PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Y'all jumping on the panda train already?

Shit don't look right to me--) Still waiting on some pics @CdnGuy asked for....

It can't be price cause everything from China is cheap:)
They MIGHT turn out to be good guys

But @Leonard Washington & @PuddlePiratePunk being so new and didn't take much to pull there arm;)

And @Cyrix hangs out mostly in advice, prework out threads... haven't seen much in underground and suddenly want purple panda

Again... nothing against u three---- prolly solid dudes.... maybe.... just can't put much weight behind ur bloods just sayin
well if it turn out badly atleast you know 100% so there's no doubt and don't say your already 100% sure since if you were you'd be doing something productive on a Saturday not spending it here arguing with everyone
well if it turn out badly atleast you know 100% so there's no doubt and don't say your already 100% sure since if you were you'd be doing something productive on a Saturday not spending it here arguing with everyone
Plus I actually didn't order it's coming from someone I bought lunch for:D I'm just buying 30$ worth off him:cool:
How or why you're getting it doesn't really matter. I bought test and tbol to try if it's good or bad I'll post about it. Im currently running pfizer Test C so I can't see subbing in a UGL test... though I had thought about it.
@purplepandalabs are you gonna post those pictures or throw in the towel? Do something! Your letting the Meso drama distract us and stall.

Pictures with date and Meso.
I wanna see gear and powder.
And more of the pictures before with the tags in it that were asked for.

Speaking of the drama. That's shits really gotta stop.
It's petty unnecessary stabs being made on both sides.
This thread has little to no drama compared to what it could be. If @Ickyrica didnt say shit, this thread would be demolished by now. But, then we got the ultimate warrior spitting out knowledge and ready to take one for Meso and a fucking Dave Chappelle character ready to pull the trig...makes this Swole Panda look less credible. And @PuddlePiratePunk idk whats that about...maybe these pandas will be g2g...who the fuck knows anymore
I've got reservations from newer member bloods as well. It's a trust thing for me. Hopefully my history here puts me in a category where my bloods will be taken for what that are, no matter the outcome.

Truth be told, I was hoping for a much more solid intro from @purplepandalabs
I am underwhelmed with how they are handling themselves and expect a solid about face but what I've come to realize is this usually doesn't happen.
well if it turn out badly atleast you know 100% so there's no doubt and don't say your already 100% sure since if you were you'd be doing something productive on a Saturday not spending it here arguing with everyone

Honestly I'd never order from China, customs a bitch and got to much to loose to try and scoop raws....

I'd pay extra 5 bucks and get domestic or Europe even....

Im in this thread actually cause it said purple panda---- kinda made me laugh

No argument intended -- do what u want to do, as I know you will..... I made that comment only because that's how I feel and so others could see and decide for there self..

honestly hope it works out abscess free and that you get those panda gains your looking for.
This thread has little to no drama compared to what it could be
very true. These threads tend to end up badly. We are like wolves on a meat truck and I'm very surprised it hasn't been pushed to that point.

If my pending bloods are in anyway causing this delay in a metaphorical ass raping, PPL needs to realize it's time to satisfy what Meso requires sooner than later.

Wanted a Saturday draw but it will have to happen Monday. 2017-03-18_14.33.03.jpg
very true. These threads tend to end up badly. We are like wolves on a meat truck and I'm very surprised it hasn't been pushed to that point.

If my pending bloods are in anyway causing this delay in a metaphorical ass raping, PPL needs to realize it's time to satisfy what Meso requires sooner than later.

Wanted a Saturday draw but it will have to happen Monday. View attachment 64304
Personally, when i first saw this thread and saw what you said, i backed off. You are definitely a trusted member in this community and your word holds weight....nothing to say about anyone else ATM.
Thank you for that @DrinkFlintWater I'm about a year into my stay at Meso and I feel like I'm still the new kid.

Bloods are important, obviously. I finally am in a position to help out the group with something other than pics of food or some retarded joke or whatever. It's nice to be able to contribute on a larger scale.

From what I have experienced with PPL so far I will say that I am a happy camper BUT bloods do tell a tale. A member I haven't seen in a while had a thread about the power of placebo...
I've got reservations from newer member bloods as well. It's a trust thing for me. Hopefully my history here puts me in a category where my bloods will be taken for what that are, no matter the outcome.

Truth be told, I was hoping for a much more solid intro from @purplepandalabs
I am underwhelmed with how they are handling themselves and expect a solid about face but what I've come to realize is this usually doesn't happen.
You give me hope grandpa:D I actually flipped a coin with this one. Had a aquitance who was readily waiting so I said order a small amount from here since his source was practically a coke dealer who sold baking soda... If it's no good I'm out 30$ no big deal that's a meal at mcdonalds for me
Still waiting on pics of inventory, pics of raws and oils would be nice! Ppl u said the shit was legal in china, so what is the delay. I'd have to sell my kids to afford caber, didn't know the shit was that pricey!! Good god
From the research I've done, he had some issues with generic hgh, but who hasn't. I seen an issue with epistane, that tested poorly, by I believe @jano , which depending on who you ask is either a good or bad thing.

From my research, I've never seen any customer service issues, or accusations of scamming.

On reddit (which I am NOT a member of, just to be clear) there's a lot of bloodwork on his stuff, and from what I've seen, they come back within acceptable ranges.

I'm not savvy enough to critique his testing methods, maybe someone with know how can interpret the raw data. I believe it's posted on the site.

He's on a short list of suppliers I've been considering trying out. But have been holding off. Honestly, I've thought to myself, I actually hoped he'd come to meso, because if he can survive the meso "vetting", and maintain his professionalism, it'd be a good sign.

If he sticks around for a while, maybe I will.

@purplepandalabs does that 5%off meso discount expire?
very true. These threads tend to end up badly. We are like wolves on a meat truck and I'm very surprised it hasn't been pushed to that point.

If my pending bloods are in anyway causing this delay in a metaphorical ass raping, PPL needs to realize it's time to satisfy what Meso requires sooner than later.

Wanted a Saturday draw but it will have to happen Monday. View attachment 64304
Good luck and hope this works out for you. The devil is in the numbers!
Hey Meso,

I'm SwolePanda owner of Purple Panda Labs. I've come here to offer our quality Raws to the members of Meso. We are a verified source on Reddits SST. We have lots of reviews on SST for anyone to check out. All of our Raws are hplc tested and the test report is listed on our website under the compound.

You can view our current stock on our website. Please order off the website or feel free to email us your order. We are offering a 5% discount for Meso users who want to give us a try, the coupon code is: Meso777. Please just email us the promo code and order number and we'll apply it.
Besides the previously requested pics
you should consider buying chemical test kits and post pics/videos of your test results
besides labmax/roid test
you can also use these ones:
Labmax-like roid tests with cheap Ebay chemicals? Here's how
they are pretty cheap so there's no excuse