pbt’s 24’-25’ fall-winter long offseason log

Starts 22nd of September, Ends 19th of March

The gear
-150mg Test E (QSC)
-157.5mg Nand Pp (JY)
-120mg Tren A (QSC)
-120mg Trest A (JY)

-100mg Dbol (JY) (first and last 8-9weeks)
-100mg Adrol (JY) (first and last 8-9weeks)

The Ancillary’s
-Micronutrient supplements (Dosed to achieve the RDA for every micronutrient)
-Generic run o’ mill Pre-workout
-Milk Thistle

The Diet
-6 meals split 3 hours apart
-2g protein per lb bw
-Low fats
-High Carbs

-6.5L water
-2.3g sodium
-1000cal surplus (aiming for a net gain of 2lbs a week)
-38g fibre

Protein sources:
-Low sodium tuna in water
-Other white fish
-99/1 ground turkey and chicken breast (IF I CAN FIND IT :/ )
-Egg whites
-Fat free whey iso

Carb sources:
-White rice
-Fat and sugar free breakfast cereals
-other fat and sugar free sources of carbs
(I don’t think sugar is bad for you, I just prefer to get my carbs in the form of starches)

The Training
-daily lifts on a 4 day split, reps within 10-12 range, ~1.5-2hours per sesh
-training from a bodybuilding stance, I’m not a cross-fitter and don’t like yoga
-Cardio? Never heard of her
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