Ok lets see your ladies!!!

Why is everyone talking about hot naked wives rather than posting hot naked wives?? Too much chatter 'round here.
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So this is the side chick. Sorry guys as much as I'd love to, I respect her enough to keep it clean.

And I would've blocked out her face but wtf, that's one of her best assets besides everything else lol
Why the fuck would she be your side chick? She'd be my only and forever chick! @giuseppesson

I know, I know. Believe me it's hard as fuck. Known my woman 16 years. Been with her going on 6. She's been with me thru a lot of shit and deserves better than this but I can't let her go. My gumar on the other hand is beyond a dime and smart as hell and also deserves better but knows where she stands and has been okay with it for over a year. If I wasn't with my woman, I'd be with her n her alone. She's bi too so that adds to the jackpot lol and get this, she's fuckin 30! Talk about damm good genetics and what to look forward to in the later years. Goddamn!
I know, I know. Believe me it's hard as fuck. Known my woman 16 years. Been with her going on 6. She's been with me thru a lot of shit and deserves better than this but I can't let her go. My gumar on the other hand is beyond a dime and smart as hell and also deserves better but knows where she stands and has been okay with it for over a year. If I wasn't with my woman, I'd be with her n her alone. She's bi too so that adds to the jackpot lol and get this, she's fuckin 30! Talk about damm good genetics and what to look forward to in the later years. Goddamn!

Well I can understand what your saying on you being a asshole;) ya buddy she's definitely beautiful.
I know, I know. Believe me it's hard as fuck. Known my woman 16 years. Been with her going on 6. She's been with me thru a lot of shit and deserves better than this but I can't let her go. My gumar on the other hand is beyond a dime and smart as hell and also deserves better but knows where she stands and has been okay with it for over a year. If I wasn't with my woman, I'd be with her n her alone. She's bi too so that adds to the jackpot lol and get this, she's fuckin 30! Talk about damm good genetics and what to look forward to in the later years. Goddamn!
Ah yes. If it wasn't for that pesky woman your with...:rolleyes:
Pretty fuct man
Dude.... Side chick??? Lol that should be the only chick!!! Unless she's crazy which most hot ones are

Hit the nail on the head there lol we're both dagos so we get each other to a T, it's very hard because my girl isn't and we're polar opposites but it works. If I would've meet my side chick a year or two earlier I wouldn't be with my woman. But the big guy upstairs had other plans for me I guess
Guess u missed a lot of church lol
Sarcasm missed...slightly ironic and humorous that illegal substance in the us without a script is fine to discuss...but a side piece of tail is a deal breaker. there is a ton of religious forums to make yall feel good... the rest of us want to enjoy of few pics of side tail.
Dude, wtf is that shit all over her face ... Oh wait, sorry. Thought I wiped that all up. I'd be home about 1 night a week. Maybe.

All good bro, only problem is she's a stickler for doing that dirty hot ass little number where she wipes her facci and tits with her hand and then looks at you and licks them clean with that "I definitely got daddy issues look" oh wait you meant your screen from jerkin' it, my bad. All good bro :D yeah she makes it hard to be home sometime but when I get a minute n can blur it out I'll post a pic of the Mrs and then it'll be easier to understand how I balance my time lol