God knows there are plenty of ppl out there who wouldn't think twice to do them harm if the right situation arises. Protect them at all costs, love them regardless of their imperfections, and be the person they need you to be.

I know you have alot of layers and dont open up much but never see that as a weakness. Theres alot of people on here that can relate. Youre good people doc and pretty damn intelligent, especially how you look outside the box. Your outlook and advice is always appreciated.
I know you have alot of layers and dont open up much but never see that as a weakness. Theres alot of people on here that can relate. Youre good people doc and pretty damn intelligent, especially how you look outside the box. Your outlook and advice is always appreciated.
I notice you misspelled brutus as "doc"... was that an autocorrect issue?
There's more. Gotta find them in our conversations and save hem to my phone first. Give me a minute.

Edit* oh and she's 27 so 3yrs younger than me which is right where I like them for the most part
Mmmmm, and 27, 16 years younger then me, right where I like them lol
I like to start around 23, just a couple years out of the bar scene
I like to start at 18, because it's legal. Lol just kidding. To just fool around early twenties n up is ok by me. But if I were a single man looking to date someone on regular basis, she would have to be mid thirties or very mature for her age. I can't handle the young girl drama any more.
image.jpg New member going through the threads of coarse this caught my attention! Lol so What better way to say hi to the meso community than to share!image.jpg
Haha I've been reading off and on from this site for awhile now. I like how it works and love the info I've gotten, figured it's about time I joined!