Ok lets see your ladies!!!

All good bro, only problem is she's a stickler for doing that dirty hot ass little number where she wipes her facci and tits with her hand and then looks at you and licks them clean with that "I definitely got daddy issues look" oh wait you meant your screen from jerkin' it, my bad. All good bro :D yeah she makes it hard to be home sometime but when I get a minute n can blur it out I'll post a pic of the Mrs and then it'll be easier to understand how I balance my time lol
fuck bro...you just became my hero.
Damn, did I mention my side chick is into chicks? I'm thinking play date lol if she's your wifey then I apologize and am just paying respect where it's due

@engman much appreciated but don't sell yourself short, you yourself can have a life like this for the small one time fee of YOUR SOUL! :p thanks brother!
hahaha... i keep my shit clean. my girl is latina (mexican telemundo if you catch my drift). beautiful but fucking looks and checks on my shit daily...even after 5 years. She shot at me with my .357. yes the bullet hole is still in the wall. luckiest day of my life. i deserved it... so now i live my life through the men that are braver than me.
hahaha... so now i live my life through the men that are braver than me.

We're something alright. Dunno if I'd call it braver though. I've been in the same boat, but she grabbed the piece i doing keep hot thank God. it's never worth it to see them in pain when they find out tho. That's why I do whatever I have to to keep them from it! Well almost anything :p sorry to get this thread so off topic guys
thanks caveman72...she's a keeper. 50 yrs old and still ppl look at me like I've robbed the cradle

Pisses my daughter off terribly....they go places and people always ask if they are sisters.
Damn I almost forgot. Whats a sexy ass pic of my ol young lady without your boy Skull in it huh, Bahahaha¿¿¿¿:p:D:cool: This is how Skull be gettin down up in here;);)
2015-10-31 22.57.33.jpg

Had a buddy send me this and had to share. Wouldn't destroy that for big money.